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Thread: can't add a file

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2011
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    Default can't add a file

    import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
    import java.io.BufferedReader;
    import java.io.BufferedWriter;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.io.FileInputStream;
    import java.io.FileWriter;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.InputStreamReader;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.concurrent.*;
    import java.util.AbstractCollection;
    public class Wiki {
    	// private ConcurrentHashMap<String, SynchronizedStack<TXTFile>> repository;
    	private ConcurrentHashMap<String, Stack<TXTFile>> repository;
    	public Wiki() {
    		// repository = new ConcurrentHashMap<String,
    		// SynchronizedStack<TXTFile>>();
    		repository = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Stack<TXTFile>>();
    	// HashMap to store files
    	private HashMap<String, TXTFile> files;
    	 * Method used to wait for input and invoke methods according to that input.
    	public void Start()
    		System.out.println("Wiki started");
    		String input = "";
    		Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
    		// Create the txt_files folder if it does not already exist.
    		File dir = new File("txt_files");
    		if(! dir.exists())
    		// Enter a loop to parse all input.
    			input = in.nextLine();
    			// Perform string matching
    				/* "\\s+" this groups all whitespaces as a delimiter... so if i have the 
    				   string "Hello[space][tab]World", this should yield the strings 
    				   "Hello" and "World" and omit the empty space between the space and the tab*/
    			// Fall through case
    			System.out.println("Illegal command: " + input);
    		// Cleanup.
    		System.out.println("Wiki is terminating...");
    	 * Method used for listing all wiki files.
    	public void list() {
    		File dir = new File("txt_files");
    		File[] wfiles = dir.listFiles();
    		// No files in directory.
    		if (wfiles == null) {
    			// return;
    			System.out.println("There no files !");
    		// Initialise streams
    		FileInputStream fis = null;
    		BufferedInputStream bis = null;
    		BufferedReader reader = null;
    		// Loop over all files in the directory.
    		for (File f : wfiles) {
    			// System.out.println(f.getName().endsWith(".txt"));
    	 * Method used for outputting the content of wiki files.
    	 * private void list() { File dir = new File("txt_files"); File[] wfiles =
    	 * dir.listFiles(); // No files in directory. if(wfiles == null) { return; }
    	 * // Initialise streams FileInputStream fis = null; BufferedInputStream bis
    	 * = null; BufferedReader reader = null;
    	 * // Loop over all files in the directory. for(File f : wfiles) {
    	 * if(f.getName().endsWith(".txt")) { try{ fis = new FileInputStream(f); bis
    	 * = new BufferedInputStream(fis); reader = new BufferedReader(new
    	 * InputStreamReader(bis)); String entry;
    	 * while ((entry = reader.readLine()) != null) {
    	 * System.out.println(f.getName().substring(0, f.getName().indexOf(".")) +
    	 * "\t" + entry); }
    	 * }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ try{ fis.close();
    	 * bis.close(); reader.close(); }catch(IOException e) {
    	 * System.out.println("Error closing streams!"); e.printStackTrace(); } } }
    	 * } System.out.println(); }
    	// ?? load factor = initial-capacity x .75 = number of items (round up) that
    	// HashMap supports
    	 * commit method is used before adding a file to the repository if accepted
    	 * version < Wiki's newest version, an Exception is thrown HashMap contains
    	 * all files which will be added to the repository
    	 * public void commit(HashMap<String, TXTFile> files) throws Exception{
    	 * Iterator<String> keySet = files.keySet().iterator(); while
    	 * (keySet.hasNext()) { TXTFile file = files.get(keySet.next()); add(file);
    	 * } }
    	 * Adds a file to the repository (1).
    	public void Add(String[] tokens) {
    		if (tokens.length < 2) {
    			System.out.println("Illegal arguments");
    			System.out.println("add [file_name] [content]");
    		// processing user input, creating a TXTFile
    		String fileName = tokens[0];
    		String content = tokens[1];
    		TXTFile file = new TXTFile(fileName, content);
    		// managing file versions
    		Stack<TXTFile> stack = repository.get(file.getFileName());
    		if (stack == null) // if there are no versions yet
    			stack = new Stack<TXTFile>();
    			TXTFile copy = file.clone();
    			repository.put(file.getFileName(), stack);
    		else {
    			int subVersion = file.getVersion();
    			int latestVersion = stack.peek().getVersion();
    			 * if(subVersion == -1) throw new Exception(
    			 * "Your file has no Version yet. You need to checkout or update before submitting files"
    			 * );
    			 * if(subVersion < latestVersion || subVersion > latestVersion)
    			 * throw new Exception("Your file \"" +file.getFileName()
    			 * +"\" has an outdated or not allowed version");
    	 * Adds a file to the repository (2).
    	 * public void add(TXTFile file) throws Exception { if
    	 * (file.getFileName().length() < 1) throw new Exception("No FileName !");
    	 * //SynchronizedStack<TXTFile> stack = repository.get(file.getFileName());
    	 * Stack<TXTFile> stack = repository.get(file.getFileName());
    	 * if(stack == null) { //stack = new SynchronizedStack<TXTFile>(); stack =
    	 * new Stack<TXTFile>(); file.setVersion(0); TXTFile copy =
    	 * file.clone(file); stack.push(file.clone(file));
    	 * repository.put(file.getFileName(), stack); }
    	 * else { int subVersion = file.getVersion(); int latestVersion =
    	 * stack.peek().getVersion();
    	 * if(subVersion == -1) throw new Exception(
    	 * "Your file has no Version yet. You need to checkout or update before submitting files"
    	 * );
    	 * if(subVersion < latestVersion || subVersion > latestVersion) throw new
    	 * Exception("Your file \"" +file.getFileName()
    	 * +"\" has an outdated or not allowed version");
    	 * file.setVersion(++latestVersion); stack.push(file.clone(file)); } }
    	// removes a file from the repository
    	public void remove(String fileName) throws Exception {
    		if (!repository.containsKey(fileName))
    			throw new Exception("The file \"" + fileName
    					+ "\" doesnt exist in the Repository");
    	// Update method to update a single file to the newest version available
    	public TXTFile update(String filename) throws Exception {
    		if (!repository.containsKey(filename))
    			throw new Exception("The file \"" + filename
    					+ "\" doesnt exist in the Repository");
    		// SynchronizedStack<TXTFile> stack = repository.get(filename);
    		Stack<TXTFile> stack = repository.get(filename);
    		TXTFile file = stack.peek();
    		//try {
    			return file.clone();
    		//} catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) {
    		//	return null;
    	// Reverts a single file to the version given as parameter
    	public TXTFile revert(String filename, int version) throws Exception {
    		if (!repository.containsKey(filename))
    			throw new Exception("The file \"" + filename
    					+ "\" doesnt exist in the Repository");
    		// SynchronizedStack<JavaCode> stack = repository.get(filename);
    		Stack<TXTFile> stack = repository.get(filename);
    		if (version < 0 || version >= stack.size())
    			throw new Exception("Please check your version. Your Version: \""
    					+ version + "\"");
    		TXTFile file = stack.get(version);
    		Boolean found = false;
    		if (file.getVersion() != version) {
    			Iterator<TXTFile> iterator = stack.iterator();
    			while (iterator.hasNext())
    				if (iterator.next().getVersion() == version) {
    					found = true;
    			if (!found)
    				throw new Exception("The version \"" + version
    						+ "\" of the file \"" + filename
    						+ "\" doesn't exist in the Repository");
    		return file.clone();

    public class TXTFile {
    	private String fileName;
    	private int version;
    	private String content;
    	public TXTFile(String fileName, String content){
    		this.fileName = fileName;
    		this.content = content;
    	public int getVersion() {
    		return this.version;
    	public void setVersion(int version) {
    		this.version = version;
    	public TXTFile(String fn){
    		this.fileName = fn;
    	public String getFileName() {
    		return this.fileName;
    	public void setFileName(String fileName) {
    		fileName = fileName;
    	@Override public TXTFile clone(){
    			return (TXTFile) super.clone();
    		} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e){
    			throw new AssertionError();
    	/*public TXTFile clone(TXTFile file) throws CloneNotSupportedException{
    		return (TXTFile)file.clone();
    	public String getContent() {
    		return this.content;
    	public void setContent(String cont) {
    		this.content = cont;

    public class Main {
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    		// Start Wiki
    		Wiki wiki = new Wiki();

    Console output:
    Wiki started
    handler copy 2.txt
    handler copy.txt
    add example.txt content
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AssertionError
    at TXTFile.clone(TXTFile.java:37)
    at Wiki.Add(Wiki.java:163)
    at Wiki.Start(Wiki.java:59)
    at Main.main(Main.java:6)

    what's wrong ?

  2. #2
    Forum VIP
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    Default Re: can't add a file

    Clone is not supported on File...

    You might want to look at the java.io package, linked below, in more detail

    java.io (Java Platform SE 7 )

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: can't add a file

    Have you tried implementing the cloneable interface?
    read the API doc for the cloneable interface.

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