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Thread: I want to improve my code.

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Question I want to improve my code.

    Hello, I wrote a program to extract table data from HTML document.
    However I want to shrink this code more because it has to use large array variables.
    Could you give me any advice for improving this code more?

    import java.util.regex.Matcher;
    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    // This program copies all of table data 
    //   in a HTML document into the array of String type.
    class Tblextrct {
            enum STATE {cnct, dntct};
        	public Tblextrct(){		
        	public String [][] tableAnalysis(String ss, boolean debug){
                Pattern trs  = Pattern.compile("^<tr");
                Matcher trsm;
                Pattern tre  = Pattern.compile("^</tr>");
                Matcher trem;
                Pattern tds  = Pattern.compile("^<td");
                Matcher tdsm;
                Pattern tde  = Pattern.compile("^</td>");
                Matcher tdem;
                Pattern tags = Pattern.compile("^<(table|/table|tr|/tr|td|/td)");
                Matcher tagm ;
                Pattern ntag = Pattern.compile("^[^<]");
                Matcher ntagm ;
                Pattern spc = Pattern.compile("^(\\s+)$");
                Matcher spcm ;
                int i = 0, j = 0, x = 100*1000, y = 50, xm = 0, ym = 0 ;
        		String [][] array = new String [x][y];
                String []   stk   = new String[x]; 
                String []   stk1  = new String[x];
                String      cc    = "", dd = "";            
                ss = ss.replace("<b>", "");
                ss = ss.replace("</b>", "");
                for ( i = 0 ; i < ss.length();i++){
                	cc = ss.substring(i,i+1);
                	if ( cc.equals("<")){
                	   stk[j] = dd;
                	   dd = cc;
                	} else if ( cc.equals(">")){
                		stk[j] = dd + cc;
                		dd = "";
                	} else {
                		dd = dd + cc;
                j = 0 ;
                for ( i = 0 ; i < stk.length ; i++){
                	if ( stk[i] != null ){
                		tagm = tags.matcher(stk[i]);
                		ntagm = ntag.matcher(stk[i]);
                		if ( (ntagm.find() || tagm.find()) && !stk[i].equals("") ){
                j = 0 ; x = 0; y = 0;
                for ( i = 0 ; i < stk1.length ; i++){
                	if ( stk1[i] != null ){
                    	trsm  = trs.matcher(stk1[i]);
                    	trem  = tre.matcher(stk1[i]);
                    	tdsm  = tds.matcher(stk1[i]);
                    	tdem  = tde.matcher(stk1[i]);
                    	ntagm = ntag.matcher(stk1[i]);
                    	spcm  = spc.matcher(stk1[i]);
                    	if ( ntagm.find() && !spcm.find() ){
              	    	  if (array[x][y] != null){
              	    	     array[x][y]= array[x][y] + " " + stk1[i];
              	    	     if (debug){
                 	    	  System.out.println(">0 : "+x+","+y+" "+array[x][y]);
              	    	  } else {
              	    		 array[x][y] = stk1[i];
              	    		 if (debug){
                	    	  System.out.println("<0 : "+x+","+y+" "+stk1[i]);
              	       } else if ( trsm.find() ){
              	          y = 0;
              	       } else if ( trem.find()){
              		      if ( xm < x ){
              		    	  xm = x;
              	       } else if ( tdsm.find()){
              	       } else if ( tdem.find()){
              		      if ( ym < y ){
              		    	  ym = y;
                if (debug){
                String [][] ary = new String [xm][ym];
                for ( i = 0 ; i < xm ; i++){
                	for ( j = 0 ; j < ym ; j++ ){
                		if ( array[i][j] == null ){
                		   ary[i][j] = "";
                		   ary[i][j] = array[i][j];
        		return ary;

    class Test { 
        public static void main(String args[]) {
           int    x = 0 , y = 0;
           String [][] ss ;
           String sa = "";
           Tblextrct tt = new Tblextrct();
           // a input HTML description.
           String tb ="<table border=\"5\" cellspacing=\"15\" cellpadding=\"10\">\n<tr> <td>Apple</td>    <td>Sweet-sour</td>    <td>Not quite red</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>Chinese citron</td>    <td>Quite sour</td>    <td>Almost yellow</td>  </tr></table>";
           ss = tt.tableAnalysis(tb, false);
           for ( x = 0 ; x < (ss.length);x++){
        	   sa = "";
        	   for ( y = 0 ; y < (ss[x].length); y++){
        		   if ( ss[x][y] != null){
        		     sa = sa + "," + ss[x][y];

  2. #2
    Forum Squatter newbie's Avatar
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    Default Re: I want to improve my code.

    If it ain't broken, don't fix it
    Please use [highlight=Java]//code goes here...[/highlight] tags when posting your code

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: I want to improve my code.

    One suggestion would be to use variable names with some meaning.
    array does not say anything about what it contains or how it is used and you can tell it is an array by the syntax.

    Also Using program Comments helps people understand what the code is supposed to do.

  4. #4
    Administrator copeg's Avatar
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    Default Re: I want to improve my code.

    Like Newbie said, if it ain't broke don't try and fix it. That being said, your code makes very little sense given the obfuscated variable names and lack of comments that Norm pointed out. To add to their advice, I fail to see why you using regular expressions without harnessing the power of them...you could have a single regex that pulls the text inside a table element, then other regex that pulls the nested tags (tr, td...). Using a design such as this, your method could probably be shortened 10 fold, and a lot more understandable, and if written properly can be used to pull out a lot more than just a table.

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