this is the io portion and starting skeletonimport java.util.*; import*; import java.lang.*; public class Tester { public static void main(String Args[]) { Scanner KbReader = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Hello I(Aaron James Rasmussen) have made this program to help with your cost/time/profit deals"); System.out.println("How much money do you have?"); int money = KbReader.nextInt(); System.out.println("What is the maximum number of available tanks you have?"); int tank = KbReader.nextInt(); System.out.println("What level are you?"); int level = KbReader.nextInt();
this is where it defines the price of every fishint maxfish = tank * 50; int catfishcost = 30000; int greensnappercost = 10; int whitebunnyfishcost = 55; int royalgrammacost = 100000; int walruscost = 15000; int sharkcost = 10000; int bandedbutterflycost = 80; int swordfishcost = 12000; int dolphincost = 35000; int penguincost = 42000; int electriceelcost = 75000; int boxfishcost = 26000; int scottfairyfishcost = 48000; int chromiscost = 175; int goldendwarfcost = 280; int bluehippofishcost = 3500; int pinkskunkclownfishcost = 2500000; int lolipopfishcost = 25000; int purpletangcost = 3000; int borboniusanthiascost = 1500000;
these are for those fish that have level requirements seen belowint availableshark = 0; int availablebandedbutterfly = 0; int availableswordfish = 0; int availabledolphin = 0; int availablepenguin = 0; int availableelectriceel = 0; int availablechromis = 0; int availablegoldendwarf = 0;
here is where it how many fish im able to buy of each and makes sure that it doesnt go past the maximum fish allowedint availablecatfish = catfishcost / money; if(availablecatfish > maxfish) availablecatfish = maxfish; availablecatfish = Math.round(availablecatfish); int availablegreensnapper = greensnappercost / money; if(availablegreensnapper > maxfish) availablegreensnapper = maxfish; availablegreensnapper = Math.round(availablegreensnapper); int availablewhitebunnyfish = whitebunnyfishcost / money; if(availablewhitebunnyfish > maxfish) availablewhitebunnyfish = maxfish; availablewhitebunnyfish = Math.round(availablewhitebunnyfish); int availableroyalgramma = royalgrammacost / money; if(availableroyalgramma > maxfish) availableroyalgramma = maxfish; availableroyalgramma = Math.round(availableroyalgramma); int availablewalrus = walruscost / money; if(availablewalrus > maxfish) availablewalrus = maxfish; availablewalrus = Math.round(availablewalrus); if(level > 39) { availableshark = sharkcost / money; if(availableshark > maxfish) availableshark = maxfish; } else availableshark = 0; availableshark = Math.round(availableshark); if(level > 8) { availablebandedbutterfly = bandedbutterflycost / money; if(availablebandedbutterfly > maxfish) availablebandedbutterfly = maxfish; } else availablebandedbutterfly = 0; availablebandedbutterfly = Math.round(availablebandedbutterfly); if(level > 29) { availableswordfish = swordfishcost / money; if(availableswordfish > maxfish) availableswordfish = maxfish; } else availableswordfish = 0; availableswordfish = Math.round(availableswordfish); if(level > 54) { availabledolphin = dolphincost / money; if(availabledolphin > maxfish) availabledolphin = maxfish; } else availabledolphin = 0; availabledolphin = Math.round(availabledolphin); if(level > 59) { availablepenguin = penguincost / money; if(availablepenguin > maxfish) availablepenguin = maxfish; } else availablepenguin = 0; availablepenguin = Math.round(availablepenguin); if(level > 64) { availableelectriceel = electriceelcost / money; if(availableelectriceel > maxfish) availableelectriceel = maxfish; } else availableelectriceel = 0; availableelectriceel = Math.round(availableelectriceel); int availableboxfish = boxfishcost / money; if(availableboxfish > maxfish) availableboxfish = maxfish; availableboxfish = Math.round(availableboxfish); int availablescottfairyfish = scottfairyfishcost / money; if(availablescottfairyfish > maxfish) availablescottfairyfish = maxfish; availablescottfairyfish = Math.round(availablescottfairyfish); if(level > 11) { availablechromis = chromiscost / money; if(availablechromis > maxfish) availablechromis = maxfish; } else availablechromis = 0; availablechromis = Math.round(availablechromis); if(level > 18) { availablegoldendwarf = goldendwarfcost / money; if(availablegoldendwarf > maxfish) availablegoldendwarf = maxfish; } else availablegoldendwarf = 0; availablegoldendwarf = Math.round(availablegoldendwarf); int availablebluehippofish = bluehippofishcost / money; if(availablebluehippofish > maxfish) availablebluehippofish = maxfish; availablebluehippofish = Math.round(availablebluehippofish); int availablepinkskunkclownfish = pinkskunkclownfishcost / money; if(availablepinkskunkclownfish > maxfish) availablepinkskunkclownfish = maxfish; availablepinkskunkclownfish = Math.round(availablepinkskunkclownfish); int availablelolipopfish = lolipopfishcost / money; if(availablelolipopfish > maxfish) availablelolipopfish = maxfish; availablelolipopfish = Math.round(availablelolipopfish); int availablepurpletang = purpletangcost / money; if(availablepurpletang > maxfish) availablepurpletang = maxfish; availablepurpletang = Math.round(availablepurpletang); int availableborboniusanthias = borboniusanthiascost / money; if(availableborboniusanthias > maxfish) availableborboniusanthias = maxfish; availableborboniusanthias = Math.round(availableborboniusanthias);
ok here is where the profit per fish is defined this should show how much profit each fish would get with defined moneydouble catfishprofit = (availablecatfish * 34500 * 1.2 - (availablecatfish * catfishcost)) / (10 / 3); double greensnapperprofit = (availablegreensnapper * 15 * 1.2 - (availablegreensnapper * greensnappercost)) * 3; double whitebunnyfishprofit = (availablewhitebunnyfish * 58 * 1.2 - (availablewhitebunnyfish * whitebunnyfishcost)) * (24 / 7); double royalgrammaprofit = (availableroyalgramma * 105000 * 1.2 - (availableroyalgramma * royalgrammacost)) / 3; double walrusprofit = (availablewalrus * 15300 * 1.2 - (availablewalrus * walruscost)) / 3; double sharkprofit = (availableshark * 11000 * 1.2 - (availableshark * sharkcost)) / 7; double bandedbutterflyprofit = (availablebandedbutterfly * 190 * 1.2) - (availablebandedbutterfly * bandedbutterflycost); double swordfishprofit = (availableswordfish * 13800 * 1.2 - (availableswordfish * swordfishcost)) / 4; double dolphinprofit = (availabledolphin * 42000 * 1.2 - (availabledolphin * dolphincost)) / 7; double penguinprofit = (availablepenguin * 48720 * 1.2 - (availablepenguin * penguincost)) / 5; double electriceelprofit = (availableelectriceel * 112500 * 1.2 - (availableelectriceel * electriceelcost)) / 4; double boxfishprofit = (availableboxfish * 26139 * 1.2 - (availableboxfish * boxfishcost)) / 2; double scottfairyfishprofit = (availablescottfairyfish * 48240 * 1.2 - (availablescottfairyfish * scottfairyfishcost)) / 2.5; double chromisprofit = (availablechromis * 290 * 1.2) - (availablechromis * chromiscost); double goldendwarfprofit = (availablegoldendwarf * 518 * 1.2) - (availablegoldendwarf * goldendwarfcost); double bluehippofishprofit = (availablebluehippofish * 3885 * 1.2 - (availablebluehippofish * bluehippofishcost)) / 2.5; double pinkskunkclownfishprofit = (availablepinkskunkclownfish * 2625000 * 1.2 - (availablepinkskunkclownfish * pinkskunkclownfishcost)) / 5; double lolipopfishprofit = (availablelolipopfish * 26250 * 1.2 - (availablelolipopfish * lolipopfishcost)) / 4; double purpletangprofit = (availablepurpletang * 3135 * 1.2 - (availablepurpletang * purpletangcost)) / 3; double borboniusanthiasprofit = (availableborboniusanthias * 1516500 * 1.2 - (availableborboniusanthias * borboniusanthiascost)) / 3;
the last part is all decision on which one is the best answer to the viewerif(catfishprofit >= greensnapperprofit && catfishprofit >= whitebunnyfishprofit && catfishprofit >= royalgrammaprofit && catfishprofit >= walrusprofit && catfishprofit >= sharkprofit && catfishprofit >= bandedbutterflyprofit && catfishprofit >= swordfishprofit && catfishprofit >= dolphinprofit && catfishprofit >= penguinprofit && catfishprofit >= electriceelprofit && catfishprofit >= boxfishprofit && catfishprofit >= scottfairyfishprofit && catfishprofit >= chromisprofit && catfishprofit >= goldendwarfprofit && catfishprofit >= bluehippofishprofit && catfishprofit >= pinkskunkclownfishprofit && catfishprofit >= lolipopfishprofit && catfishprofit >= purpletangprofit && catfishprofit >= borboniusanthiasprofit) System.out.println("Your best choice is catfish for $" + catfishprofit + " a day"); else if(greensnapperprofit >= catfishprofit && greensnapperprofit >= whitebunnyfishprofit && greensnapperprofit >= royalgrammaprofit && greensnapperprofit >= walrusprofit && greensnapperprofit >= sharkprofit && greensnapperprofit >= bandedbutterflyprofit && greensnapperprofit >= swordfishprofit && greensnapperprofit >= dolphinprofit && greensnapperprofit >= penguinprofit && greensnapperprofit >= electriceelprofit && greensnapperprofit >= boxfishprofit && greensnapperprofit >= scottfairyfishprofit && greensnapperprofit >= chromisprofit && greensnapperprofit >= goldendwarfprofit && greensnapperprofit >= bluehippofishprofit && greensnapperprofit >= pinkskunkclownfishprofit && greensnapperprofit >= lolipopfishprofit && greensnapperprofit >= purpletangprofit && greensnapperprofit >= borboniusanthiasprofit) System.out.println("Your best choice is greensnapper for $" + greensnapperprofit + " a day"); else if(whitebunnyfishprofit >= greensnapperprofit && whitebunnyfishprofit >= catfishprofit && whitebunnyfishprofit >= royalgrammaprofit && whitebunnyfishprofit >= walrusprofit && whitebunnyfishprofit >= sharkprofit && whitebunnyfishprofit >= bandedbutterflyprofit && whitebunnyfishprofit >= swordfishprofit && whitebunnyfishprofit >= dolphinprofit && whitebunnyfishprofit >= penguinprofit && whitebunnyfishprofit >= electriceelprofit && whitebunnyfishprofit >= boxfishprofit && whitebunnyfishprofit >= scottfairyfishprofit && whitebunnyfishprofit >= chromisprofit && whitebunnyfishprofit >= goldendwarfprofit && whitebunnyfishprofit >= bluehippofishprofit && whitebunnyfishprofit >= pinkskunkclownfishprofit && whitebunnyfishprofit >= lolipopfishprofit && whitebunnyfishprofit >= purpletangprofit && whitebunnyfishprofit >= borboniusanthiasprofit) System.out.println("Your best choice is whitebunnyfish for $" + whitebunnyfishprofit + " a day"); else if(royalgrammaprofit >= greensnapperprofit && royalgrammaprofit >= whitebunnyfishprofit && royalgrammaprofit >= catfishprofit && royalgrammaprofit >= walrusprofit && royalgrammaprofit >= sharkprofit && royalgrammaprofit >= bandedbutterflyprofit && royalgrammaprofit >= swordfishprofit && royalgrammaprofit >= dolphinprofit && royalgrammaprofit >= penguinprofit && royalgrammaprofit >= electriceelprofit && royalgrammaprofit >= boxfishprofit && royalgrammaprofit >= scottfairyfishprofit && royalgrammaprofit >= chromisprofit && royalgrammaprofit >= goldendwarfprofit && royalgrammaprofit >= bluehippofishprofit && royalgrammaprofit >= pinkskunkclownfishprofit && royalgrammaprofit >= lolipopfishprofit && royalgrammaprofit >= purpletangprofit && royalgrammaprofit >= borboniusanthiasprofit) System.out.println("Your best choice is royalgramma for $" + royalgrammaprofit + " a day"); else if(walrusprofit >= greensnapperprofit && walrusprofit >= whitebunnyfishprofit && walrusprofit >= royalgrammaprofit && walrusprofit >= catfishprofit && walrusprofit >= sharkprofit && walrusprofit >= bandedbutterflyprofit && walrusprofit >= swordfishprofit && walrusprofit >= dolphinprofit && walrusprofit >= penguinprofit && walrusprofit >= electriceelprofit && walrusprofit >= boxfishprofit && walrusprofit >= scottfairyfishprofit && walrusprofit >= chromisprofit && walrusprofit >= goldendwarfprofit && walrusprofit >= bluehippofishprofit && walrusprofit >= pinkskunkclownfishprofit && walrusprofit >= lolipopfishprofit && walrusprofit >= purpletangprofit && walrusprofit >= borboniusanthiasprofit) System.out.println("Your best choice is walrus for $" + walrusprofit + " a day"); else if(sharkprofit >= greensnapperprofit && sharkprofit >= whitebunnyfishprofit && sharkprofit >= royalgrammaprofit && sharkprofit >= walrusprofit && sharkprofit >= catfishprofit && sharkprofit >= bandedbutterflyprofit && sharkprofit >= swordfishprofit && sharkprofit >= dolphinprofit && sharkprofit >= penguinprofit && sharkprofit >= electriceelprofit && sharkprofit >= boxfishprofit && sharkprofit >= scottfairyfishprofit && sharkprofit >= chromisprofit && sharkprofit >= goldendwarfprofit && sharkprofit >= bluehippofishprofit && sharkprofit >= pinkskunkclownfishprofit && sharkprofit >= lolipopfishprofit && sharkprofit >= purpletangprofit && sharkprofit >= borboniusanthiasprofit) System.out.println("Your best choice is shark for $" + sharkprofit + " a day"); else if(bandedbutterflyprofit >= greensnapperprofit && bandedbutterflyprofit >= whitebunnyfishprofit && bandedbutterflyprofit >= royalgrammaprofit && bandedbutterflyprofit >= walrusprofit && bandedbutterflyprofit >= sharkprofit && bandedbutterflyprofit >= catfishprofit && bandedbutterflyprofit >= swordfishprofit && bandedbutterflyprofit >= dolphinprofit && bandedbutterflyprofit >= penguinprofit && bandedbutterflyprofit >= electriceelprofit && bandedbutterflyprofit >= boxfishprofit && bandedbutterflyprofit >= scottfairyfishprofit && bandedbutterflyprofit >= chromisprofit && bandedbutterflyprofit >= goldendwarfprofit && bandedbutterflyprofit >= bluehippofishprofit && bandedbutterflyprofit >= pinkskunkclownfishprofit && bandedbutterflyprofit >= lolipopfishprofit && bandedbutterflyprofit >= purpletangprofit && bandedbutterflyprofit >= borboniusanthiasprofit) System.out.println("Your best choice is bandedbutterfly for $" + bandedbutterflyprofit + " a day"); else if(swordfishprofit >= greensnapperprofit && swordfishprofit >= whitebunnyfishprofit && swordfishprofit >= royalgrammaprofit && swordfishprofit >= walrusprofit && swordfishprofit >= sharkprofit && swordfishprofit >= bandedbutterflyprofit && swordfishprofit >= catfishprofit && swordfishprofit >= dolphinprofit && swordfishprofit >= penguinprofit && swordfishprofit >= electriceelprofit && swordfishprofit >= boxfishprofit && swordfishprofit >= scottfairyfishprofit && swordfishprofit >= chromisprofit && swordfishprofit >= goldendwarfprofit && swordfishprofit >= bluehippofishprofit && swordfishprofit >= pinkskunkclownfishprofit && swordfishprofit >= lolipopfishprofit && swordfishprofit >= purpletangprofit && swordfishprofit >= borboniusanthiasprofit) System.out.println("Your best choice is swordfish for $" + swordfishprofit + " a day"); else if(dolphinprofit >= greensnapperprofit && dolphinprofit >= whitebunnyfishprofit && dolphinprofit >= royalgrammaprofit && dolphinprofit >= walrusprofit && dolphinprofit >= sharkprofit && dolphinprofit >= bandedbutterflyprofit && dolphinprofit >= swordfishprofit && dolphinprofit >= catfishprofit && dolphinprofit >= penguinprofit && dolphinprofit >= electriceelprofit && dolphinprofit >= boxfishprofit && dolphinprofit >= scottfairyfishprofit && dolphinprofit >= chromisprofit && dolphinprofit >= goldendwarfprofit && dolphinprofit >= bluehippofishprofit && dolphinprofit >= pinkskunkclownfishprofit && dolphinprofit >= lolipopfishprofit && dolphinprofit >= purpletangprofit && dolphinprofit >= borboniusanthiasprofit) System.out.println("Your best choice is dolphin for $" + dolphinprofit + " a day"); else if(penguinprofit >= greensnapperprofit && penguinprofit >= whitebunnyfishprofit && penguinprofit >= royalgrammaprofit && penguinprofit >= walrusprofit && penguinprofit >= sharkprofit && penguinprofit >= bandedbutterflyprofit && penguinprofit >= swordfishprofit && penguinprofit >= dolphinprofit && penguinprofit >= catfishprofit && penguinprofit >= electriceelprofit && penguinprofit >= boxfishprofit && penguinprofit >= scottfairyfishprofit && penguinprofit >= chromisprofit && penguinprofit >= goldendwarfprofit && penguinprofit >= bluehippofishprofit && penguinprofit >= pinkskunkclownfishprofit && penguinprofit >= lolipopfishprofit && penguinprofit >= purpletangprofit && penguinprofit >= borboniusanthiasprofit) System.out.println("Your best choice is penguin for $" + penguinprofit + " a day"); else if(electriceelprofit >= greensnapperprofit && electriceelprofit >= whitebunnyfishprofit && electriceelprofit >= royalgrammaprofit && electriceelprofit >= walrusprofit && electriceelprofit >= sharkprofit && electriceelprofit >= bandedbutterflyprofit && electriceelprofit >= swordfishprofit && electriceelprofit >= dolphinprofit && electriceelprofit >= penguinprofit && electriceelprofit >= catfishprofit && electriceelprofit >= boxfishprofit && electriceelprofit >= scottfairyfishprofit && electriceelprofit >= chromisprofit && electriceelprofit >= goldendwarfprofit && electriceelprofit >= bluehippofishprofit && electriceelprofit >= pinkskunkclownfishprofit && electriceelprofit >= lolipopfishprofit && electriceelprofit >= purpletangprofit && electriceelprofit >= borboniusanthiasprofit) System.out.println("Your best choice is electriceel for $" + electriceelprofit + " a day"); else if(boxfishprofit >= greensnapperprofit && boxfishprofit >= whitebunnyfishprofit && boxfishprofit >= royalgrammaprofit && boxfishprofit >= walrusprofit && boxfishprofit >= sharkprofit && boxfishprofit >= bandedbutterflyprofit && boxfishprofit >= swordfishprofit && boxfishprofit >= dolphinprofit && boxfishprofit >= penguinprofit && boxfishprofit >= electriceelprofit && boxfishprofit >= catfishprofit && boxfishprofit >= scottfairyfishprofit && boxfishprofit >= chromisprofit && boxfishprofit >= goldendwarfprofit && boxfishprofit >= bluehippofishprofit && boxfishprofit >= pinkskunkclownfishprofit && boxfishprofit >= lolipopfishprofit && boxfishprofit >= purpletangprofit && boxfishprofit >= borboniusanthiasprofit) System.out.println("Your best choice is boxfish for $" + boxfishprofit + " a day"); else if(scottfairyfishprofit >= greensnapperprofit && scottfairyfishprofit >= whitebunnyfishprofit && scottfairyfishprofit >= royalgrammaprofit && scottfairyfishprofit >= walrusprofit && scottfairyfishprofit >= sharkprofit && scottfairyfishprofit >= bandedbutterflyprofit && scottfairyfishprofit >= swordfishprofit && scottfairyfishprofit >= dolphinprofit && scottfairyfishprofit >= penguinprofit && scottfairyfishprofit >= electriceelprofit && scottfairyfishprofit >= boxfishprofit && scottfairyfishprofit >= catfishprofit && scottfairyfishprofit >= chromisprofit && scottfairyfishprofit >= goldendwarfprofit && scottfairyfishprofit >= bluehippofishprofit && scottfairyfishprofit >= pinkskunkclownfishprofit && scottfairyfishprofit >= lolipopfishprofit && scottfairyfishprofit >= purpletangprofit && scottfairyfishprofit >= borboniusanthiasprofit) System.out.println("Your best choice is scottfairyfish for $" + scottfairyfishprofit + " a day"); else if(chromisprofit >= greensnapperprofit && chromisprofit >= whitebunnyfishprofit && chromisprofit >= royalgrammaprofit && chromisprofit >= walrusprofit && chromisprofit >= sharkprofit && chromisprofit >= bandedbutterflyprofit && chromisprofit >= swordfishprofit && chromisprofit >= dolphinprofit && chromisprofit >= penguinprofit && chromisprofit >= electriceelprofit && chromisprofit >= boxfishprofit && chromisprofit >= scottfairyfishprofit && chromisprofit >= catfishprofit && chromisprofit >= goldendwarfprofit && chromisprofit >= bluehippofishprofit && chromisprofit >= pinkskunkclownfishprofit && chromisprofit >= lolipopfishprofit && chromisprofit >= purpletangprofit && chromisprofit >= borboniusanthiasprofit) System.out.println("Your best choice is chromis for $" + chromisprofit + " a day"); else if(goldendwarfprofit >= greensnapperprofit && goldendwarfprofit >= whitebunnyfishprofit && goldendwarfprofit >= royalgrammaprofit && goldendwarfprofit >= walrusprofit && goldendwarfprofit >= sharkprofit && goldendwarfprofit >= bandedbutterflyprofit && goldendwarfprofit >= swordfishprofit && goldendwarfprofit >= dolphinprofit && goldendwarfprofit >= penguinprofit && goldendwarfprofit >= electriceelprofit && goldendwarfprofit >= boxfishprofit && goldendwarfprofit >= scottfairyfishprofit && goldendwarfprofit >= chromisprofit && goldendwarfprofit >= catfishprofit && goldendwarfprofit >= bluehippofishprofit && goldendwarfprofit >= pinkskunkclownfishprofit && goldendwarfprofit >= lolipopfishprofit && goldendwarfprofit >= purpletangprofit && goldendwarfprofit >= borboniusanthiasprofit) System.out.println("Your best choice is goldendwarf for $" + goldendwarfprofit + " a day"); else if(bluehippofishprofit >= greensnapperprofit && bluehippofishprofit >= whitebunnyfishprofit && bluehippofishprofit >= royalgrammaprofit && bluehippofishprofit >= walrusprofit && bluehippofishprofit >= sharkprofit && bluehippofishprofit >= bandedbutterflyprofit && bluehippofishprofit >= swordfishprofit && bluehippofishprofit >= dolphinprofit && bluehippofishprofit >= penguinprofit && bluehippofishprofit >= electriceelprofit && bluehippofishprofit >= boxfishprofit && bluehippofishprofit >= scottfairyfishprofit && bluehippofishprofit >= chromisprofit && bluehippofishprofit >= goldendwarfprofit && bluehippofishprofit >= catfishprofit && bluehippofishprofit >= pinkskunkclownfishprofit && bluehippofishprofit >= lolipopfishprofit && bluehippofishprofit >= purpletangprofit && bluehippofishprofit >= borboniusanthiasprofit) System.out.println("Your best choice is bluehippofish for $" + bluehippofishprofit + " a day"); else if(pinkskunkclownfishprofit >= greensnapperprofit && pinkskunkclownfishprofit >= whitebunnyfishprofit && pinkskunkclownfishprofit >= royalgrammaprofit && pinkskunkclownfishprofit >= walrusprofit && pinkskunkclownfishprofit >= sharkprofit && pinkskunkclownfishprofit >= bandedbutterflyprofit && pinkskunkclownfishprofit >= swordfishprofit && pinkskunkclownfishprofit >= dolphinprofit && pinkskunkclownfishprofit >= penguinprofit && pinkskunkclownfishprofit >= electriceelprofit && pinkskunkclownfishprofit >= boxfishprofit && pinkskunkclownfishprofit >= scottfairyfishprofit && pinkskunkclownfishprofit >= chromisprofit && pinkskunkclownfishprofit >= goldendwarfprofit && pinkskunkclownfishprofit >= bluehippofishprofit && pinkskunkclownfishprofit >= catfishprofit && pinkskunkclownfishprofit >= lolipopfishprofit && pinkskunkclownfishprofit >= purpletangprofit && pinkskunkclownfishprofit >= borboniusanthiasprofit) System.out.println("Your best choice is pinkskunkclownfish for $" + pinkskunkclownfishprofit + " a day"); else if(lolipopfishprofit >= greensnapperprofit && lolipopfishprofit >= whitebunnyfishprofit && lolipopfishprofit >= royalgrammaprofit && lolipopfishprofit >= walrusprofit && lolipopfishprofit >= sharkprofit && lolipopfishprofit >= bandedbutterflyprofit && lolipopfishprofit >= swordfishprofit && lolipopfishprofit >= dolphinprofit && lolipopfishprofit >= penguinprofit && lolipopfishprofit >= electriceelprofit && lolipopfishprofit >= boxfishprofit && lolipopfishprofit >= scottfairyfishprofit && lolipopfishprofit >= chromisprofit && lolipopfishprofit >= goldendwarfprofit && lolipopfishprofit >= bluehippofishprofit && lolipopfishprofit >= pinkskunkclownfishprofit && lolipopfishprofit >= catfishprofit && lolipopfishprofit >= purpletangprofit && lolipopfishprofit >= borboniusanthiasprofit) System.out.println("Your best choice is lolipopfish for $" + lolipopfishprofit + " a day"); else if(purpletangprofit >= greensnapperprofit && purpletangprofit >= whitebunnyfishprofit && purpletangprofit >= royalgrammaprofit && purpletangprofit >= walrusprofit && purpletangprofit >= sharkprofit && purpletangprofit >= bandedbutterflyprofit && purpletangprofit >= swordfishprofit && purpletangprofit >= dolphinprofit && purpletangprofit >= penguinprofit && purpletangprofit >= electriceelprofit && purpletangprofit >= boxfishprofit && purpletangprofit >= scottfairyfishprofit && purpletangprofit >= chromisprofit && purpletangprofit >= goldendwarfprofit && purpletangprofit >= bluehippofishprofit && purpletangprofit >= pinkskunkclownfishprofit && purpletangprofit >= lolipopfishprofit && purpletangprofit >= catfishprofit && purpletangprofit >= borboniusanthiasprofit) System.out.println("Your best choice is purpletang for $" + purpletangprofit + " a day"); else if(borboniusanthiasprofit >= greensnapperprofit && borboniusanthiasprofit >= whitebunnyfishprofit && borboniusanthiasprofit >= royalgrammaprofit && borboniusanthiasprofit >= walrusprofit && borboniusanthiasprofit >= sharkprofit && borboniusanthiasprofit >= bandedbutterflyprofit && borboniusanthiasprofit >= swordfishprofit && borboniusanthiasprofit >= dolphinprofit && borboniusanthiasprofit >= penguinprofit && borboniusanthiasprofit >= electriceelprofit && borboniusanthiasprofit >= boxfishprofit && borboniusanthiasprofit >= scottfairyfishprofit && borboniusanthiasprofit >= chromisprofit && borboniusanthiasprofit >= goldendwarfprofit && borboniusanthiasprofit >= bluehippofishprofit && borboniusanthiasprofit >= pinkskunkclownfishprofit && borboniusanthiasprofit >= lolipopfishprofit && borboniusanthiasprofit >= catfishprofit && borboniusanthiasprofit >= purpletangprofit) System.out.println("Your best choice is borboniusanthias for $" + borboniusanthiasprofit + " a day"); } }