I hope you can help me:
I have a Java project that works fine in IDE but not in windows, the application shows a screen using javax.swing.JDesktopPane() when clicking in a tree node, I have several nodes and all of them work fine except the last one I add recently, when in IDE it is ok, when I double click the .jar everything works fine except the last that does not shows and no errors messages are displayed, the program stops in the next code:
JLabel itmx = new JLabel();
itmx.setIcon(new javax.swing.ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/imgs/Tx.jpg")));
itmx.setBounds(400, 10, 160, 50);
Tx.jpg (3,402 bytes) could be open with “Paint”, and is in C:\...\build\classes\imgs and in C:\...\src\imgs
NetBeans 6.8.
Windows XP SP3.
Cleaned and building several times after each edition.
Manifest-Version: 1.0
X-COMMENT: Main-Class will be added automatically by build
Thank you in advance
Adolfo Ponce