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Thread: Java Equation correct syntax

  1. #1
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    Default Java Equation correct syntax

    Ok, So the formula is:
    VP1 + VP2 / 2 * ASP * EXL + Prev value = new value

    My problem is, Once i split the data into seperate arrays under those 4 category arrays above..

    I then try to add then together using a for loop & that formula, The problem is I am not doing it right as a majority of the scores are turning out negative.. Or past the max point of -3.0 or 3.0 I guess i would just like abit of help on the syntax.

    import java.io.FileReader;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class Graph {
    	public static double Sun, Mon, Mer, Mar, Ven, Jup, Sat, Ura, Nep, MC, 
    	Cnj, Sxt, Tri, Opp, Sqr, SSq, Sun_Mon, Sun_Jup, Sun_Nep, 
    	Sun_Ven, Sun_Ura, E, X, L, Asc;
    	public static String[] storage = new String[10000];
    	public static String[] vp1 = new String[5000];
    	public static String[] asp = new String[5000];
    	public static String[] vp2 = new String[5000];
    	public static String[] exl = new String[5000];
    	public static String[] time = new String[5000];
    	public static double[] score = new double[5000];
    	public static int lines;
    	public Graph() throws Exception{
    		//Run Methods:
    		new calculate();
    	public void addGraph() throws Exception{
    		FileReader file = new FileReader("AD Converter/temp/program.txt");
    	    Scanner scan = new Scanner(file);
    	    int i = 0;
    	    int m = 0;
    	    while (scan.hasNext()) {
    	    	storage[i] = scan.next();
    	    	//System.out.println(storage[i] + "  " + i + " Final File");
    	    	lines = i;
    	    for(int a = 0; a <= lines; a = a + 5){
    	    	vp1[m] = storage[a];
    	    	//System.out.println(vp1[m] + m);
    	    m = 0;
    	    for(int a = 1; a <= lines; a = a + 5){
    	    	asp[m] = storage[a];
    	    	//System.out.println(asp[m] + m);
    	    m = 0;
    	    for(int a = 2; a <= lines; a = a + 5){
    	    	vp2[m] = storage[a];
    	    	//System.out.println(vp2[m] + m);
    	    m = 0;
    	    for(int a = 3; a <= lines; a = a + 5){
    	    	exl[m] = storage[a];
    	    	//System.out.println(exl[m] + m);
    	    m = 0;
    	    for(int a = 4; a <= lines; a = a + 5){
    	    	time[m] = storage[a];
    	    	//System.out.println(time[m] + m);
    	    m = 0;
    	    for(int rate = 0; rate <= 551; rate++){
    	    	DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##");
    	    	double vp1t = getValue(vp1[rate]);
    	    	double vp2t = getValue(vp2[rate]);
    	    	double aspt = getValue(asp[rate]);
    	    	double exlt = getValue(exl[rate]);
    	    	double prev = 0.0;
    	    	if(asp[rate].equals("Opp") || asp[rate].equals("Sqr")
    	    		|| asp[rate].equals("SSq") || exl[rate].equals("(L)")){
    	    		double ds1 = vp1t + vp2t / 2;
    	    		double ds2 =  ds1 *- aspt;
    	    		double ds3 =  ds2 - exlt;
    	    		score[rate] = ds3;
    	    	else if(exl[rate].equals("(X)")){
    	    		prev = score[rate];
    	    		score[rate] = prev;
    	    	else {
    	    		double ds1 = vp1t + vp2t / 2;
    	    		double ds2 =  ds1 *+ aspt;
    	    		double ds3 =  ds2 *+ exlt;
    	    		score[rate] = ds3;
    	    	//score[rate] = vp1t + vp2t / 2 * aspt * exlt;
    	public double getValue(String convert){
    		double value = 0.0;
    		//System.out.println(Sun + " Value of sun");
    			//value = Sun;
    			value = Mon;
    		else if(convert.equals("Asc")){
    			value = Asc;
    		else if(convert.equals("Mer")){
    			value = Mer;
    		else if(convert.equals("Mar")){
    			value = Mar;
    		else if(convert.equals("Ven")){
    			value = Ven;
    		else if(convert.equals("Jup")){
    			value = Jup;
    		else if(convert.equals("Sat")){
    			value = Sat;
    		else if(convert.equals("Ura")){
    			value = Ura;
    		else if(convert.equals("Nep")){
    			value = Nep;
    		else if(convert.equals("MC")){
    			value = MC;
    		else if(convert.equals("Cnj")){
    			value = Cnj;
    		else if(convert.equals("Sxt")){
    			value = Sxt;
    		else if(convert.equals("Tri")){
    			value = Tri;
    		else if(convert.equals("Opp")){
    			value = Opp;
    		else if(convert.equals("Sqr")){
    			value = Sqr;
    		else if(convert.equals("SSq")){
    			value = SSq;
    		else if(convert.equals("Sun/Mon")){
    			value = Sun_Mon;
    		else if(convert.equals("Sun/Jup")){
    			value = Sun_Jup;
    		else if(convert.equals("Sun/Nep")){
    			value = Sun_Nep;		
    		else if(convert.equals("Sun/Ven")){
    			value = Sun_Ven;		
    		else if(convert.equals("Sun/Ura")){
    			value = Sun_Ura;
    		else if(convert.equals("(E)")){
    			value = E;		
    		else if(convert.equals("(L)")){
    			value = L;	
    		else if(convert.equals("(X)")){
    			value = X;			
    		else {

    Now if the ASP array of the current loop = Opp, Sqr or SSq its suppose to multiply by negative ASP

    Any help would be great

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Java Equation correct syntax

    i would just like abit of help on the syntax.
    Could you extract the code that is giving you the problem and post it with the formula that you are trying to evalute.

    There is a lot more to your code than just the formula.

    A suggestion: add lots of printlns to show the values of ALL the intermediate results so you can see where your logic is going wrong.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Java Equation correct syntax

    well this is the calculation of the score so far (which all calculates the same ending result)

    double vp1t = getValue(vp1[rate]);
    	    	double vp2t = getValue(vp2[rate]);
    	    	double aspt = getValue(asp[rate]);
    	    	double exlt = getValue(exl[rate]);
    	    	double prev = 0.0;
    	    		    ds1 = vp1t + vp2t / 2;
    	    		if(asp[rate].equals("Opp") || asp[rate].equals("Sqr") ||
    	    			ds2 = ds1 *- aspt;
    	    			ds3 = ds2 *- exlt;
    	    		if(ds2 == 0.0){
    	    			ds2 = ds1 * aspt;
    	    		if(ds3 == 0.0){
    	    			ds3 = ds2 * exlt;
    	    		score[rate] = ds3;

    text file data:

    Mon Sqr Asc (B) 00:00:00
    Mon Sqr Mon/Sun (B) 00:00:00
    Sun Sxt	Ven (B) 00:00:00
    Sun Tri	Ura (B) 00:00:00
    Sun Cnj	Asc (B) 00:00:00
    Mar SSq Mar (B) 00:00:00
    Mar SSq Ura (B) 00:00:00

    Ive added the header to top of textfile to help you clearly understand what arrays each collumns going into.

    Now the problem is, if ASP is SQr, Opp or SSq The syntax has to go *- asp instead of * asp

    or if exl is (L) its got to be *- exl instead of * exl

    now if exl is (x) the end result score changes to 0.0 ...

    besides from that ive got the rest of the code sorted lol

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Java Equation correct syntax

    The syntax has to go *- asp instead of * asp
    Can you explain what * - asp and * asp means in terms of a math formula?
    * is the multiply operator
    - is the subtract operator
    both are binary - ie they take 2 operands.

    Have you tried debugging your code by adding printlns to show all to the results as they are computed, along with the values that were used to create those results?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Java Equation correct syntax

    Correct... See the values of all the data are as follows:

    Opp= - 1.0
    Sqr= - 0.5
    SSq= - 0.75
    L= - 1.0

    So if the content comes to a negative value during executing and calculating the formula. It will need to change to multiply - minus - value

    instead of multiply - value.

    The problem is i've tried quiet a few different if statements and its just giving me an irritating time lol. Because either a majority of the values are negative - WRONG
    majority are same value or 0.0 - WRONG

    asp, vp1, vp2, exl etc.. those values u can see in the example text file i posted in previous reply, As i set them as column titles.
    Been staying up for a couple days trying to figure out the correct syntax for it.

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Java Equation correct syntax

    Have you tried debugging your code by adding printlns to show all to the results as they are computed, along with the values that were used to create those results?

    For debugging, work with only ONE value that is being incorrectly computed. Work through all your code with that one value and see why the value is coming out wrong.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Java Equation correct syntax

    Indeed, Although as i've said.. Some of my methods seem to be screwed. By either printing values as the same value, to many negative etc.. even if the if statement is false it seems to be reading.

    This current output:

  8. #8
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Java Equation correct syntax

    What part of the output is correct and what part is wrong?
    Change the program's input to be only ONE value that generates a incorrect result. Then add lots of printlns to show the values as they are computed.

    Your printout needs to have labels for each line printed so you know where the values come from. If they call come from the a single println you need to add lots more printlns to show the values of all the sub parts of the computation so you can see which part is wrong.

  9. #9
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Java Equation correct syntax

    Here is a sample of what you need to print out for the following one line of code:
    ds1 = vp1t + vp2t / 2;
    System.out.println("ds1=" + ds1 + ", vpt1=" + vp1t + ", vp2t =" + vp2t);

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Java Equation correct syntax

    Current Calculation code:

    for(int rate = 0; rate <= 551; rate++){
    	    	DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##");
    	    	double vp1t = getValue(vp1[rate]);
    	    	double vp2t = getValue(vp2[rate]);
    	    	double aspt = getValue(asp[rate]);
    	    	double exlt = getValue(exl[rate]);
    	    	double prev = 0.0;
    	    		    ds1 = vp1t + vp2t / 2;
    	    		if(asp[rate].equals("Opp") || asp[rate].equals("Sqr") ||
    	    			ds2 = ds1 *- aspt;
    	    			System.out.println(ds3 + " This is the  if the asp is negative");
    	    			ds2 = ds1 * aspt;
    	    			System.out.println(ds3 + " This is the else if the asp is not negative");
    	    			ds3 = ds2 *- exlt;
    	    			System.out.println(ds3 + " This is the if the exl IS (L)");
    	    			ds3 = ds2 * exlt;
    	    			System.out.println(ds3 + " This is the else if the exl != (L)");
    	    		score[rate] = ds3;

    Current Console Reading:

    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.25 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.1000000014901161 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.1000000014901161 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.75 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.75 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.25 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.1000000014901161 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.1000000014901161 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.75 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.75 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.875 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.875 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.6500000022351742 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.300000011920929 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.300000011920929 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.875 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.875 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.6500000022351742 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.400000035762787 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.400000035762787 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.300000011920929 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.300000011920929 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.400000035762787 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.400000035762787 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.25 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    3.399999976158142 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    3.399999976158142 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.25 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.550000011920929 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.550000011920929 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    3.399999976158142 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    3.399999976158142 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.550000011920929 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.550000011920929 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.25 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.25 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.400000035762787 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.400000035762787 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.75 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.75 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.400000035762787 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.400000035762787 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.3499999940395355 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.3499999940395355 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.25 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.25 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.3499999940395355 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.3499999940395355 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.25 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.25 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.75 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.75 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.75 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.75 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.300000011920929 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.300000011920929 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.300000011920929 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.300000011920929 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.25 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.25 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.25 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.25 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.6500000022351742 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.3250000178813934 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.3250000178813934 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.25 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.3250000178813934 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.3250000178813934 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.875 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.875 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.2000000029802322 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.2000000029802322 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.25 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.875 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.875 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.600000023841858 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.600000023841858 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.2000000029802322 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.2000000029802322 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.600000023841858 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.600000023841858 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.3499999940395355 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.3499999940395355 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    3.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    3.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.3499999940395355 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.3499999940395355 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.5499999821186066 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.5499999821186066 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    3.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    3.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.3250000178813934 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.3250000178813934 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.5499999821186066 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.5499999821186066 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.3250000178813934 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.3250000178813934 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.875 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.875 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.875 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.875 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.9500000178813934 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.9500000178813934 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.9500000178813934 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.9500000178813934 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.5499999821186066 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.5499999821186066 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.5499999821186066 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.5499999821186066 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.25 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.25 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.9500000178813934 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.9500000178813934 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.10000000149011612 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.10000000149011612 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.600000023841858 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.600000023841858 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.9500000178813934 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.9500000178813934 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.600000023841858 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.600000023841858 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    3.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    3.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.0249999910593033 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.0249999910593033 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    3.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    3.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.0249999910593033 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.0249999910593033 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.2000000029802322 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.2000000029802322 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -3.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -3.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    3.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    3.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    3.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    3.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -3.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -3.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.2000000029802322 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.2000000029802322 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.875 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.875 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.875 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.875 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.0249999910593033 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.0249999910593033 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.25 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.0249999910593033 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.0249999910593033 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.699999988079071 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.699999988079071 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.25 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    3.100000023841858 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    3.100000023841858 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.699999988079071 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.699999988079071 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.875 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.875 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    3.100000023841858 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    3.100000023841858 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.875 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.875 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.875 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.875 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.875 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.875 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.6500000022351742 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    3.150000035762787 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    3.150000035762787 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.25 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.25 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.875 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.875 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.875 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.875 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.600000023841858 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.600000023841858 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.600000023841858 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.600000023841858 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.25 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.25 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.25 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.25 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.699999988079071 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.699999988079071 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.699999988079071 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.699999988079071 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.25 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.1000000014901161 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.1000000014901161 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.25 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.1000000014901161 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.1000000014901161 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -3.200000047683716 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -3.200000047683716 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -3.200000047683716 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -3.200000047683716 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.699999988079071 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.699999988079071 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.25 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.25 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.25 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.699999988079071 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.699999988079071 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.25 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.75 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.75 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.3250000178813934 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.3250000178813934 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.75 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.75 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.3250000178813934 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.3250000178813934 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.875 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.875 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.875 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.875 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.3250000178813934 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.3250000178813934 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.3250000178813934 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.3250000178813934 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.875 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.875 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.25 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.1000000014901161 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.1000000014901161 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.875 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.875 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.9500000178813934 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.9500000178813934 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.25 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.1000000014901161 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.1000000014901161 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.9500000178813934 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.9500000178813934 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.2749999910593033 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.2749999910593033 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    3.150000035762787 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    3.150000035762787 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.1000000014901161 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.1000000014901161 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.75 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.75 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.1000000014901161 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.1000000014901161 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.75 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.75 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.9500000178813934 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.9500000178813934 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.9500000178813934 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.9500000178813934 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.0249999910593033 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.0249999910593033 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.0249999910593033 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.0249999910593033 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -3.399999976158142 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -3.399999976158142 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.375 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.375 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.550000011920929 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.550000011920929 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -3.399999976158142 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -3.399999976158142 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.550000011920929 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.550000011920929 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.25 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.25 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.600000023841858 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.600000023841858 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.600000023841858 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.600000023841858 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.0249999910593033 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.0249999910593033 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.8499999940395355 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.8499999940395355 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.0249999910593033 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.0249999910593033 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.1000000014901161 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.1000000014901161 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.625 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.625 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.1000000014901161 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.1000000014901161 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.625 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.625 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.875 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.875 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.875 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.875 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.300000011920929 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.300000011920929 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.300000011920929 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.300000011920929 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.625 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.625 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -4.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -4.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.550000011920929 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.550000011920929 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.625 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.625 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.875 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.875 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.550000011920929 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.550000011920929 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.25 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.875 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.875 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.2000000029802322 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.2000000029802322 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.25 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.2000000029802322 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.2000000029802322 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.600000023841858 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.600000023841858 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.600000023841858 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.600000023841858 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.3499999940395355 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.3499999940395355 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -3.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -3.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.3499999940395355 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.3499999940395355 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -4.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -4.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -3.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -3.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.300000011920929 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.300000011920929 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.300000011920929 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.300000011920929 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.699999988079071 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.699999988079071 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.699999988079071 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.699999988079071 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.25 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.25 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.8499999940395355 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.8499999940395355 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.400000035762787 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.400000035762787 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.400000035762787 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.400000035762787 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.3499999940395355 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.3499999940395355 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -3.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -3.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -3.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -3.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.3499999940395355 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.3499999940395355 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    3.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    3.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -3.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -3.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -3.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -3.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.2000000029802322 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.2000000029802322 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.8249999955296516 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.8249999955296516 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.2000000029802322 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.2000000029802322 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    3.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    3.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.400000035762787 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.400000035762787 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    4.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    4.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.400000035762787 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.400000035762787 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -4.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -4.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.699999988079071 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.699999988079071 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -3.100000023841858 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -3.100000023841858 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.699999988079071 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.699999988079071 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.25 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -3.100000023841858 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -3.100000023841858 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.25 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.25 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.1000000014901161 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.1000000014901161 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.25 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.1000000014901161 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.1000000014901161 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -4.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -4.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -3.2000000029802322 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -3.2000000029802322 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.600000023841858 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.600000023841858 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.600000023841858 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.600000023841858 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.5499999821186066 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.5499999821186066 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.625 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.625 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.5499999821186066 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.5499999821186066 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.625 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.625 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.25 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.1000000014901161 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.1000000014901161 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.25 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    3.200000047683716 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    3.200000047683716 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.1000000014901161 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.1000000014901161 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    3.200000047683716 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    3.200000047683716 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.699999988079071 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.699999988079071 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.699999988079071 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.699999988079071 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.1000000014901161 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.1000000014901161 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.5499999821186066 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.5499999821186066 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.625 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.625 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.1000000014901161 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.1000000014901161 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.5499999821186066 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.5499999821186066 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.625 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.625 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.550000011920929 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.550000011920929 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.550000011920929 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.550000011920929 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.25 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -2.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -2.5 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.875 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.875 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.25 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    2.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.875 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.875 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    1.6500000022351742 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    1.6500000022351742 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -1.5 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -1.5 This is the  if the asp is negative
    -0.0 This is the else if the exl != (L)
    -0.0 This is the else if the asp is not negative
    2.25 This is the else if the exl != (L)

    Does it look like its the if and else statements that cause the problem?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    My Mood
    Thanked 4 Times in 4 Posts

    Default Re: Java Equation correct syntax

    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =3.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =3.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =0.5, vp1t =0.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =0.5, vp1t =0.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =0.5, vp1t =0.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =0.6000000089406967, vp1t =0.4000000059604645, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =0.9000000059604645, vp1t =0.4000000059604645, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =0.4000000059604645, vp1t =0.4000000059604645, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.3000000715255737, vp1t =1.2000000476837158, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =1.399999976158142, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =1.399999976158142, vp1t =1.399999976158142, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =3.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =3.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =3.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =0.20000000298023224, vp1t =0.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =4.200000047683716, vp1t =3.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =0.9000000059604645, vp1t =0.4000000059604645, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =4.200000047683716, vp1t =3.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =1.699999988079071, vp1t =1.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =4.200000047683716, vp1t =3.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =0.5, vp1t =0.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.699999988079071, vp1t =3.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =4.0, vp1t =3.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.699999988079071, vp1t =3.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =4.0, vp1t =3.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =0.5, vp1t =0.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =4.0, vp1t =3.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =3.699999988079071, vp1t =3.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =4.0, vp1t =3.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =1.0999999940395355, vp1t =0.4000000059604645, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =4.5, vp1t =3.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =4.0, vp1t =3.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =4.0, vp1t =3.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.2000000029802322, vp1t =3.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.600000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.2000000476837158
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =3.200000047683716, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.4000000953674316
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =2.699999988079071, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.399999976158142
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =0.6000000089406967, vp1t =0.4000000059604645, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.2000000029802322, vp1t =3.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.399999976158142, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.799999952316284
    ds1  =3.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =4.5, vp1t =3.0, vp2t =3.0
    ds1  =0.5, vp1t =0.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =3.100000023841858, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.200000047683716
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.0
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =2.5, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =1.0
    ds1  =2.2000000029802322, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =0.4000000059604645
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0
    ds1  =3.0, vp1t =2.0, vp2t =2.0

  12. #12
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Java Equation correct syntax

    Do you have the correct results for each computation so you can look at what was printed and see what is wrong with the output on each line?
    Can you list one line that is wrong and add comments that say what the values should be for the values on that line?

    You also need to print out the value of asp[rate] so you know what the if statements are working with.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Java Equation correct syntax

    Well i dont think that the values of the vp's are reading correctly.. going to spend abit of time debugging and finding out now.. but thanks will let u know shortly after i get to the bottom of it

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    Default Re: Java Equation correct syntax

    lol am just gunna pay somebody to finish it for me.. no point of me stressing over abit of code

  15. #15
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Java Equation correct syntax

    The only reason to try would be if you are interested in learning how to program.
    If you're not interested then pass it on.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Java Equation correct syntax

    Ive just got 100 other things to do at this time. i know how to program . Everything besides graphics.

    But im to stressed so ye.. no time mate.. :S

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Java Equation correct syntax

    Hey I have a question for you, can you try the following :

    (vp1t + vp2t) / 2 -- > note the parenthesis.

    And let me know if u get the results you need ?

  18. #18
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Java Equation correct syntax

    I will get many compiler errors with that.
    Your example should be a complete program that compiles and executes.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Java Equation correct syntax

    Quote Originally Posted by Norm View Post
    I will get many compiler errors with that.
    Your example should be a complete program that compiles and executes.
    I was referring to Macko....

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