Boolean ErrorHour value is true because I checked using the JOptionPane message box.
Then I run this method, but when it runs to the if statement ErrorHour equals true, is doesn't work, the message box does not open, the String value of error does not change, ErrorRate and Error ID does the same thing:
public String Error(){ String error = ""; if(name.getText().equals("") || name.getText().equals(null)){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f, "Checked 1"); error = error + "Error: Invalid Name(Blank)"; name.setText("Invalid"); } if(last.getText().equals("") || last.getText().equals(null)){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f, "Checked 2"); error = error + "\nError: Invalid Last Name(Blank)"; last.setText("Invalid"); } if(hHour.getText().equals("") || hHour.getText().equals(null)){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f, "Checked 3"); error = error + "\nError: Invalid Work Hours(Blank)"; hHour.setText("Invalid"); } if(hRate.getText().equals("") || hRate.getText().equals(null)){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f, "Checked 4"); error = error + "\nError: Invalid Hourly Rate(Blank)"; hRate.setText("Invalid"); } if(ID.getText().equals("") || ID.getText().equals(null)){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f, "Checked 5"); error = error + "\nError: Invalid Employee ID(Blank)"; ID.setText("Invalid"); } if(name.getText().equals("Invalid") || name.getText().equals("Exists")){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f, "Checked 6"); error = error + "\nError: Previous Invalid/Existing Error or" + "\nInvalid/Existing Input Not Accepted(Name)"; } if(last.getText().equals("Invalid") || last.getText().equals("Exists")){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f, "Checked 7"); error = error + "\nError: Previous Invalid/Existing Error or" + "\nInvalid/Existing Input Not Accepted(Last)"; } if(hHour.getText().equals("Invalid") && ErrorHour == false){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f, "Checked 8"); error = error + "\nError: Previous Invalid Error or" + "\nInvalid Input Not Accepted(Hours Worked)"; } if(hRate.getText().equals("Invalid") && ErrorRate == false){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f, "Checked 9"); error = error + "\nError: Previous Invalid Error or" + "\nInvalid Input Not Accepted(Hourly Rate)"; } if(ID.getText().equals("Full") || ID.getText().equals("Exists") || ID.getText().equals("Invalid")){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f, "Checked 10"); error = error + "\nError: Previous Invalid/Existing/Full Error or" + "\nInvalid/Existing/Full Input Not Accepted(ID)"; } if(eType == 0){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f, "Checked 11"); error = error + "\nError: Type Required(Button Full or Part)"; } if(eHour < 1 || eHour > 60){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f, "Checked 12"); error = error + "\nError: Invalid Working Hours(1 - 60)"; hHour.setText("Invalid"); } if(eRate < 6.75 || eRate > 30.5){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f, "Checked 13"); error = error + "\nError: Invalid Hourly Rate(6.75 - 30.50)"; hRate.setText("Invalid"); } if(eID > 100 || eID < 1){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f, "Checked 14"); error = error + "\nError: Invalid ID Value(1-100)"; ID.setText("Invalid"); } if(ErrorName == true){//Works JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f, "Checked 15"); error = error + "\nError: First Name Input(A-Z)"; name.setText("Invalid"); } if(ErrorLast == true){//Works JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f, "Checked 16"); error = error + "\nError: Last Name Input(A-Z)"; last.setText("Invalid"); } if(ErrorHour == true){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f, "Checked 17"); error = error + "\nError: Working Hour Input(Numberical)"; hHour.setText("Invalid"); } if(ErrorRate == true){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f, "Checked 18"); error = error + "\nError: Hourly Rate Input(Numberical)"; hRate.setText("Invalid"); } if(ErrorID == true){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f, "Checked 19"); error = error + "\nError: Employee ID Input(Numberical)"; ID.setText("Invalid"); } if(ErrorNameLast == true){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f, "Checked 20"); error = error + "\nError: First and Last Name Exists"; name.setText("Exists"); last.setText("Exists"); } if(ErrorIDRepeat == true){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f, "Checked 21"); error = error + "\nError: Employee ID In Use"; ID.setText("Exists"); } if(count == 99){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f, "Checked 22"); error = error + "\nError: Employee List Is Full(Delete)"; ID.setText("Full"); } return error; }