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Thread: JFrame Menu bar errors.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
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    Question JFrame Menu bar errors.

    I am trying to get a menubar for a number puzzle game i am working on.

    Here is my code as of yet.

    thats the code for the game. Im trying to mix in a lil bit of code for a menu bar to allow me to change the theme.

    I know i need to implement action listeners for each theme and when that action is clicked i want to change the ThemeBC to 1 color using RGB r1,g1,b1 and ThemeF to a second color using r2,g2,b2. (but i want to be able to switch the theme by clicking a different 1 in the middle of a game and having it update. Any and all help would be appreciated as I would be taking up some of your time.

    \\JamesWilliams period 5
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.util.Random;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class JDub extends Applet
    	// These are all global / class variables.
    	private int size;
    	private String lastLetter;
    	private int rows;
    	private int cols;
    	private int rowsXcols;
    	private int moveCounter = 0;
    	private int moveCounterUpdated = 0;
    	private Graphics g;
    	// rects is a matrix of rectangles.
    	private Rectangle rects[][];
    	// scramble is declared as a static array of boolean values.
    	private boolean scramble[];
    	// matrix is declared as a two dimentional static array of Strings.
    	private String matrix[][];
    	// rnd is declared as an object of the Random class.
    	private Random rnd;
    	// blankR is declared as an integer variable to indicate a blank row number.
    	private int blankR;
    	// blankC is declared as an integer variable to indicate a column number.
    	private int blankC;
            private String label = null;
    	private int cellSize;
    	private String player;
     	private Button _myButton;
    	int r1 = 0;
    	int r2 = 255;
    	int g1 = 0;
            int g2 = 255;
    	int b1 = 0;
    	int b2 = 255;
    	color ThemeBC = new color(r1,g1,b1);
    	color ThemeF = new color(r2,g2,b2);
    	public static void main(String ad[])
            JFrame jwill = new JFrame();
            JDub a=new JDub();
            jwill.getContentPane().add(a, BorderLayout.CENTER);
            jwill.setSize(new Dimension(700,700));
    	// Create the menu bar
    	JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
    	// Create a menu
    	JMenu menu = new JMenu("Theme");
    	// Create a menu item
    	JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem("Xmas");
    	// Install the menu bar in the frame
      public void init() {
        _myButton = new Button (getParameter (
        _myButton.addActionListener (
          new AbstractAction () {
            public void actionPerformed (
                          ActionEvent event) {
              Frame f = new Frame("Frame");
        add (_myButton);
    	/* The init method is a void method used to initialize the class variables. */
    		player = "";
    		// This is a call to the enterSizeAndPlayersName method.
    		/** size is a global variable returned by the above method.
    		* size is the number of rows and columns for this puzzle.
    		* 540 pixels is the size of the whole puzzle.  Therefore the
    		* cellSize of a 3 by 3 is 540/3 or 180 pixels.*/
    		if (size >= 2) cellSize = 400 / size;
    		else cellSize = 540 / size;
    		/** The size of the rects matrix, an object of the Rectangle
    		* class, is determined by the values of row +1 & col +1. So
    		* a 3 X 3 will have 4 rows and 4 columns.**/
    		rects = new Rectangle[rows + 1][cols +1];
    		for(int row = 1; row <= rows; row++)
    			for(int col = 1; col <= cols; col++)
    				int x = (col - 1) * cellSize + cellSize;
    				int y = (row - 1) * cellSize + cellSize;
    				rects[row][col] = new Rectangle(x,y,cellSize,cellSize);
    		// matrix is defined here as a rows + 2 by cols + 2 matrix of Strings.
    		matrix = new String[rows+2][cols+2];
    		// scramble is defined here as a  rows by cols + 1 elements of booleans.
    		scramble = new boolean[rowsXcols + 1];
    		// This for loop will fill the scramble array with 16 values of false.
    		for (int k = 1; k <=rowsXcols; k++)
    			scramble[k] = false;
    		// rnd is defined as a Random object without a seed value.
    		rnd = new Random();
    		// A 6 by 6 matrix is filled with the "#" pound sign as a String.
    		for (int r = 0; r <= rows + 1; r++)
    			for (int c = 0; c <= cols + 1; c++)
    				matrix[r][c] = "#";
    		/* Then a 4 by 4 matrix is defined inside the 6 by 6 matrix but
    		 * starting at 1,1 instead of 0,0.  This matrix will be filled
    		 * with letters supplied by the getLetter method with the last of the
    		 * sixteen letters (P) being blanked out by the if statement
    		 * if(matrix[r][c].equals("L")) */
    		for (int r = 1; r <= rows; r++)
    			for (int c = 1; c <= cols; c++)
    				matrix[r][c] = getLetter();
    				if (matrix[r][c].equals(lastLetter))
    					// Here the blankR varaible is defined as the r number that would
    					// normally hold the letter lastLetter.
    					blankR = r;
    					// Here the blankC varaible is defined as the c number that would
    					// normally hold the letter lastLetter.
    					blankC = c;
    	} // End of the init method ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    	/** The enterSize method is a void method that will prompt the user for a 3 for a 3 X 3 grid, a
    	 *  4 for a 4 X 4 grid and a 5 for a 5 X 5 grid for the Letter Puzzle. **/
    	public void enterSizeAndPlayersName()
    		// Prompt the user for a grid size.
    		String prompt = "Enter Play Level\n 3 - 3 X 3 Grid\n 4 - 4 X 4 Grid\n 5 - 5 X 5 Grid\n 6 - 6 X 6 Grid\n 7 - 7 X 7 Grid\n 8 - 8 X 8 Grid\n 9 - 9 X 9 Grid\n 10 - 10 X 10 Grid\n";
    		// Assign the number entered to a string variable named sizeString.
    		String sizeString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(prompt);
    		String IdiotMax = "The max is 10 X 10 moron";
    		String IdiotMin = "The min is 2 X 2 idiot";
                    String tryagain = "";
    		// Convert sizeString into integer variable size using the parseInt method of Integer class.
    		size = Integer.parseInt(sizeString);
    		if (size > 10)
                            tryagain = IdiotMax + "! Would you like to try again?";
    			int retry = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null,
    			"Click Yes or No:",
    			if (retry == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {enterSizeAndPlayersName(); }
    			else if (retry == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) {System.exit(0);}
    		if (size < 2)
    			tryagain = IdiotMin + "! Would you like to try again?";
    			int retry = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null,
    			"Click Yes or No:",
    			if (retry == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {enterSizeAndPlayersName(); }
    			else if (retry == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) {System.exit(0);}
    		String playerNamePrompt = "Enter Your Full Name as the player. \n";
    		player = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(playerNamePrompt);
    		// Size is the number of rows and columns in the grid.
    		rows = size;
    		cols = size;
    		// A 3 by 3 grid will have 9 (3 * 3) cells.
    		rowsXcols = rows * cols;
    		// The size will determine the value of lastLetter variable.
    		switch (size)
    			case 2: lastLetter = "4"; break;
    			case 3: lastLetter = "9"; break;
    			case 4: lastLetter = "16"; break;
    			case 5: lastLetter = "25"; break;
    			case 6: lastLetter = "36"; break;
    			case 7: lastLetter = "49"; break;
    			case 8: lastLetter = "64"; break;
    			case 9: lastLetter = "81"; break;
    			case 10: lastLetter = "100"; break;
    	} // End of the enterSize method ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    	/* This is the getLetter method and it is called by the init method to get a letter
    	 * to draw in the 4 by 4 matrix inside the 6 by 6 matrix of #'s. */
    	public String getLetter()
    		// The String letter is initalized to an empty string.
    		String letter = "";
    		// The boolean varaible Done is declared and defined as "false".
    		boolean Done = false;
    		// While Done is not true (false) this loop will continue.
    			// A new integer variable rndNum is declared and defined as a random
    			// integer between 1 and 16.
    			int rndNum = rnd.nextInt(rowsXcols) + 1;
    			// If the scramble array at element rndNum is false (each element is the
    			// array is defined as false), then the if statement is executed.
    			if (scramble[rndNum] == false)
    				// Capital letter A is 65 in Unicode and ASCII codes.  Therefore, the
    				// rndNum + 64 will range between A and P. Here the String letter is
    				// defined as the character of the value at rndNum + 64.
    				letter = String.valueOf(rndNum);
    				// The element at rndNum in the scramble array is declared to be true
    				// so that the letters are only assigned once. Each time a letter is
    				// assigned that recatangle's scramble value is turned to true.
    				scramble[rndNum] = true;
    				// The while loop will execute once and only once each time
    				Done = true;
    		return letter;
    	} // End of the getLetter method ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    	/* The paint method will draw the grid lines and each capital letter assigned to
    	 * each matrix point. */
    	public void paint(Graphics out)
    		// g is the global object of the Graphics class while output is the local variable.
                    g.setColor(new Color(0,100,0));
    		// This is a call to the drawGrid method and we are passing it the global variable g.
    		// Font attributes are set here.
    		g.setFont(new Font("Arial",Font.BOLD,20));
    		// Author's name is displayed.
    		g.drawString("J-Will's Number Puzzle",20,40);
    		// Moves Taken string is displayed at 390 x and 40 y.
    		g.drawString("Moves Taken ",390,40);
    		// The current player from the JOption pane input window is displayed at (20, 60).
    		g.drawString("Current Player:  " + player,40,60);
    		// This is where the moveCounter will be displayed.
    		g.drawRect(530, 15, 150, 50);
    		// The moverCounter is shown as an empty string plus the number.
    		String counter = "" + moveCounter;
    		/** If the moverCounter is less than the moveCounterUpdated variable, then the
    		 *  swap method has been called and the moveCounterUpdated++; statement has
    		 *  added one to the moveCounterUpdated variable.  That will cause the
    		 *  moveCounter to be one less than the moveCounterUpdated.  That is when the
    		 *  old number needs to be blanked out with a white rectangle. **/
    		if(moveCounter < moveCounterUpdated)
    			// The color white is set.
    			g.setColor(new Color(0,100,0));
    			// The display area for the moveCounter is painted white = blanked.
    			// After the area is blanked moveCounter is assigned moveCounterUpdated.
    			moveCounter = moveCounterUpdated;
    		/** After moveCounter is updated a new number of moves needs to be displayed. **/
    		if(moveCounter == moveCounterUpdated)
    			// Change the color to burnt orange of UT is 204,85,0 or HTML CC5500.
    			// Change the Font and Font size.
    			g.setFont(new Font("Arial",Font.BOLD,49));
    			// Draw the number in the rectangle.
    		for (int r = 1; r <= rows; r++)
    			for (int c = 1; c <= cols; c++)
    				int y =  (r - 1) * cellSize + cellSize;
    				int x =  (c - 1) * cellSize + cellSize;
    	} // End of the paint method  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    	/* The drawGrid method will draw the outline and lines for the three by three grid. */
    	public void drawGrid(Graphics g)
    		for(int r = 1; r <= rows; r++)
    			for(int c = 1; c <= cols; c++)
    				int y = 20 + (r - 1) * cellSize + cellSize;
    				int x = 10 + (c - 1) * cellSize + cellSize;
    	} // End of drawGrid method  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    	/* The drawLetter will draw the appropiate letter in the appropiate matrix location
    	 * and it will be an Arial font that is bold and size 200.  The offset will center
    	 * the letter inside the 200 by 200 square. unless the letter is an lastLetter, in which
    	 * case a blank is draw at that locaton. */
    	public void drawLetter(Graphics g, String letter, int x, int y)
    		g.setFont(new Font("Arial",Font.BOLD,cellSize - 10));
    		int offSetX = x + 12;
    		int offSetY = y + 20 + (cellSize * 4 / 5 );
    		int offSetX2 = offSetX + 10;
    		int offSetY2 = offSetY;
    		int num = Integer.parseInt(letter);
    		if (letter.equals(lastLetter))
    			g.setColor(new Color(0,100,0));
    			g.fillRect(x+11,y+21,cellSize - 2,cellSize - 2);
    			if (num < 10)
    			g.drawString(letter,offSetX2, offSetY2);
    	} // End of drawLetter method
    	 * The mouseDown method will detect if the mouse is depressed inside one of the
    	 * 9 recatangles. It will also check to see if any of the 8 rectangles around
    	 * the current rectangle is empty(the one with the letter "I"), using the
    	 * okSquare() method.  If both of those conditions are true then the letter
    	 * is swapped places with the letter "I".
    	public boolean mouseDown(Event e, int x, int y)
    		/* If you click in the rectangle and that rectangle has the letter I
    		 * in one of the four adjoining squares, then that letter is swapped with
    		 * the letter "I" which is the empty square because the last letter is the
    		 * series is made to be blank so that one square is always empty. */
    		for (int r = 1; r <= rows; r++)
    			for (int c = 1; c <= cols; c++)
    				if(rects[r][c].inside(x,y) && okSquare(r,c))
    		return true;
    	} //End of mouseDown method ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    	/* The okSquare method is sent the row and column numbers
    	 * of the a 3 by 3 matrix location as defined by the r and
    	 * the c values.  The square is OK if the square above [r-1], or
    	 * the square below [r+1], or the square to the left [c-1], or
    	 * the square to right [c+1] contains the letter "I" and is
    	 * therefore blank or empty. If any of those four conditions
    	 * are true then the value of true is returned and okSquare
    	 * condition is true. */
    	public boolean okSquare(int r, int c)
    		boolean temp = false;
    		if (matrix[r-1][c].equals(lastLetter))
    			temp = true;
    		else if (matrix[r+1][c].equals(lastLetter))
    			temp = true;
    		else if (matrix[r][c-1].equals(lastLetter))
    			temp = true;
    		else if (matrix[r][c+1].equals(lastLetter))
    			temp = true;
    		return temp;
    	} // End of okSquare method  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    	/* The row and column number of the blank square is swapped with
    	 * the row and column number passed to this method and then the
    	 * entire applet is redrawn with repaint() method. */
    	public void swap(int r, int c)
    		moveCounterUpdated ++;
    		matrix[blankR][blankC] = matrix[r][c];
    		matrix[r][c] = lastLetter;
    		blankR = r;
    		blankC = c;
    	} // End of swap method  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    	public void youwin(Graphics g)
    	String mn = "";
    	if (moveCounterUpdated <= 1)
    	{ moveCounterUpdated = 1; mn = " move!!!";}
    	{ mn = " moves!";}
    	String Winner = "Congrats " + player + " on solving the " + size + " by " + size + " puzzle in " + moveCounterUpdated + mn;
            String Loss = "TROLOLOLOLO, You can not win them all!!!!!!!!!!!!";
    	if (size >= 6)
    	{Winner = Winner + "\n What? Would you like a cookie???";}
    	boolean Win = false;
    	boolean lose = false;
    	switch (size)
    		case 2: Win = win2x2(); lose = lose2x2();break;
    		case 3: Win = win3x3();break;
    		case 4: Win = win4x4();break;
    		case 5: Win = win5x5();break;
    		case 6: Win = win6x6();break;
    		case 7: Win = win7x7();break;
    		case 8: Win = win8x8();break;
    		case 9: Win = win9x9();break;
    		case 10: Win = win10x10();
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, Winner);
    	JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, Loss);
    	public boolean lose2x2()
    	boolean lose = false;
    	if(matrix[1][1].equals("2") && matrix[1][2].equals("1"))
    	{ lose = true;   }
    		return lose;
    	public boolean win2x2()
    	boolean win = false;
    	if(matrix[1][1].equals("1") && matrix[1][2].equals("2") &&
    	{  	win = true;  }
    	   return win;
    	public boolean win3x3()
    	boolean win = false;
    	if(matrix[1][1].equals("1") && matrix[1][2].equals("2") && matrix[1][3].equals("3") &&
    	   matrix[2][1].equals("4") && matrix[2][2].equals("5") && matrix[2][3].equals("6") &&
    	   matrix[3][1].equals("7") && matrix[3][2].equals("8"))
    	{	win = true;   }
    		return win;
    	public boolean win4x4()
    	boolean win = false;
    	if(matrix[1][1].equals("1") && matrix[1][2].equals("2") && matrix[1][3].equals("3") && matrix[1][4].equals("4") &&
    	   matrix[2][1].equals("5") && matrix[2][2].equals("6") && matrix[2][3].equals("7") && matrix[2][4].equals("8") &&
    	   matrix[3][1].equals("9") && matrix[3][2].equals("10") && matrix[3][3].equals("11") && matrix[3][4].equals("12") &&
    	   matrix[4][1].equals("13") && matrix[4][2].equals("14") && matrix[4][3].equals("15") )
    	{	win = true;   }
    		return win;
    	public boolean win5x5()
        boolean win = false;
        if (matrix[1][1].equals("1") && matrix[1][2].equals("2") && matrix[1][3].equals("3") && matrix[1][4].equals("4") && matrix[1][5].equals("5") &&
        	matrix[2][1].equals("6") && matrix[2][2].equals("7") && matrix[2][3].equals("8") && matrix[2][4].equals("9") && matrix[2][5].equals("10") &&
        	matrix[3][1].equals("11") && matrix[3][2].equals("12") && matrix[3][3].equals("13") && matrix[3][4].equals("14") && matrix[3][5].equals("15") &&
        	matrix[4][1].equals("16") && matrix[4][2].equals("17") && matrix[4][3].equals("18") && matrix[4][4].equals("19") && matrix[4][5].equals("20") &&
        	matrix[5][1].equals("21") && matrix[5][2].equals("22") && matrix[5][3].equals("23") && matrix[5][4].equals("24"))
        	{ win = true; }
        	return win;
    	public boolean win6x6()
    	boolean win = false;
        if (matrix[1][1].equals("1") && matrix[1][2].equals("2") && matrix[1][3].equals("3") && matrix[1][4].equals("4") && matrix[1][5].equals("5") && matrix[1][6].equals("6") &&
    	matrix[2][1].equals("7") && matrix[2][2].equals("8") && matrix[2][3].equals("9") && matrix[2][4].equals("10") && matrix[2][5].equals("11") && matrix[2][6].equals("12") &&
    	matrix[3][1].equals("13") && matrix[3][2].equals("14") && matrix[3][3].equals("15") && matrix[3][4].equals("16") && matrix[3][5].equals("17") && matrix[3][6].equals("18") &&
    	matrix[4][1].equals("19") && matrix[4][2].equals("20") && matrix[4][3].equals("21") && matrix[4][4].equals("22") && matrix[4][5].equals("23") && matrix[4][6].equals("24") &&
    	matrix[5][1].equals("25") && matrix[5][2].equals("26") && matrix[5][3].equals("27") && matrix[5][4].equals("28") && matrix[5][5].equals("29") && matrix[5][6].equals("30") &&
    	matrix[6][1].equals("31") && matrix[6][2].equals("32") && matrix[6][3].equals("33") && matrix[6][4].equals("34") && matrix[6][5].equals("35"))
    	{ win = true; }
    	return win;
    	public boolean win7x7()
    		boolean win = false;
    	if (matrix[1][1].equals("1") && matrix[1][2].equals("2") && matrix[1][3].equals("3") && matrix[1][4].equals("4") && matrix[1][5].equals("5") && matrix[1][6].equals("6") && matrix[1][7].equals("7") &&
    		matrix[2][1].equals("8") && matrix[2][2].equals("9") && matrix[2][3].equals("10") && matrix[2][4].equals("11") && matrix[2][5].equals("12") && matrix[2][6].equals("13") && matrix[2][7].equals("14") &&
    		matrix[3][1].equals("15") && matrix[3][2].equals("16") && matrix[3][3].equals("17") && matrix[3][4].equals("18") && matrix[3][5].equals("19") && matrix[3][6].equals("20") && matrix[3][7].equals("21") &&
    		matrix[4][1].equals("22") && matrix[4][2].equals("23") && matrix[4][3].equals("24") && matrix[4][4].equals("25") && matrix[4][5].equals("26") && matrix[4][6].equals("27") && matrix[4][7].equals("28") &&
    		matrix[5][1].equals("29") && matrix[5][2].equals("30") && matrix[5][3].equals("31") && matrix[5][4].equals("32") && matrix[5][5].equals("33") && matrix[5][6].equals("34") && matrix[5][7].equals("35") &&
    		matrix[6][1].equals("36") && matrix[6][2].equals("37") && matrix[6][3].equals("38") && matrix[6][4].equals("39") && matrix[6][5].equals("40") && matrix[6][6].equals("41") && matrix[6][7].equals("42") &&
    		matrix[7][1].equals("43") && matrix[7][2].equals("44") && matrix[7][3].equals("45") && matrix[7][4].equals("46") && matrix[7][5].equals("47") && matrix[7][6].equals("48"))
    		{ win = true; }
        	return win;
    	public boolean win8x8()
    	boolean win = false;
    	if (matrix[1][1].equals("1") && matrix[1][2].equals("2") && matrix[1][3].equals("3") && matrix[1][4].equals("4") &&
    		matrix[1][5].equals("5") && matrix[1][6].equals("6") && matrix[1][7].equals("7") && matrix[1][8].equals("8") &&
    		matrix[2][1].equals("9") && matrix[2][2].equals("10") && matrix[2][3].equals("11") && matrix[2][4].equals("12") &&
    		matrix[2][5].equals("13") && matrix[2][6].equals("14") && matrix[2][7].equals("15") && matrix[2][8].equals("16") &&
    		matrix[3][1].equals("17") && matrix[3][2].equals("18") && matrix[3][3].equals("19") && matrix[3][4].equals("20") &&
    		matrix[3][5].equals("21") && matrix[3][6].equals("22") && matrix[3][7].equals("23") && matrix[3][8].equals("24") &&
    		matrix[4][1].equals("25") && matrix[4][2].equals("26") && matrix[4][3].equals("27") && matrix[4][4].equals("28") &&
    		matrix[4][5].equals("29") && matrix[4][6].equals("30") && matrix[4][7].equals("31") && matrix[4][8].equals("32") &&
    		matrix[5][1].equals("33") && matrix[5][2].equals("34") && matrix[5][3].equals("35") && matrix[5][4].equals("36") &&
    		matrix[5][5].equals("37") && matrix[5][6].equals("38") && matrix[5][7].equals("39") && matrix[5][8].equals("40") &&
    		matrix[6][1].equals("41") && matrix[6][2].equals("42") && matrix[6][3].equals("43") && matrix[6][4].equals("44") &&
    		matrix[6][5].equals("45") && matrix[6][6].equals("46") && matrix[6][7].equals("47") && matrix[6][8].equals("48") &&
    		matrix[7][1].equals("49") && matrix[7][2].equals("50") && matrix[7][3].equals("51") && matrix[7][4].equals("52") &&
    		matrix[7][5].equals("53") && matrix[7][6].equals("54") && matrix[7][7].equals("55") && matrix[7][8].equals("56") &&
    		matrix[8][1].equals("57") && matrix[8][2].equals("58") && matrix[8][3].equals("59") && matrix[8][4].equals("60") &&
    		matrix[8][5].equals("61") && matrix[8][6].equals("62") && matrix[8][7].equals("63"))
    		{win = true;}
        	return win;
    	public boolean win9x9()
    	boolean win = false;
            if ( matrix[1][1].equals("1") && matrix[1][2].equals("2") && matrix[1][3].equals("3") && matrix[1][4].equals("4") && matrix[1][5].equals("5") &&
                 matrix[1][6].equals("6") && matrix[1][7].equals("7") && matrix[1][8].equals("8") && matrix[1][9].equals("9") &&
                 matrix[2][1].equals("10") && matrix[2][2].equals("11") && matrix[2][3].equals("12") && matrix[2][4].equals("13") && matrix[2][5].equals("14") &&
                 matrix[2][6].equals("15") && matrix[2][7].equals("16") && matrix[2][8].equals("17") && matrix[2][9].equals("18") &&
                 matrix[3][1].equals("19") && matrix[3][2].equals("20") && matrix[3][3].equals("21") && matrix[3][4].equals("22") && matrix[3][5].equals("23") &&
                 matrix[3][6].equals("24") && matrix[3][7].equals("25") && matrix[3][8].equals("26") && matrix[3][9].equals("27") &&
                 matrix[4][1].equals("28") && matrix[4][2].equals("29") && matrix[4][3].equals("30") && matrix[4][4].equals("31") && matrix[4][5].equals("32") &&
                 matrix[4][6].equals("33") && matrix[4][7].equals("34") && matrix[4][8].equals("35") && matrix[4][9].equals("36") &&
                 matrix[5][1].equals("37") && matrix[5][2].equals("38") && matrix[5][3].equals("39") && matrix[5][4].equals("40") && matrix[5][5].equals("41") &&
                 matrix[5][6].equals("42") && matrix[5][7].equals("43") && matrix[5][8].equals("44") && matrix[5][9].equals("45") &&
                 matrix[6][1].equals("46") && matrix[6][2].equals("47") && matrix[6][3].equals("48") && matrix[6][4].equals("49") && matrix[6][5].equals("50") &&
                 matrix[6][6].equals("51") && matrix[6][7].equals("52") && matrix[6][8].equals("53") && matrix[6][9].equals("54") &&
                 matrix[7][1].equals("55") && matrix[7][2].equals("56") && matrix[7][3].equals("57") && matrix[7][4].equals("58") && matrix[7][5].equals("59") &&
                 matrix[7][6].equals("60") && matrix[7][7].equals("61") && matrix[7][8].equals("62") && matrix[7][9].equals("63") &&
                 matrix[8][1].equals("64") && matrix[8][2].equals("65") && matrix[8][3].equals("66") && matrix[8][4].equals("67") && matrix[8][5].equals("68") &&
                 matrix[8][6].equals("69") && matrix[8][7].equals("70") && matrix[8][8].equals("71") && matrix[8][9].equals("72") &&
                 matrix[9][1].equals("73") && matrix[9][2].equals("74") && matrix[9][3].equals("75") && matrix[9][4].equals("76") && matrix[9][5].equals("77") &&
                 matrix[9][6].equals("78") && matrix[9][7].equals("79") && matrix[9][8].equals("80"))
            { win = true; }
        	return win;
    	public boolean win10x10()
    	boolean win = false;
    	if ( matrix[1][1].equals("1") && matrix[1][2].equals("2") && matrix[1][3].equals("3") && matrix[1][4].equals("4") && matrix[1][5].equals("5") &&
    		 matrix[1][6].equals("6") && matrix[1][7].equals("7") && matrix[1][8].equals("8") && matrix[1][9].equals("9") && matrix[1][10].equals("10") &&
    		 matrix[2][1].equals("11") && matrix[2][2].equals("12") && matrix[2][3].equals("13") && matrix[2][4].equals("14") && matrix[2][5].equals("15") &&
    		 matrix[2][6].equals("16") && matrix[2][7].equals("17") && matrix[2][8].equals("18") && matrix[2][9].equals("19") && matrix[2][10].equals("20") &&
    		 matrix[3][1].equals("21") && matrix[3][2].equals("22") && matrix[3][3].equals("23") && matrix[3][4].equals("24") && matrix[3][5].equals("25") &&
    		 matrix[3][6].equals("26") && matrix[3][7].equals("27") && matrix[3][8].equals("28") && matrix[2][9].equals("29") && matrix[3][10].equals("30") &&
    		 matrix[4][1].equals("31") && matrix[4][2].equals("32") && matrix[4][3].equals("33") && matrix[4][4].equals("34") && matrix[4][5].equals("35") &&
    		 matrix[4][6].equals("36") && matrix[4][7].equals("37") && matrix[4][8].equals("38") && matrix[4][9].equals("39") && matrix[4][10].equals("40") &&
    		 matrix[5][1].equals("41") && matrix[5][2].equals("42") && matrix[5][3].equals("43") && matrix[5][4].equals("44") && matrix[5][5].equals("45") &&
    		 matrix[5][6].equals("46") && matrix[5][7].equals("47") && matrix[5][8].equals("48") && matrix[5][9].equals("49") && matrix[5][10].equals("50") &&
    		 matrix[6][1].equals("51") && matrix[6][2].equals("52") && matrix[6][3].equals("53") && matrix[6][4].equals("54") && matrix[6][5].equals("55") &&
    		 matrix[6][6].equals("56") && matrix[6][7].equals("57") && matrix[6][8].equals("58") && matrix[6][9].equals("59") && matrix[6][10].equals("60") &&
    		 matrix[7][1].equals("61") && matrix[7][2].equals("62") && matrix[7][3].equals("63") && matrix[7][4].equals("64") && matrix[7][5].equals("65") &&
    		 matrix[7][6].equals("66") && matrix[7][7].equals("67") && matrix[7][8].equals("68") && matrix[7][9].equals("69") && matrix[7][10].equals("70") &&
    		 matrix[8][1].equals("71") && matrix[8][2].equals("72") && matrix[8][3].equals("73") && matrix[7][4].equals("74") && matrix[7][5].equals("75") &&
    		 matrix[8][6].equals("76") && matrix[8][7].equals("77") && matrix[8][8].equals("78") && matrix[8][9].equals("79") && matrix[8][10].equals("80") &&
    		 matrix[9][1].equals("81") && matrix[9][2].equals("82") && matrix[9][3].equals("83") && matrix[8][4].equals("84") && matrix[8][5].equals("85") &&
    		 matrix[9][6].equals("86") && matrix[9][7].equals("87") && matrix[9][8].equals("88") && matrix[9][9].equals("89") && matrix[9][10].equals("90") &&
    		 matrix[10][1].equals("91") && matrix[10][2].equals("92") && matrix[10][3].equals("93") && matrix[10][4].equals("94") && matrix[10][5].equals("95") &&
    		 matrix[10][6].equals("96") && matrix[10][7].equals("97") && matrix[10][8].equals("98") && matrix[10][9].equals("99"))
    		 { win = true; }
        	return win;
    	/* The update method stops the screen flicker and has the same effect
    	 * as double buffering. */
    	public void update(Graphics g)
    	} // End of update method  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
          } // End of JDub class
    Last edited by lorider93p; February 6th, 2012 at 11:09 AM. Reason: forgot to highlight code.

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    Default Re: JFrame Menu bar errors.

    I do know that 2X2 is not displayed in the GUI Im leaving it as a easter egg because when i first started i only had the win statement on it so it could end up with you being forcibly stuck in the game.(I had messed up my code and set it as DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE so u had to go to the task manager to stop it. i fixed the close and put in a lose statement. but just decided to leave the 2x2 as off of the gui.

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