Hi, I am new to threads and have made a test program. The code is short. I am trying to control each thread. I am not sure if my method is right. Can someone please help? I can not find the answer in books or on the internet, though, it could be my own mindset. I am getting the following error:
############# Start javac output #########################
exec: javac -g threadTest.java
threadTest.java:13: cannot find symbol
symbol : method getcalcDone()
location: class java.lang.Thread
while (t1.getcalcDone() == false); //This loop will run till thread 1 has made it's calculation.
threadTest.java:21: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable t1
location: class threadTest
t1.calc(5, 3); // This SHOULD add 5 and 3 together. Not sure if I can control individual threads like this.
threadTest.java:22: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable t1
location: class threadTest
t2.calc(t1.results, 10); // Add the results of the first calculation and 10 together.
threadTest.java:22: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable t2
location: class threadTest
t2.calc(t1.results, 10); // Add the results of the first calculation and 10 together.
4 errors
############# End javac output #########################
############# Start Java Code #########################
################## End Java Code #######################import java.util.*; public class threadTest extends Thread { public static void main(String[] args) { Thread t1 = new threadTest(); Thread t2 = new threadTest(); t1.start(); while (t1.getcalcDone() == false); //This loop will run till thread 1 has made it's calculation. t2.start(); } public void run() { t1.calc(5, 3); // This SHOULD add 5 and 3 together. Not sure if I can control individual threads like this. t2.calc(t1.results, 10); // Add the results of the first calculation and 10 together. } } class Thread1 extends Thread { int a = 0; int b = 0; int results = 0; boolean calcDone = false; public Thread1(int a, int b) { this.a = a; this.b = b; } void calc(int a, int b) { results = a + b; calcDone = true; } boolean getcalcDone() { return calcDone; } }
Thank you for any ideas.