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Thread: Can I pass character array to new method?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Can I pass character array to new method?

    Hello all. This is my first post! I am trying to teach myself a little Java. I have no coding experince.

    Anyway, is there a way to pass a character array to a new method? I am trying to create a "virtual 3d box." After the box has been created I want the user to enter a number which will change the box dimensions. (One Number will change both the height, width, and length). How do I pass my "this.box" character array to my growBox method? The character array are the dimensions of the box which I set as [1][1][1. After the user inserts the factor he wants to grow the box by I want to return the new dimensions to the main method. Your help would greatly be appreciated.

    public class Box {

    private char [][][] box;

    public void main(String[] args) {
    this.box= new char [1][1][1];

    public int[][][] growBox(int height, int width, int length){
    Scanner boxChange1 = new Scanner(System.in);
    System.out.println("By which factor would you like to grow the box?");
    int box = boxChange1.nextInt(); //Is this right?
    return box

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can I pass character array to new method?

    a way to pass a character array to a new method?
    You pass an array the same as you pass any other variable to a method.
    growBox(box,...); // pass the box array to the growBox method

    int[][] growBox(char[][][] anArray, ....) {

    Is this right?
    Compile it and execute it and see what happens.

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