HybridJava is a Java™-based component-oriented MVC technology for programming dynamic web content. Like JSP, this technology provides for combining HTML and JAVA code in one source file. JSP proved to be a somewhat inconvenient solution, with ultimately cumbersome syntax, lack of immediate syntax control for both Java and HTML and poor support of code reuse and factorization. Later introduction of custom tags did not add much convenience either. HybridJava offers a smarter compilable language instead of JSP.
Each HybridJava component conforms to MVC paradigm. Other frameworks also use term "component", however they refer to building blocks of page-level Model, page-level Controller, or page-level View.
HybridJava technology implementation basically consists of two parts – a Compiler from HybridJava Language and a Framework. The latter also serves as the runtime of the Compiler. The compiler processes files .page and .widget and generates Java sources of pages that fit the MVC framework on construction. HybridJava API is wrapped around standard Servlet API, and operates on pages and components.
HybridJava Language is easy to learn for those who already know just Java and HTML, since it is about 46% Java and 46% HTML. Java is also our Expression Language.
The HybridJava Framework API is pretty compact - only about two dozens of methods total. The overall size of HybridJava technology documentation is less than 15 pages. HybridJava page rendering works very fast. The only configuration needed is the standard web.xml file. HybridJava API supports validation.
For more details, examples and download see Introduction
As of December 2010 the technology is version 1.02. All the run-time code (the framework in a narrow sense) is now Open Source. At the moment the technology is promoted for free. A big effort completed on making the website texts more understandable.