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Thread: Classpath override not working correctly in command prompt?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Classpath override not working correctly in command prompt?

    I am trying to run my program in command prompt using -classpath override. Take a look at what i tried here, and what resulted when I tried to give the classpath from a higher root directory. I am wondering why it can't find the file.

    C:\Program Files\Java\src\com\scjaexam>dir
     Volume in drive C is OS
     Volume Serial Number is 8873-03A4
     Directory of C:\Program Files\Java\src\com\scjaexam
    12/06/2011  01:38 PM    <DIR>          .
    12/06/2011  01:38 PM    <DIR>          ..
    12/06/2011  01:42 PM    <DIR>          ex2_1
    11/17/2011  12:49 PM    <DIR>          tutorial
                   0 File(s)              0 bytes
                   4 Dir(s)  112,734,724,096 bytes free
    C:\Program Files\Java\src\com\scjaexam>cd ex2_1
    C:\Program Files\Java\src\com\scjaexam\ex2_1>dir
     Volume in drive C is OS
     Volume Serial Number is 8873-03A4
     Directory of C:\Program Files\Java\src\com\scjaexam\ex2_1
    12/06/2011  01:42 PM    <DIR>          .
    12/06/2011  01:42 PM    <DIR>          ..
    12/09/2011  11:14 AM                82 iterator.java
                   1 File(s)             82 bytes
                   2 Dir(s)  112,734,724,096 bytes free
    C:\Program Files\Java\src\com\scjaexam\ex2_1>javac -cp iterator.java
    javac: no source files
    Usage: javac <options> <source files>
    use -help for a list of possible options
    C:\Program Files\Java\src\com\scjaexam\ex2_1>javac -cp . iterator.java
    iterator.java:1: ';' expected
    package com.scjaexam.ex2_1
    1 error
    C:\Program Files\Java\src\com\scjaexam\ex2_1>javac iterator.java
    iterator.java:1: ';' expected
    package com.scjaexam.ex2_1
    1 error
    C:\Program Files\Java\src\com\scjaexam\ex2_1>cd..\..\..
    C:\Program Files\Java\src>javac -cp .\com\scjaexam\ex2_1 iterator.java
    javac: file not found: iterator.java
    Usage: javac <options> <source files>
    use -help for a list of possible options
    C:\Program Files\Java\src>

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Classpath override not working correctly in command prompt?

    I am wondering why it can't find the file.
    What is 'it' and what is the 'file'?

    I see that the javac program found some syntax errors in the iterator.java file
    Then you changed directory away from where the source file was and javac could not find it any more.

    The classpath is NOT for finding source files. It's for finding .class files.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: Classpath override not working correctly in command prompt?

    Thank you for pointing this out.

    My textbook says that packaging is not a container for classes, like namespaces, but rather defines where they are located. So you must have a package statement in files that are to be imported?

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