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Thread: Remaining compile errors: no suitable method found for & cannot find symbol

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Remaining compile errors: no suitable method found for & cannot find symbol

    Original post Was "Programming Problems Need Help"

    Hello, I've been plugging away at it and made some progress, After correcting matching pairs{} I ended up with 51 errors and worked on those one by one resolving what I could. I'm down to 11 but can't seem to figure out the remaining errors and think I should ask for help before I start losing ground or my marbles. I've been working on this since before Thanksgiving and have hit it fairly hard all last week into a grueling marathon session this weekend to get done by the deadline, Tuesday. So here is the current code with specific notes commented in to help show where I'm having trouble:
    //  The line numbers did change when I pasted, listed as compiled. I apologize in advance I did mark 295:no suitable method //
    // Primary Goal=Remaining Compile Errors Resolved--> I had 51 before and worked through and made corrections, mostly misspells, forgetting capitals //
    // and Color scheme not liking (new Color(blue)) but rather (new Color(0,0,255)) to not issue an error. Whew-Progress!//
    // I'm down to 11 at lines: 148, 149, 150, 295, 325, 335, 339, 343. 347, 351, 355.//
    // All are "error:cannot find symbol" except 295= error: no suitable method found for showMessageDialog(PizzaOrderingProgramPanel,String,int) which I think is creating the other errors //
    // See Below message at line #306 for more info. Any advice or help is greatly appreciated //
    // Pizza Project	Authors: Chuck Armstrong, Nick Gesick. //
    //                                                       //
    //--------------Pizza Ordering Program-------------------//
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    public class PizzaOrderingProgramPanel extends Applet implements ActionListener, KeyListener
    	//---Pizza Options Pricing---//
    	private final double	smallSizePrice = 5.00,
    	mediumSizePrice = 10.00,
    	largeSizePrice = 15.00,
    	thinTypePrice = 0.00,
    	thickTypePrice = 0.00,
    	panTypePrice = 1.50,
    	anchoviesToppingPrice = 1.00,
    	canadian_baconToppingPrice = 1.00,
    	salamiToppingPrice = 1.00,
    	pepperoniToppingPrice = 1.00,	
    	sausageToppingPrice = 1.00,
    	mushroomToppingPrice = 1.00,
    	oliveToppingPrice = 1.00,
    	onionToppingPrice = 1.00,
    	green_pepperToppingPrice = 1.00;
                  //pizzaJTextFieldPrice = 1.00;---commented out for now, may discard, may use//
    	//-------GUI Setup-------//
    	Panel northPanel,
    	Label titleLabel,
    	Button orderButton;
    	JTextField pizzaJTextField,
    	ButtonGroup sizeBGroup,
    	JRadioButton smallJRadioButton,
    	JCheckBox anchoviesJCheckBox,
    	//  Setup Panels with Radio Buttons, Checkboxes, & Text Field  //
    	public void init()
    		setBackground(new Color(0,255,0));
    		setLayout(new BorderLayout(0,0));
    		northPanel = new Panel();
    		northPanel.setBackground(new Color(0,255,0));
    		northPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    		northSizePanel = new Panel();
    		northSizePanel.setBackground(new Color(0,255,0));
    		northSizePanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    		westPanel = new Panel();
    		westPanel.setBackground(new Color(0,255,0));
    		westPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());		
    		westTypePanel = new Panel();
    		westTypePanel.setBackground(new Color(0,255,0));
    		westTypePanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    		centerPanel = new Panel();
    		centerPanel.setBackground(new Color(0,255,0));
    		centerPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    		centerToppingPanel = new Panel();
    		centerToppingPanel.setBackground(new Color(0,255,0));
    		centerToppingPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,3,0,0));
    		eastPanel = new Panel();
    		eastPanel.setBackground(new Color(0,255,0));
    		eastPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    		eastPizzaJTextFieldPanel = new Panel();
    		eastPizzaJTextFieldPanel.setBackground(new Color(0,255,0));
    		southPanel = new Panel();
    		southPanel.setBackground(new Color(0,255,0));
    		southPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    		southPricePanel = new Panel();
    		southPricePanel.setBackground(new Color(0,255,0));
    		southPricePanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    		//---Setup Labels---//
    		titleLabel = new Label("Hedwig's Owl Delivery Pizza");
    		titleLabel.setBackground(new Color(0,0,255));
    		titleLabel.setForeground(new Color(255,255,255));
    		titleLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma",Font.BOLD,40));
    		sizeLabel = new Label("Select a size for your custom-made pizza:");
    		sizeLabel.setForeground(new Color(255,0,0));
    		typeLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma",Font.BOLD,12));
    		typeLabel = new Label("Select a crust type for your custom-made pizza:");
    		typeLabel.setForeground(new Color(255,0,0));
    		typeLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma",Font.BOLD,12));
    		toppingLabel = new Label("Select one or more choices of the toppings below : ");
    		toppingLabel.setForeground(new Color(255,0,0));
    		toppingLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma",Font.BOLD,12));
    		pizzaJTextFieldLabel = new Label("Type in non-listed pizza topping:");
    		pizzaJTextFieldLabel.setForeground(new Color(255,0,0));
    		pizzaJTextFieldLabel.SetFont (new Font("Tahoma",Font.BOLD,12));
    		amountLabel = new Label("Amount: ");
    		amountLabel.setForeground(new Color(0,0,0));
    		amountLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma",Font.BOLD,12));
    		priceLabel = new Label("Total price of your order : ");
    		priceLabel.setForeground(new Color(255,0,0));
    		priceLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma",Font.BOLD,12));
    		priceDisplayLabel = new Label("$0.00 ");
    		priceDisplayLabel.setForeground(new Color(255,0,0));
    		priceDisplayLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma",Font.BOLD,30));
    		//---Ordering Button---//
    		orderButton = new Button("Order Now");
    		orderButton.setFont(new Font("Tahoma",Font.BOLD,14));		
    		//---Radio Buttons---//
    		smallJRadioButton = new JRadioButton("Small", false);
    		mediumJRadioButton = new JRadioButton("Medium", true);
    		largeJRadioButton = new JRadioButton("Large", false);
    		thinJRadioButton = new JRadioButton("Thin", false);
    		thickJRadioButton = new JRadioButton("Thick", true);
    		panJRadioButton = new JRadioButton("Pan", false);
    		sizeBGroup = new ButtonGroup();
    		typeCGroup = new ButtonGroup();
    		anchoviesJCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Anchovies",false);
    		canadian_baconJCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Canadian Bacon",false);
    		salamiJCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Salami",false);
    		pepperoniJCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Pepperoni",false);
    		sausageJCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Sausage",false);
    		mushroomJCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Mushroom",false);
    		oliveJCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Olive",false);
    		onionJCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Onion",false);
    		green_pepperJCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Green Pepper",false);
    		pizzaJTextField = new JTextField("0",1);
    		pizzaJTextField.setFont(new Font("Tahoma",Font.BOLD,12));
    		//---Setup Listeners---//
    		//---Nesting Components to Panels---//
    		public void start()
    			//---Setup Panels to Border---//
    			add(northPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    			add(westPanel, BorderLayout.WEST);
    			add(centerPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    			add(eastPanel, BorderLayout.EAST);
    			add(southPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    			public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { }
    			public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { }		
    			public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)
    			//---If no text entered---// 
    			catch (NumberFormatException fe) {
    			//---Order Button Action---//			
    			public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    			if (e.getSource() == orderButton)
    			JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,//LINE#295 IS HERE//
    			              "Thank's for your " + 
    				priceDisplayLabel.getText() + " payment." +
    				"\n\nYour custom pizza will be delivered to you shortly via owl!" + 
    				"\nThank You for your Business! Happy Holidays!",
    			//---Text String Converted to Value---//
    //#306--->Secondary Goal: Text string converted to value of 1.00//This is area of faulty method See #295 above//
    //!!!!!!!I believe it needs work around this area(up a bit and/or down a bit)!!!!!!!//
    // I need to change the code so it can work with any input text not just String text that can be parsed to an Int!!!AAaaarrrgg!!!//
    //--->Tried String.parseString(pizzaJTextField.getText()); and .setText("1") to set any input to 1.00, but that didn't work either//
    // No one seems to have an answer, I keep ending up with searches that show simple String.toInt or String.parseInt examples//
    //that tend to choke on non-number text. Can "Ten" be set to 10 or any number like 1 if I want? I hope so.//
    // Maybe if I made an exception that has any input text but blank add $1.00: which is the desired outcome//
    // We do not care what the user entered whether its"extra cheese" in the text field or the "kitchen sink"//
    // as long as any text entry is set to a value of 1.00 and it is added with all the other options,//
    // or if a blank entry we set to a value of 0.00 and still add all other options,//
    // PROBLEM IS: seems if done this way any number entered except "0" or "1" will add too much->Example//
    //(5 will add 5.00 to the other options) GOAL: All text input should set a value of $1.00 //
    // or if left blank set to a value of $0.00 which is one of the goals of the TextField input per the project scenario as assigned. //
    // I have more attempted ideas below but am kinda stuck here especially with this method not working to do what I want//
    // Ideas=--> String.(pizzaJTextField.setText("1")); In the try-catch statement above or creating a couple new if statements// 
    // to match a filled TextField or blank TextField //
    // or pizzapizzaJTextField.setValue(new Double(1.00)); -OR- ?????????????? //
    //My searches keep getting me similar results. I need fresh eyes & ideas, Thanks //
    			private void refreshPrice()
    			double price = 0;
    			int pizzaAmount = Integer.parseInt(pizzaJTextField.getText());
    			NumberFormat numberform = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
    			DecimalFormat moneyForm = (DecimalFormat)numberForm;
    			//*******If Statements*******//
    			//---Radio Buttons Priced---//
    			if (smallJRadioButton.isSelected())
    				price+= smallPizzaPrice * pizzaAmount;
    			if (mediumJRadioButton.isSelected())
    				price+= mediumPizzaPrice * pizzaAmount;
    			if (largeJRadioButton.isSelected())
    				price+= largePizzaPrice * pizzaAmount;
    			if (thinJRadioButton.isSelected())
    				price+= thinPizzaPrice * pizzaAmount;
    			if (thickJRadioButton.isSelected())
    				price+= thickPizzaPrice * pizzaAmount;
    			if (panJRadioButton.isSelected())
    				price+= panPizzaPrice * pizzaAmount;
    			//---CheckBoxes priced---//
    			if (anchoviesJCheckBox.isSelected())
    				price+= anchoviesToppingPrice * pizzaAmount;
    			if (canadian_baconJCheckBox.isSelected())
    				price+= canadian_baconToppingPrice * pizzaAmount;
    			if (salamiJCheckBox.isSelected())
    				price+= salamiToppingPrice * pizzaAmount;
    			if (pepperoniJCheckBox.isSelected())
    				price+= pepperoniToppingPrice * pizzaAmount;
    			if (sausageJCheckBox.isSelected())
    				price+= sausageToppingPrice * pizzaAmount;
    			if (mushroomJCheckBox.isSelected())
    				price+= mushroomToppingPrice * pizzaAmount;
    			if (oliveJCheckBox.isSelected())
    				price+= oliveToppingPrice * pizzaAmount;
    			if (onionJCheckBox.isSelected())
    				price+= onionToppingPrice * pizzaAmount;
    			if (green_pepperJCheckBox.isSelected())
    				price+= green_pepperToppingPrice * pizzaAmount;

    Thanks Again!!!

  2. #2
    Crazy Cat Lady KevinWorkman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Remaining compile errors: no suitable method found for & cannot find symbol

    Which error do you need help with? For that matter, what are your errors? Which one are you stuck on?

    Hopefully you've learned an important lesson- compile OFTEN. Write a line of code, compile (and run if possible). If you see an error, fix it before moving onto the next line. Do NOT write a bunch of lines and then compile and try to fix dozens of errors at a time. Work one line at a time, and you'll be slightly more likely to stay sane.
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  3. The Following User Says Thank You to KevinWorkman For This Useful Post:

    ChuckLep (December 12th, 2011)

  4. #3
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    Default Re: Remaining compile errors: no suitable method found for & cannot find symbol

    Did you not look at the comments in the code? I made specific notes in comments set within the code.
    regarding goals & errors:
    "// The line numbers did change when I pasted, listed as compiled. I apologize in advance I did mark 295:no suitable method //"
    "JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,//LINE#295 IS HERE//"
    "// Primary Goal=Remaining Compile Errors Resolved--> I had 51 before and worked through and made corrections, mostly misspells, forgetting capitals //
    // and Color scheme not liking (new Color(blue)) but rather (new Color(0,0,255)) to not issue an error. Whew-Progress!//
    // I'm down to 11 at lines: 148, 149, 150, 295, 325, 335, 339, 343. 347, 351, 355.//
    // All are "error:cannot find symbol" except 295= error: no suitable method found for showMessageDialog(PizzaOrderingProgramPanel,String ,int) which I think is creating the other errors //
    // See Below message at line #306 for more info. Any advice or help is greatly appreciated //"
    "//#306--->Secondary Goal: Text string converted to value of 1.00//This is area of faulty method See #295 above//
    //!!!!!!!I believe it needs work around this area(up a bit and/or down a bit)!!!!!!!//
    // I need to change the code so it can work with any input text not just String text that can be parsed to an Int!!!AAaaarrrgg!!!//
    //--->Tried String.parseString(pizzaJTextField.getText()); and .setText("1") to set any input to 1.00, but that didn't work either//
    // No one seems to have an answer, I keep ending up with searches that show simple String.toInt or String.parseInt examples//
    //that tend to choke on non-number text. Can "Ten" be set to 10 or any number like 1 if I want? I hope so.//
    // Maybe if I made an exception that has any input text but blank add $1.00: which is the desired outcome//
    // We do not care what the user entered whether its"extra cheese" in the text field or the "kitchen sink"//
    // as long as any text entry is set to a value of 1.00 and it is added with all the other options,//
    // or if a blank entry we set to a value of 0.00 and still add all other options,//
    // PROBLEM IS: seems if done this way any number entered except "0" or "1" will add too much->Example//
    //(5 will add 5.00 to the other options) GOAL: All text input should set a value of $1.00 //
    // or if left blank set to a value of $0.00 which is one of the goals of the TextField input per the project scenario as assigned. //
    // I have more attempted ideas below but am kinda stuck here especially with this method not working to do what I want//
    // Ideas=--> String.(pizzaJTextField.setText("1")); In the try-catch statement above or creating a couple new if statements//
    // to match a filled TextField or blank TextField //
    // or pizzaJTextField.setValue(new Double(1.00)); -OR- ?????????????? //
    //My searches keep getting me similar results. I need fresh eyes & ideas, Thanks //"

    So I am having trouble with the method defined at line 295 which since it defines what happens in the eastPizzaTextField panel is causing those:
    error:cannot find symbol at lines 148, 149, 150, 325, 335, 339, 343. 347, 351, 355.

    Also there have been many drafts of this code and it is actually an integration of smaller working scripts that were modified to work together.
    I did compile often I just made errors when copying over and re-integrating and re-organizing into one program. I fixed those line by line, that was the easy part. Getting a method to take any text entered into the TextField and convert it to a value of 1.00 or if left blank a value of 0.00 upon clicking a button is where I'm stumped. I can convert "1" textfieldinput into an int of 1 or a double of 1.00 or it throws an numberexception.
    How do I convert any textfieldinput to a single value of 1 or 1.00?

  5. #4
    Crazy Cat Lady KevinWorkman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Remaining compile errors: no suitable method found for & cannot find symbol

    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLep View Post
    Did you not look at the comments in the code?
    To be honest, no, and even when I was looking for them, it took me a minute to find them. That's a problem. That's waaay too much code for us to wade through. For better help faster, you're going to want to narrow each problem down to an individual SSCCE, and ask a specific question about it. Debugging all that code is going to take time that we simply don't have, so simply copy-pasting it here will probably just make you wait. At the very least, you should extract each line along with the corresponding compiler error. Make it easier for people to help you.

    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLep View Post
    I can convert "1" textfieldinput into an int of 1 or a double of 1.00 or it throws an numberexception.
    How do I convert any textfieldinput to a single value of 1 or 1.00?
    Depending on what exactly you're looking for, you can either cast to an int, or you can use an instance of DecimalFormat.
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  6. #5
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    Default Re: Remaining compile errors: no suitable method found for & cannot find symbol

    Do you understand what import statements do?

    Review your error messages and reconsider your import statements.

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