please I've been working on this for hours and I'm about to explode, I'm beulding a LinkedSeq<E> and I'm trying to create an addAll method, here's my class:
// File: based on the package edu.colorado.collections
// This is an assignment for after completion of Chapters 4 and 5
// of "Data Structures and Other Objects Using Java" by Michael Main.
* This class is a homework assignment;
* A LinkedSeq is a collection of objects that are kept in order.
* The sequence can have a special "current element," which is specified and 
* accessed through four methods that are not available in the bag class 
* (start, getCurrent, advance and isCurrent).
* @note
*   Beyond Int.MAX_VALUE elements, the size method does not work.
* @see
*   Based on the sequence with linked list assignment by Michael Main
*   in chapter 4 but using generic nodes from chapter 5
* @version
*   March 2007
* @author Implementation by Student name
public class LinkedSeq<E> implements Cloneable
	// Invariant of the LinkedSeq class:
	// 1. the number of items in the sequence is maintained in manyNodes  
	// 2. head points to the first node, if any, or it is null 
	// 3. tail points to the last node, if any, or it is null 
	// 4. if there is a current item, cursor points to it and  
	//    precursor points to the node before it, if any 
	// 5. if there is no current item, cursor and precursor are both null
	private Node<E> head, tail, cursor, precursor;
	private int manyNodes;
   * Initialize an empty sequence.
   * @param - none
   * @postcondition:
   *   This sequence is empty.
   public LinkedSeq( )
	   head = null;
	   tail= null;
	   cursor = null;
	   precursor = null;
	   manyNodes = 0;
   * Add a new element to this sequence, after the current element. 
   * @param element
   *   the new element that is being added
   * @postcondition:
   *   A new copy of the element has been added to this sequence. If there was
   *   a current element, then the new element is placed after the current
   *   element. If there was no current element, then the new element is placed
   *   at the end of the sequence. In all cases, the new element becomes the
   *   new current element of this sequence. 
   * @exception OutOfMemoryError
   *   Indicates insufficient memory for a new node.
   public void addAfter(E element)
          Node<E> newNode= new Node<E>(element, cursor.getLink());//create new node
           precursor = cursor;//move precursor
           cursor = newNode;//move cursor
           if(cursor.getLink() == null)
        	   tail = cursor;
            if(tail == null)
            {//when there is not a tail reference, there's no head reference either
                tail = new Node<E>(element, null);//create new node and point
                // tail to this new node
                cursor = tail;//move cursor to the new node
                precursor = null;//move precursor to tail
                head = tail;//move head to the same node as tail
            {//when tail is not null, there is a head, so do nothing there
                //precursor = tail;
            	Node<E> newNode= new Node<E>(element, tail.getLink());//create new node and point tail to
                // this new node
                if(cursor == null)
                	cursor = tail;
                precursor = tail;
                cursor = newNode;
                tail = cursor;
       manyNodes++;//update invariant
   * Add a new element to this sequence, before the current element. 
   * @param element
   *   the new element that is being added
   * @postcondition:
   *   A new copy of the element has been added to this sequence. If there was
   *   a current element, then the new element is placed before the current
   *   element. If there was no current element, then the new element is placed
   *   at the start of the sequence. In all cases, the new element becomes the
   *   new current element of this sequence. 
   * @exception OutOfMemoryError
   *   Indicates insufficient memory for a new node.
   public void addBefore(E element)
       {// if there is a current element
           {// where cursor is the head
               Node<E> newNode = new Node<E>(element, cursor);//add new node
               head = newNode;//move head
               cursor = head;
               precursor = null;
            {//if cursor is not the head
                Node<E> newNode = new Node<E>(element, cursor);//add new node
                cursor = newNode;
                head = precursor;
        {//no current element
            if(head == null)
            {//if head is null
                head = new Node<E>(element, null);
                cursor = head;//move cursor
                precursor = null;
                tail = head;//move tail
            {//otherwise, add the node after the precursor, before cursor
                Node<E> newNode = new Node<E>(element, head);//add after precursor
                head = newNode;
                cursor = head;
                precursor = null;
        manyNodes++;//update invariant
   * Place the contents of another sequence at the end of this sequence.
   * @param addend
   *   a sequence whose contents will be placed at the end of this sequence
   * @precondition:
   *   The parameter, addend, is not null. 
   * @postcondition:
   *   The elements from addend have been placed at the end of 
   *   this sequence. The current element of this sequence remains where it 
   *   was, and the addend is also unchanged.
   * @exception NullPointerException
   *   Indicates that addend is null. 
   * @exception OutOfMemoryError
   *   Indicates insufficient memory to increase the size of this sequence.
   public void addAll(LinkedSeq<E> addend)
	   if(addend == null)
		   throw new NullPointerException("addend is null");
	   //addend.head = this.tail;
	   tail = addend.tail;
	   //addend.tail = this.tail;
	   addend.cursor = null;
	   manyNodes += addend.manyNodes;
	   addend.tail = tail; 
	   //if(addend.tail.getLink() != null)
		  // addend.tail = addend.tail.getLink();
   * Move forward, so that the current element is now the next element in
   * this sequence.
   * @param - none
   * @precondition:
   *   isCurrent() returns true. 
   * @postcondition:
   *   If the current element was already the end element of this sequence 
   *   (with nothing after it), then there is no longer any current element. 
   *   Otherwise, the new element is the element immediately after the 
   *   original current element.
   * @exception IllegalStateException
   *   Indicates that there is no current element, so 
   *   advance may not be called.
   public void advance( )
	    	 if(cursor.getLink() == null)
	    		 tail = cursor;
	    		 cursor = cursor.getLink();
	    		 precursor = cursor;
	    		 precursor = cursor;
		    	 cursor = cursor.getLink();
	    	 //if(cursor.getLink() == null)
	    	// {
	    	//	 tail = cursor.getLink();
	    	// }
	    	 throw new IllegalStateException("end of the seq, can't advance");
   * Generate a copy of this sequence.
   * @param - none
   * @return
   *   The return value is a copy of this sequence. Subsequent changes to the
   *   copy will not affect the original, nor vice versa. Note that the return
   *   value must be type cast to a LinkedSeq before it can be used.
   * @exception OutOfMemoryError
   *   Indicates insufficient memory for creating the clone.
   * @note
   *   Refer to discussion on p. 228 of text; there's substantial extra work
   *   In the generic implementation, you will get an unavoidable warning on
   *   		   answer = (LinkedSeq<E>) super.clone( ); 
   *   That's okay. The cure is worse than the disease.
   public LinkedSeq<E> clone( )   // DO NOT CHANGE THIS METHOD
   {   LinkedSeq<E> answer;
	   try {
		   answer = (LinkedSeq<E>) super.clone( ); // causes warning that we have suppressed
	   catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)
	   {  // This exception should not occur. But if it does, it would probably
		   // indicate a programming error that made super.clone unavailable.
		   // The most common error would be forgetting the "Implements Cloneable"
		   // clause at the start of this class.
		   throw new RuntimeException
		   ("This class does not implement Cloneable");
	   if (head != null) { // need to copy this sequence into answer
		   // copy the first node
		   answer.head  = new Node<E>(head.getData(), null);
		   if (cursor == head) {
			   answer.cursor = answer.head;
		   if (precursor == head) { // current is next node
			   answer.precursor = answer.head;
		   // copy the rest of the sequence
		   Node<E> thisPtr = head.getLink();
		   Node<E> answerPtr = answer.head;
		   while (thisPtr != null){
			   answerPtr.setLink(new Node<E>(thisPtr.getData(), null));
			   answerPtr = answerPtr.getLink( );
			   if (cursor == thisPtr) {
				   answer.cursor = answerPtr;
			   if (precursor == thisPtr) { // current is next node
				   answer.precursor = answerPtr;
			   thisPtr = thisPtr.getLink( );
		   // set answer's tail to the last node created
		   answer.tail = answerPtr;
	   return answer;
   * Create a new sequence that contains all the elements from one sequence
   * followed by the other.
   * @param s1
   *   the first of two sequences
   * @param s2
   *   the second of two sequences
   * @precondition:
   *   Neither s1 nor s2 is null.
   * @return
   *   a new sequence that has the elements of s1 followed by the
   *   elements of s2 (with no current element)
   * @exception NullPointerException.
   *   Indicates that one of the arguments is null.
   * @exception OutOfMemoryError
   *   Indicates insufficient memory for the new sequence.
   public static <E> LinkedSeq<E> concatenation(LinkedSeq<E> s1, LinkedSeq<E> s2)
	   if((s1 == null) && (s2 == null))
		   throw new IllegalArgumentException ("concatenation:  one argument is null");
	   LinkedSeq<E> answer = new LinkedSeq<E>();
       return answer;
   * Accessor method to get the current element of this sequence. 
   * @param - none
   * @precondition:
   *   isCurrent() returns true.
   * @return
   *   the current element of this sequence
   * @exception IllegalStateException
   *   Indicates that there is no current element, so 
   *   getCurrent may not be called.
   public E getCurrent( )
	     if(! isCurrent())
	    	 throw new IllegalStateException("No current element in the sequence");
	   return  cursor.getData();
   * Accessor method to determine whether this sequence has a specified 
   * current element that can be retrieved with the getCurrent method. 
   * @param - none
   * @return
   *   true (there is a current element) 
   *   or false (there is no current element at the moment)
   public boolean isCurrent( )
	   return cursor != null;
   * Remove the current element from this sequence.
   * @param - none
   * @precondition:
   *   isCurrent() returns true.
   * @postcondition:
   *   The current element has been removed from this sequence, and the 
   *   following element (if there is one) is now the new current element. 
   *   If there was no following element, then there is now no current 
   *   element.
   * @exception IllegalStateException
   *   Indicates that there is no current element, so 
   *   removeCurrent may not be called. 
   public void removeCurrent( )
	    	 throw new IllegalStateException("removeCurrent: isCurrent() is null");
        if(tail == head)//only one node case
            head = null;
            tail = null;
            cursor = head;
            precursor = head;
            manyNodes--;//update invariant
        else if(cursor == tail)//if cursor is at the last node
        	tail = precursor;
        	cursor = tail;
        	precursor = head;
            tail = cursor;//remove last node
            while(precursor.getLink() != cursor)
            {//and search for a link for precursor
                if(precursor.getLink() == null)
                precursor = precursor.getLink();
            cursor = null;
            precursor = null;
            manyNodes--;//update invariant
        else if(cursor == head)//if cursor is at first node
            head = head.getLink();
            cursor = head;
            precursor = null;
        else//regular case
        	cursor = cursor.getLink();
   * Determine the number of elements in this sequence.
   * @param - none
   * @return
   *   the number of elements in this sequence
   public int size( )
       return manyNodes;
   * Set the current element at the front of this sequence.
   * @param - none
   * @postcondition:
   *   The front element of this sequence is now the current element (but 
   *   if this sequence has no elements at all, then there is no current 
   *   element).
   public void start( )
	   if(head == null)//if there are no elements in the sequence
		   cursor = null;//no cursor
       cursor = head;//move cursor to first node
       precursor = null;
    * Provide a string representation of the sequence with current item 
    * in parentheses
    * @param - none
    * @postcondition string representation returned but sequence is unchanged
    * @return string displaying sequence 
   public String toString( )   // DO NOT CHANGE THIS METHOD
           String answer = "";
           Node<E> current;
           for (current = head; current != null; current = current.getLink( )) {
                   if (current == cursor) {
                           answer += "(" + current.getData( ) + ") ";
                   } else {
                           answer += current.getData( ) + " ";                   
           return answer;
	 * verifyInvariant checks some of the properties of the invariant and throws an IllegalStateException if it fails.
       * @exception IllegalStateException
	public void verifyInvariant() {
		if (tail == null && head != null) {
			throw new IllegalStateException("Invariant fails: Head is not null, but tail is");
		if (head == null && tail != null) {
			throw new IllegalStateException("Invariant fails: Tail is not null, but head is");
		if (tail != null && tail.getLink() != null) {
			throw new IllegalStateException("The tail node has a non-null link");
		if (precursor == null && cursor != null && cursor != head) {
			throw new IllegalStateException("Invariant fails: precursor is null, but cursor is not null and not head");
		if (precursor != null) {
			if (cursor == null) {
				throw new IllegalStateException("Invariant fails: cursor is null and precursor is not");
			} else if (precursor.getLink() != cursor) {
				throw new IllegalStateException("Invariant fails: cursor and precursor are not null, but precursor does not link to cursor");
		int count = 0;
		Node<E> pred = null, curr = head;
		while (curr != null && curr != cursor && curr != tail) {
			pred = curr;
			curr = curr.getLink();
		if (cursor != null && cursor != curr) {
			throw new IllegalStateException("Invariant fails: Cursor is not null, but not in the list");
		if (cursor != null && pred != precursor) {
			throw new IllegalStateException("Invariant fails: Precursor does not precede cursor in the list");
		while (curr != null && curr != tail) {
			curr = curr.getLink();
		if (curr != tail) {
			throw new IllegalStateException("Invariant fails: Tail is not null, but not in the list");
		while (curr != null) {
			curr = curr.getLink();
		if (count != manyNodes) {
			throw new IllegalStateException("manyNodes, " + manyNodes + ", is not equal to the length of the list, " + count);
the method I'm trying to build is addAll, basically I need to add the elements of addend to the end of the sequence, everything works fine untill I try adding a new node after the new list, here's the test I need to pass
	public void addAll( ) {
		LinkedSeq<Character> s = new LinkedSeq<Character>( );
		LinkedSeq<Character> t = new LinkedSeq<Character>( );
		LinkedSeq<Character> u = new LinkedSeq<Character>( );
		System.out.println("s is: " + s.toString( ));
		assertEquals("Insert tip", "t i (p) ", s.toString( ));
		System.out.println("t is: " + t.toString( ));
		assertEquals("Insert toe", "(t) o e ", t.toString( ));
		assertEquals("After addAll", "t i (p) t o e ", s.toString( ));
		s.advance( );
		s.advance( );
		s.advance( );
		assertEquals("After adding s to end", "t i p t o e (s) ", s.toString( ));
		// t's last item should have been separate and not affected by
		// the addAfter in s above
		t.advance( );   
		t.advance( );
		assertEquals("t not affected by add in s", "t o (e) ", t.toString( ));
		assertEquals("u is empty", 0, u.size( ));				
		assertEquals("After adding to empty", "t i p t o e s ", u.toString( ));
		assertTrue("u should have no current item", !u.isCurrent( ));
		assertTrue("u should still have no current item", !u.isCurrent( ));
		assertEquals("a lot of items in u", "t i p t o e s t o e ", u.toString( ));		
I'm passing all my tests except this one, where is just after s.addAfter((Character)'s'); is adding a link to addend and I don't know why, its hard for me to explain so I appologize in advance and I also thank for any help