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Thread: My AP CS Book Has Code Written in JRE5

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default My AP CS Book Has Code Written in JRE5

    The book I am currently using for my AP Computer Science course is Java Au Naturel and the files provided from the book, which are required to do the exercises, were all written in JRE5, which is now out of date. The first chapter was fine, and everything worked as expected. However, in chapter 2, the "Vic.java" file produces very random results, as well as warnings upon compilation. My first thought was to just go ahead and begin using the class anyway. So I copied a short program from the book which uses the class as a test. Unfortunately the results are never the same and incredibly inconsistent, creating random results.

    The warning states
    Vic.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations. Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details

    When I recompile with the compiler option -Xlint, the warning states
    [serial] serializable class Vic.VicFrame has no definition of serialVersionUID

    Here is the entirety of the code in question (Vic.java)
    // <pre>
    // Copy this file in its entirety to a file named Vic.java
    // Compile it before trying to compile any program that uses it
    // This implementation uses ArrayLists for the sequences of CDs
    // It also uses an initializer method to create the tableau before any Vics
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Vic
    	private static Stack theStack = new Stack();  // where spare CDs are kept
    	private ArrayList itsSequence;  // its slots
    	private int itsPos;             // 0,1,2,...; 0 is at front
    	private int itsID;              // 1 for first Vic, 2 for...
    	/** Return the current position as a String value.  */
    	public String getPosition()
    	{	return itsID + ", " + itsPos;
    	}	//======================
    	/** Tell whether there is a slot at its position.  */
    	public boolean seesSlot()
    	{	return itsPos < itsSequence.size();
    	}	//======================
    	/** Tell whether there is a CD in its current slot.  */
    	public boolean seesCD()
    	{	if (! seesSlot())
    			fail ("Can't see a CD where there is no slot!");
    		return itsSequence.get (itsPos) != null;
    	}	//======================
    	/** Return the CD that is in its current slot.  */
    	public String getCD()
    	{	if (! seesSlot())
    			fail ("There is no slot to get a CD from!");
    		return (String) itsSequence.get (itsPos);
    	}	//======================
    	/** Tell whether the stack has any CDs available. */
    	public static boolean stackHasCD()
    	{	return ! theStack.isEmpty();
    	}	//======================
    	/** Move forward to the next slot in the sequence. */
    	public void moveOn()
    	{	if (! seesSlot())
    			fail ("Already at the end of the sequence!");
    		trace ("moveOn to slot " + (itsPos + 1));
    	}	//======================
    	/** Back up to the previous slot in the sequence. */
    	public void backUp()
    	{	if (itsPos == 0)
    			fail ("Already at the front of the sequence!");
    		trace ("backUp to slot " + (itsPos + 1));
    	}	//======================
    	/** Move a CD from the stack to the current slot.  */
    	public void putCD()
    	{	if (! seesCD() && stackHasCD())
    			itsSequence.set (itsPos, theStack.pop());
    		trace ("putCD at slot " + (itsPos + 1));
    	}	//======================
    	/** Move a CD from the current slot to the stack.  */
    	public void takeCD()
    	{	if (seesCD())
    		{	theStack.push (itsSequence.get (itsPos));
    			itsSequence.set (itsPos, null);
    		trace ("takeCD at slot " + (itsPos + 1));
    	}	//======================
    	/** Terminate the program with an appropriate message.  */
    	private void fail (String cause)
    	{	JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "STOPPING: " + cause
    			      + "  (Vic #)" + itsID + ", position =" + itsPos);
    		System.exit (0);
    	}	//======================
    	/** Two convenience methods */
    	public void shiftFromSlotToStack()
    	{	takeCD();
    	}	//======================
    	public void shiftFromStackToSlot()
    	{	putCD();
    	}	//======================
    	private static String vicSay = "Programmable CD Organizer "
    	                             + "        mfd by Jones & Co.";
    	private static final VicFrame theFrame = new VicFrame();
    	public static void say (String message)
    	{	vicSay = message;
    	}	//======================
    	/** Print a trace of the Vic's action.  */
    	private void trace (String message)
    	{	System.out.println (message + " for Vic #" + itsID);
    		pause (500);  // half-a-second between actions
    	}	//======================
    	/** Pause for the specified number of milliseconds.  */
    	private static void pause (int milliseconds)
    	{	try
    		{	Thread.sleep (milliseconds);
    		catch (InterruptedException e)
    		{	// never happens
    	}	//======================
    	private static final int MAXSLOTS = 8;
    	private static final int MINSLOTS = 3;
    	private static final int MAXVICS  = 4;
    	private static final Random random = new Random();
    	private static int theMaxVics = random.nextInt (MAXVICS) + 1;
    	private static ArrayList[] theSeq = new ArrayList[theMaxVics];
    	private static int theNumVics = 0;
    	private static final Vic[] theVics = {null, null, null, null};
    	/** Initialize individual sequences and stacks.  An initializer method
    	    is used because these have to exist before any Vics are created. */
    	{	for (int k = 0;  k < theMaxVics;  k++)
    		{	theSeq[k] = new ArrayList();
    			int numSlots = random.nextInt (MAXSLOTS - MINSLOTS + 1)
    					                   + MINSLOTS;
    			for (int i = 0;  i < numSlots;  i++)
    			{	String it = random.nextInt (2) == 0  ?  null 
    				            : "" + (char) (i + 'a') + (k + 1);
    				theSeq[k].add (it);
    		// start with up to 2 CDs on the stack
    		if (random.nextInt (3) > 0)  // 2 times out of 3
    		{  theStack.push ("GarthB");
    			if (random.nextInt (2) == 0) // 1 time out of 3
    				theStack.push ("LyleL");
    	}	//======================
    	/** Construct a new Vic. */
    	public Vic()
    	{	super();
    		itsSequence =  theNumVics < theMaxVics
    				?   theSeq[theNumVics]   :  new ArrayList();
    		itsPos = 0;
    		itsID = theNumVics + 1;
    		theVics[theNumVics] = this;
    		trace ("construction");
    	}	//======================
    	/** Replace random arrangement by user-specified arrangement. */
    	public static void reset (String[] args)
    	{	if (args.length > 0 && theNumVics == 0)
    		{	theMaxVics = Math.min (args.length, MAXVICS);
    			theSeq = new ArrayList[theMaxVics];
    			for (int k = 0; k < theMaxVics;  k++)
    			{	theSeq[k] = new ArrayList();
    				int longest = Math.min (args[k].length(), MAXSLOTS);
    				for (int i = 0;  i < longest;  i++)
    				{	String it = args[k].charAt (i) == '0' ? null 
    					          : "" + (char)(i + 'a') + (k + 1);
    					theSeq[k].add (it);
    	}	//======================
    	static class VicFrame extends JFrame
    	{	private final int SLOT = 75;           // between CD slots
    		private final int EDGE = 10;           // leave free at left side
    		private final int WIDTH = (MAXSLOTS + 2) * SLOT + 2 * EDGE;
    		private final int DIST = 60;           // between CD sequences
    		private final int SAY = 45;            // depth of say's output
    		private final int TOPSEQ = SAY + DIST; // depth of first seq
    		public VicFrame()
    		{	addWindowListener (new Closer());
    			setSize (WIDTH, TOPSEQ + MAXVICS * DIST + 2 * EDGE);
    			setBackground (new Color (255, 252, 224)); // a nice cream
    	 		setVisible (true);    // make it visible to user
    		}	//======================
    		/** Same as for an applet; called by repaint. */
    		public void paint (Graphics page)  
    			page.setColor (getBackground());
    			page.fillRect (EDGE, EDGE, WIDTH - 2 * EDGE, 
    						       TOPSEQ + MAXVICS * DIST);
    			page.setColor (Color.white);
    			page.fillRect (20, SAY - 20, WIDTH - 40, 20);
    			page.setColor (new Color (0, 96, 0));  // a light green
    			page.drawString (vicSay, 25, SAY - 5); // message
    			for (int k = 0;  k < theMaxVics;  k++)
    				drawSequence (page, k, TOPSEQ + k * DIST);
    			page.setColor (Color.red);
    			int y = TOPSEQ + MAXVICS * DIST;
    			page.drawString ("stack", EDGE, y);
    			page.fillRect (EDGE, y - 25, 40, 5);  // dividing line
    			for (int k = 0;  k < theStack.size();  k++)
    				page.drawString ((String) theStack.get (k),
    					            EDGE, y - 30 - k * 20);
    		}	//======================
    		/** Called by VicFrame's paint method. */
    		private void drawSequence (Graphics page, int index, int y)
    		{	page.setColor (Color.red);
    			if (theVics[index] != null)
    				drawMacMan (page, theVics[index].itsPos, y - 15);
    			page.setColor (Color.blue);
    			drawAllCDs (page, y, theSeq[index]); 
    		}	//======================
    		private void drawAllCDs (Graphics page, int y,
    	      	                   ArrayList slots)
    		{	int atEnd = slots.size();
    			for (int n = 0;  n < atEnd;  n++)
    			{	String it = (String) slots.get (n);
    				page.drawString (it == null ? "---" : it, 
    						           (n + 1) * SLOT + EDGE, y);
    			page.drawString ("END", (atEnd + 1) * SLOT + EDGE, y);
    		}	//======================
    		private void drawMacMan (Graphics page, int pos, int y)
    		{	// <x, y> is the lower-left corner of the stick figure
    			int x = pos * SLOT + EDGE + 78;
    			page.setColor (Color.black);
    			page.drawLine (x,     y,      x + 6,  y - 6);  // leg
    			page.drawLine (x + 6, y - 6,  x + 12, y);      // leg
    			page.drawLine (x + 6, y - 6,  x + 6,  y - 18); // body
    			page.drawLine (x,     y - 14, x + 12, y - 14); // arms
    			page.drawOval (x + 1, y - 28, 10,     10);     // head
    			page.drawLine (x + 4, y - 25, x + 5,  y - 25); // eye
    			page.drawLine (x + 7, y - 25, x + 8,  y - 25); // eye
    			page.drawLine (x + 3, y - 22, x + 9,  y - 22); // mouth
    		}	//======================
    	} // end of VicFrame class
    	private static class Closer extends java.awt.event.WindowAdapter 
    		public void windowClosing (java.awt.event.WindowEvent e) 
    		{	System.exit (0);
    		}	//======================
    // </pre>

    And here is the application program which uses the Vic class
    public class MoveOne 
      // Take a CD from the third slot; put it in the second slot. 
      public static void main (String[ ] args)   
        {  Vic sue;          // 1 
           sue = new Vic();  // 2 
           sue.moveOn();     // 3  move to the second slot 
           sue.moveOn();     // 4  move to the third slot 
           sue.takeCD();     // 5  take CD from slot 3, put on stack 
           sue.backUp();     // 6  move back to the second slot 
           sue.putCD();      // 7  put CD in slot 2, taken from stack 

    I have already contacted my teacher (this is an online course) and so far he's told me to use "@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")" to get rid of the warnings. Of course, the warnings are suppressed, but the actual results are still the same. (Random and inconsistent) I've already taken enormous amounts of time googling for solutions to the errors, yet have found nothing of use. I sincerely hope that someone here will be able to help me, as I am becoming increasingly frustrated. Any help is greatly appreciated!


  2. #2
    Administrator copeg's Avatar
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    Default Re: My AP CS Book Has Code Written in JRE5

    Based upon the posted code, that warning should not be an indication of the unpredictable and random results you are observing (in other words, I wouldn't worry about it at the moment - use your teacher's advice).

    For what its worth, the code runs reproducibly for me.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: My AP CS Book Has Code Written in JRE5

    serializable class Vic.VicFrame has no definition of serialVersionUID
    An easy way to get rid of the warning would be to define the variable that is missing. Something like:
    final static long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    This should compile in any version.

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