I am new to programing and am taking intro to Java this semester. First project is program that determines least amount of bills and coins of a given amount. It is very basic and also was told to include the psuedocode in the code. Please any feedback is appreciated but please don't be to harsh.
/* * Program will prompts for monetary value and display amount in bill and coins. * The total amount is entered in with keyboard. * Bills and coins are calculated by dividing total by bill amount and again with remaining balance divided so on and ... * * - Inputs: * totalamount in entered from keyboard. * * - Processing: * totalamount is multiplied by 100 to convert to cents. * Value is then divided by 1000 to find amount of ten dollar bills in amount. * The remainder of operation is then divided by 500 to find amount of five dollar bills in amount. * The remainder of operation is then divided by 100 to find amount of one dollar bills in amount. * The remainder of operation is then divided by 25 to find amount of quarters in amount. * The remainder of operation is then divided by 10 to find amount of dimes in amount. * The remainder of operation is then divided by 5 to find amount of knickels in amount. * * * * - Outputs: * Display amount of ten dollar bills in totalamount. * Display amount of five dollar bills in totalamount. * Display amount of dollar bills in totalamount. * Display amount of quarters in totalamount. * Display amount of dimes in totalamount. * Display amount of pennies in totalamount. * * @author Robert Gonzalez * @version 1.1 * */ import java.util.Scanner; public class changeBack { /** * Calculates fewest number of each bill and coin needed to represent that input amount. * @param args A String array containing command-line parameters. */ public static void main(String[] args) { double totalamount; double remainbalance; int tenbills; int fivebills; int dollars; int quarters; int dimes; int knickels; int pennies; Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); //Get the total amount to calculate change System.out.print("How much money do you have in your pocket? "); totalamount = input.nextDouble(); //Calculate amount of bills and coins totalamount =(totalamount*100); tenbills = (int) totalamount/1000; remainbalance = totalamount%1000; fivebills= (int)remainbalance/500; remainbalance = totalamount%500; dollars= (int)remainbalance/100; remainbalance = totalamount%100; quarters= (int)remainbalance/50; remainbalance = totalamount%50; dimes= (int)remainbalance/10; remainbalance = totalamount%10; knickels= (int)remainbalance/5; remainbalance = totalamount%5; pennies= (int)remainbalance; //Displays the outputs System.out.println("That amount brakes down to:"); System.out.println(tenbills + " ten dollar bills"); System.out.println(fivebills + " five dollars bills"); System.out.println(dollars + " dollar bills"); System.out.println(quarters + " quarters"); System.out.println(dimes + " dimes"); System.out.println(knickels + " knickels"); System.out.println(pennies + " pennies"); } }