I need my program to repeat the while loop if the student number = 0. How would you do this?
class Main { public static void main( String args[] ) { System.out.print("#Student Number:" ); int student = BIO.getInt(); System.out.print("#Coursework Mark:" ); int coursework = BIO.getInt(); System.out.print("#Exam Mark:" ); int exam = BIO.getInt(); while ( student > 0 ) { double result = (double) (exam + coursework) / 2; System.out.print( "SN="); System.out.print( student ); System.out.print( " EX= "); System.out.print( exam ); System.out.print( " CW= "); System.out.print( coursework ); System.out.print( " Mark = "); System.out.println( result ); System.out.print("#Student Number:" ); student = BIO.getInt(); System.out.print("#Coursework Mark:" ); coursework = BIO.getInt(); System.out.print("#Exam Mark:" ); exam = BIO.getInt(); } if ( student == 0) { } } }