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Thread: deleting all linked list elements using ADT

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Unhappy deleting all linked list elements using ADT


    how can i deleting all linked list elements using ADT

    please i need the ideas ??

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: deleting all linked list elements using ADT

    What is ADT?
    What class are you using for the linked list? Does it have methods to help you.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: deleting all linked list elements using ADT

    double linked list

    the methods :
    1.Method FindFirst ( )
    requires: list L is not empty. input: none
    results: first element set as the current element. output: none.
    2.Method FindNext ( )
    requires: list L is not empty. Cur is not last. input: none
    results: element following the current element is made the current element.
    output: none.
    2.Method FindPrevious ( )
    requires: list L is not empty. Cur is not Head. input: none
    results: element Previous to the current element is made the current element.
    output: none.
    3.Method Retrieve (Type e)
    requires: list L is not empty. input: none
    results: current element is copied into e. output: element e.
    4.Method Update (Type e).
    requires: list L is not empty. input: e.
    results: the element e is copied into the current node.
    output: none.
    5. Method Insert (Type e).
    requires: list L is not full. input: e.
    results: a new node containing element e is created and inserted after the current element in the list. The new element e is made the current element. If the list is empty e is also made the head element. output: none.
    6.Method Remove ( )
    requires: list L is not empty. input: none
    results: the current element is removed from the list. If the resulting list is empty current is set to NULL. If successor of the deleted element exists it is made the new current element otherwise first element is made the new current element. output: none.
    7. Method Full (boolean flag)
    input: none. returns: if the number of elements in L has reached the maximum number allowed then flag is set to true otherwise false. output: flag.
    8.Method Empty (boolean flag).
    input: none. results: if the number of elements in L is zero, then flag is set to true otherwise false. Output: flag.
    9.Method Last (boolean flag).
    input: none. requires: L is not empty. Results: if the last element is the current element then flag is set to true otherwise false. Output: flag

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: deleting all linked list elements using ADT

    What problems or questions do you have about your project?
    Are you having problems writing java code? If so, please post it with the error messages.

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