What I want to do is when a user logs in, it changes the panel inside the current JFrame from the one used to login to the welcome screen which then the user can select features to use to or start and so on...
What I can't get the program to do is remove the panels and add new ones. I don't actually know how to do this effectively and the documentation I have found has been way to confusing and unorganized.
I'm only going to post the if section as I have a dialog box that pops up confirming the code can get that far in the program but wont do what I want with the panels.
if(opass.equals(dbpass)){ String result = "Entered Correct stuff."; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, result); intro.Intro intro = new intro.Intro(); intro.remove(panel); intro.remove(panel_1); intro.Welcome welc = new intro.Welcome(); welc.add(panel); welc.add(panel_1); } else { //INSERT CODE }