import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class secretnumb extends Applet implements MouseListener
Image randy;
int secret = (int)(Math.random()*900+101);
int mouseX;
int mouseY;
int leftClicks=0;
public void init()
randy = getImage(getCodeBase(), "randy.jpg");
System.out.println("Ran init");
public void paint(Graphics g)
g.drawLine(100,500,1000,500); //numb line
int y = 100;
int x = 1;
while (y <= 1000)
g.drawLine(y, 500, y, 475);
g.drawString(" " +x, y-8, 525);
y = y+100;
x = x+1;
if (mouseX <100) //tells you to click on line
g.drawString("Click on the Number Line Please ; )", 550, 300);
else if ( mouseX > 1000 || (mouseY <= 425 || mouseY >= 550) && ( (mouseX <= 99 || mouseX >=1050) || (mouseY <= 100 || mouseY >=200) ) )
g.drawString("Click on the Number Line Please ; )", 550, 300);
g.drawString("You've used " + leftClicks +" out of 5 Chances!!", 525 , 100);
if (mouseX >= 100 && mouseX <=1050 && mouseY >= 450 && mouseY <=525)
else if (leftClicks==4)
g.drawString("You've used" + leftClicks+"out of 5 Chances!!",525,400);
if (leftClicks > 5)
g.drawString("Try Again :P", 300,400);
leftClicks = 0;
if (mouseX > (secret-50) && mouseX < (secret + 50) && mouseY >= 450 && mouseY <= 525) //win
g.drawString("You Win",453,500);
else if (mouseX > (secret-100) && mouseX < (secret-50) && mouseY >= 425 && mouseY <= 550) //close to number
g.drawString("Little Higher", 600,550);
else if (mouseX > (secret+ 50) && mouseX < (secret + 100) && mouseY >= 425 && mouseY <= 550)
g.drawString("Little Lower", 600, 550);
if(mouseX>(secret-10) && mouseX>=100 && mouseY >=425 && mouseY<=5550)
if(mouseX<(secret-10)&& mouseX<1000 && mouseY>=425 && mouseY<=550)
if (mouseX > (secret+250) || mouseX < (secret - 250) && mouseY >= 425 && mouseY <= 550)
g.drawString("Yikes! You are Far Away", 460, 300);
else if (mouseX >= 150 && mouseX <=250 && mouseY >= 100 && mouseY <=200) // secret number
g.drawString("Secret Number is " + secret/100.0, 140 , 225);
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent me)
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent me)
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me)
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me)
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent me)
System.out.println("Mouse X Clicked at " + me.getX());
System.out.println("Mouse Y Clicked at " + me.getY());
mouseX = me.getX();
mouseY = me.getY();