Okay, you guys were awesome , last time, here I am again, stuck. I am writing an exam averager, using a do-while loop with an if/else thrown in there. Its functional, but I also need it to display the highest and the lowest integer entered by the user. I have laid out a double highScore and double lowScore for the values to be assigned to, but I can't figure out how to make the program identify the highest and lowest values entered.
I think it will be something like an "if / else-if" type of loop inside the already established if / else loop, but I don't know what to tell it to look for. any guidance??? Code attached...
import java.util.Scanner; /**computes the average of a user entered list of non-negative integers. *Will repeat until user idcated to stop. Will indicate largest / smallest integer. */ public class ExamAverager { public static void main (String [] args) { System.out.println ("This program will compute the average of a list of"); System.out.println ("non-negative test scores."); double sum; int numberOfStudents; double next; double highScore; double lowScore; String answer; Scanner keyboard = new Scanner (System.in); do { System.out.println (); System.out.println ("Enter all of the scores to be averaged."); System.out.println ("Enter a negative number when complete, to see results."); sum = 0; numberOfStudents = 0; next = keyboard.nextDouble (); while (next >= 0) { sum = sum + next; numberOfStudents++; next = keyboard.nextDouble (); } if (numberOfStudents >= 0) System.out.println ("The average is " + (sum / numberOfStudents)); else System.out.println ("No scores to average."); System.out.println ("Do you want to enter another test score?"); System.out.println ("Enter yes or no."); answer = keyboard.next (); } while (answer.equalsIgnoreCase ("yes")); } }