The Java Web Model Service architecture is based on MVC.It improves all disadvantages ,and add some adavantages points to it.As Struts comes to help us to implement our project based on MVC , we need maplet to implement JWMS architecture.These maplets are based on those old Servlets ,with some new featurs.
Purpose of JWMS architecture is that, to have a JSP page for every job of your actors in UML diagrams. And those all actions start from a request JSP page ,and continue with one or more maplets ,and then finish with a response JSP page (for all possibles response ) through a flow just like your UML diagrams.
Now there isn't any need to make a JSP page for every possible response (for example a proper response for empty fields and an other proper respose for errors ...) like before.Instead, the all things you need is that to create a response jsp page and tag it.A tag for success message a tag for error and so on.
As you see , every thing is very simple.Also, you can be a project manager too !!!
An other ability of maplet is that ,you don't need to carry parameters with yourself by using session or application.Maplet gets all parameters from the first page and cross it to an other maplet or JSP.For reaching these parameters you just need to define a public String variable as the same name of parameter in first JSP page.The content of this variable is the same as user inputted parameter(with out doing any job!).
We are not magicians , we just know how to work with URL !!!
If you want to send any parameter to next maplet ,add it to URL as the same !!!
For more information and knowing how to work with AddURL(),forward(),... read the complete document from below link :
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