I have the following error message:
cannot find symbol-constructor Person(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,Date)
I have this message in realtion to the following clone constructor:
public class Employee extends Person { //instance variables protected int id; protected Date start; protected float salary; //start constructors public Employee() { super(); id=0; salary=0; start=new Date(); //set the date to the current date } public Employee(String nme, char sex, Date dob, int number, Date start) { super (nme, sex, dob); id=number; start= new Date(start); salary=0; } //clone constructor: produces a clone of another object of the same type. public Employee (Employee other) { [COLOR="red"] super(other.name, other.gender, other.dateOfBirth);[/COLOR] salary=other.salary; id=other.id; start=new Date(other.start); }
I think I have this message,because in class person gender is a char.
Below is my class person constructor coding:
public class Person { // instance variables protected String name; protected String gender; protected Date dateOfBirth; protected String address; protected String natInsceNo; protected String phoneNo; private static int counter=0; // start of constructor public Person() { name= " "; gender=" "; dateOfBirth = new Date (00,00,00); address= " "; natInsceNo=" "; phoneNo=" "; counter++; } public Person (String nme, char sex, Date dob) { name=nme; gender=Character.toString(sex); dateOfBirth=dob; phoneNo=" "; if(address !=null){ System.out.println(address); } else{ System.out.println("You must enter your address"); } if(natInsceNo !=null){ System.out.println(natInsceNo); } else { System.out.println("You must enter your National Insurance Number"); } counter++; }
How can i resolve this? I cannot change the variable types in class person because the specification has asked for the gender to be declared as string then converted to char. I need help modifying the clone constructor in class employee.
Please can someone advise me how to correct this.