I have successfully written and executed "Hello World" program using JMS. I have also understood the concept behind integration of distributed applications asynchronously using JMS and JMS Vendor products like Sun Java Messaging Queue.
My question is how a messaging product understands two different applications. For example, I want to integrate information from SAP application and a Microsoft Application. SAP data is stored in one application server and Microsoft Application uses SQL Server as back-end database.
Now I would like to integrate SAP ERP system with Microsoft Application using SQL Server. In order to achieve integration of these two applications using JMS and a messaging product, what should be done in Java's JMS, what should be done in Messaing product and what should be done in the two applications>
First of all, such an integraion is possible using JMS and messaging product?
I want a clarity and I request any of the forum expert reply breifly how to achieve successful integration.
K. Rangarajan
Java Programmer