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Thread: Temperature Converting Application

  1. #1
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    Default Temperature Converting Application

    So the Temperatures application cannot be edited but i have to create a Temperature object. I have a problem with converting my temperatures back to Celsius. And there is a issue with the mean method. There is a lot of code below but the Temperatures.java is just for a reference. The Temperature.java is the code below it, that I am having issues with. Thank you


    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    // For this app, in addition to implementing an ActionListener that will 
    // tell us about button and radio button clicks, we also implement a
    // KeyListener that will tell us about keypress events.
    public class Temperatures extends JFrame
        implements ActionListener, KeyListener
        // Here are the Swing components that we want to access within the
        // various event functions
        private JTextField textLowTemperature;  // for entry and display of a low temperature
        private JTextField textHighTemperature; // for entry and display of high temperature
        private JLabel labelMean; // for display of the average (mean) temperature
        // And here are two Temperature objects that we'll use in this app
        private Temperature highTemperature;
        private Temperature lowTemperature;
        // Again, here is where we define what our window looks like and what's inside it. 
        public Temperatures()
            // Set the title bar and size of the window
            // This time, adding a label to the NORTH (top) of the BorderLayout
            add(new JLabel("Enter the high and low temperatures:"), BorderLayout.NORTH);
            // The JPanel in the center of the BorderLayout will have two 
            // JTextFields (each preceded by a JLabel), and another JLabel that
            // will be used to display the mean temperature that we compute.
            JPanel middlePanel = new JPanel();
            middlePanel.add(new JLabel("High temperature:"));
            textHighTemperature = new JTextField("100",4);
            // Add a KeyListener to the text field
            middlePanel.add(new JLabel("Low temperature:"));
            textLowTemperature = new JTextField("0",4);
            // Add another KeyListener
            middlePanel.add(new JLabel("Mean:"));
            // The Unicode character 00B0 is a degree symbol. To put a special Unicode
            // character in a string, use \\u followed by the hexadecimal value. So
            // here we use \\u00b0 (okay, I had to use \\ to show it to you here to 
            // prevent compiler errors, even though this is within a comment!) 
            // The "C" is at the end because I DO want "C" for Celsius!
            labelMean = new JLabel("50\u00b0C");
            add(middlePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
            JPanel bottomPanel = new JPanel();
            // You make the radio buttons work together by
            // adding them to a ButtonGroup.
            ButtonGroup scaleGroup = new ButtonGroup();
            // Here's the first radio button. Use an ActionListener to handle
            // click events with radio buttons.
            JRadioButton radioFahrenheit = new JRadioButton("Fahrenheit",false);
            // Since there are multiple radio buttons, set a unique ActionCommand
            // for each.
            // Add it to the ButtonGroup so the radio buttons act together in a 
            // group, and add it to the JPanel it displays in our window.
            // Here are the other two radio buttons. Copy above. Paste. Edit.
            JRadioButton radioCelsius = new JRadioButton("Celsius",true);
            JRadioButton radioKelvin = new JRadioButton("Kelvin",true);
            // Add the radio button JPanel to the bottom of the window's BorderLayout
            add(bottomPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
            // Now that the components for our window are all created, initialize 
            // other variables. Here we create two Temperature instances with
            // starting values 100 and 0 degrees Celsius. The default constructor will
            // use 0 degrees Celsius.
            highTemperature = new Temperature(100.0);
            lowTemperature = new Temperature();
        // These are the ActionListener events for the clicks on the 
        // radio buttons.
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Fahrenheit"))
                // This tells ALL our Temperature instances to use Fahrenheit
                // as the current input and output scale. This is a static 
                // method, and the flag you use to indicate the currently-used
                // scale should also be static so that it applies to ALL 
                // temperature instances.
                redisplay(); // see this method below
            else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Celsius"))
                // another static method
            else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Kelvin"))
                // and one more static method
        // KeyListener tells us about three Key Events, and if we implement
        // a KeyListener we MUST provide methods to handle all three. Here 
        // we're acting on keyReleased because we want to look at the text
        // fields AFTER the new keypress entered into it.
        public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) 
            // To distinguish between which JTextField generated the 
            // key event, we can use e.getSource(). textHighTemperature is
            // one of the two JTextFields to which we attached KeyListeners.
            if (e.getSource() == textHighTemperature)
                // After the keypress, get the content of the text field
                String s = textHighTemperature.getText();
                // We just want the numeric value, so we have to remove the
                // degree symbol and C, F, or K if they are there. Use some
                // String methods to do so.
                // First get the location of the degree symbol, IF there is one.
                int degreeSymbol = s.indexOf('\u00b0');
                // -1 if not there.
                if (degreeSymbol>=0)
                    // if it was there, extract only the characters before it
                    s = s.substring(0,degreeSymbol);
                // and convert those numerals (we hope!) to type double
                double value = Double.parseDouble(s);
                // use the Temperature object's set method!
                showMean(); // see this method below.
            // Do the same for the other text field. The "if" here is really
            // redundant, since there is only this one other possibility.
            else if (e.getSource() == textLowTemperature)
                String s = textLowTemperature.getText();
                int degreeSymbol = s.indexOf('\u00b0');
                if (degreeSymbol>=0)
                    s = s.substring(0,degreeSymbol);
                double value = Double.parseDouble(s);
        // Three keyListener methods are required when you "implement KeyListener"
        // These are the other two that are required, but we don't use them.
        // So these are just "stubs" with no code:
        public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {}
        public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e){}
        // The sequence of key events is keyPressed -> keyTyped -> keyReleased
        // keyTyped lets us check the key code before it is actually put into
        // the text field.
        // Re-display the contents of the text boxes using the current Temperature
        // scale, then re-compute and display the mean temperature.
        private void redisplay()
        // Re-compute the mean temperature using the Temperature object's
        // "mean" method, then display the result in the output JLabel
        private void showMean()
            Temperature mean = highTemperature.mean(lowTemperature);
        //The same GUI startup. Copy. Paste. Edit.
        public static void main(String args[])
            javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() 
                public void run() 
                    Temperatures frame = new Temperatures();
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    // NEEDED FOR Temperature OBJECT:
    // Two constructors:
    //    The default constructor initializes the Temperature instance to 0 degrees Celsius
    //    The overloaded constructor receives a double. It initializes the instance to 
    //       that value IN THE CURRENT SCALE.
    //    See the last two instructions in the above app's constructor for examples of usage.
    // public static methods useCelsius(), useFahrenheit(), and useKelvin(). These set the 
    //    currently used scale for ALL instances of the temperature object. See the 
    //    actionPerformed method in the above app for example of usage.
    // private static: some way to keep track of the current scale: Celsius, Fahrenheit, or Kelvin
    // private: a property to keep track of the currently stored temperature. 
    //     Hint, suggestion, STRONG suggestion: Choose one scale to use internally for storing
    //     the temperature. Make conversions to the other scales only if needed in input/output
    //     operations from your object.
    // public method .set(double) receives a numeric value and stores that as the current 
    //     temperature USING THE CURRENT SCALE. If your internal scale is different, make sure
    //     you convert. For example, if you store your temperatures internally as Celsius, but
    //     the current scale selected is Fahrenheit, the value in .set is Fahrenheit and you
    //     should convert it to Celsius before storing it. See usage of .set() in the 
    //     keyReleased method in the above app.
    // public method .toString() returns a string with the temperature IN THE CURRENT SCALE,
    //     followed by the degree symbol and C, F, or K depending on the current scale.
    //     A conversion will be needed if the current scale is not what you use internally.
    //     The toString method is used implicitly in the "redisplay" method shown above.
    // public method .mean() receives another Temperature instance and returns a Temperature
    //     instance as the answer. Example: Temperature three = one.mean(two);
    //     "one" and "two" are both instances of Temperature. The mean method adds the two
    //     internal values together and divides by 2. It creates an "answer" Temperature and
    //     sets its internal value to the result, and then returns "answer".
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    // Celsius = (Fahrenheit - 32) * 5/9
    // Fahrenheit = Celsius * 9/5 + 32
    // Kelvin = Celsius + 273.15
    // Celsius = Kelvin - 273.15
    public class Temperature {
    	// private static: some way to keep track of the current scale: Celsius, Fahrenheit, or Kelvin
    	private static String temperatureScale;
    	// private: a property to keep track of the currently stored temperature. Choose one scale to use internally for storing
    	// the temperature. Make conversions to the other scales only if needed in input/output operations from your object.
    	private double temperature;
    		public Temperature() {
    		//This is the default constructor and it initializes the Temperature instance to 0 degrees Celsius(Internal Scale)	
    		temperature = 0.0;
    		// temperature instance is initialized to 0 degress Celsius
    		temperatureScale = "C";
    		// the internal scale is set to Celsius
    	public Temperature(double temp) {
    		//This constructor receives a double. It initializes the instance to that value IN THE CURRENT SCALE.
    		temperature = temp;
    		// initializes the instance to the double in the current scale.
    	public static void useFahrenheit() {
    		// This sets the currently used scale for ALL instances of the temperature object to Fahrenheit.
    		temperatureScale = "F";
    	public static void useCelsius() {
    		// This sets the currently used scale for ALL instances of the temperature object to Celsius.
    		temperatureScale = "C";
    	public static void useKelvin() {
    		// This sets the currently used scale for ALL instances of the temperature object to Kelvin.	
    		temperatureScale = "K";
    	public void set(double value) {
    		//This method receives a numeric value and stores it as the current temperature USING THE CURRENT SCALE. 
    		//If your internal scale is different, convert.	
    		if (temperatureScale == "C"){
    			temperature = value;
    			//if the temperature scale is Celsius, no need to convert
    		else if(temperatureScale == "F"){
    			temperature = (value - 32) * 5/9.0;
    			//if the temperature scale is Fahrenheit, then convert the value to Celsius.
    		}else if (temperatureScale == "K"){
    			temperature = (value - 273.15);
    			//if the temperture scale is Kelvin, then convert the value to Celsius.
    	public String toString(){
    		//This method returns a string with the temperature IN THE CURRENT SCALE,
    		//followed by the degree symbol and C, F, or K depending on the current scale.
    		//A conversion will be needed if the current scale is not what you use internally.
    		String temperatureString;
    		if(temperatureScale == "F"){
    			temperature = temperature * 9/5.0 + 32;
    			// Covert from Celsius to Fahrenheit, if the current scale is Fahrenheit.
    		}else if (temperatureScale == "K"){
    			temperature = temperature + 273.15;
    			// Covert from Celsius to Kelvin, if the current scale is Kelvin.
    		DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##");
    		temperatureString = df.format(temperature) + '\u00b0' + temperatureScale;
    		// string with the temperature, degree symbol, and letter for scale.
    		return temperatureString;
    	public Temperature mean(Temperature otherTemperature) {
    		//This method receives another Temperature instance and returns a Temperature instance as the answer. 
    		//It adds the two internal values together and divides by 2. 
    		//It creates an "answer" Temperature and sets its internal value to the result, and then returns "answer".
    		double average = (temperature + otherTemperature.temperature) /2.0;
    		// Create Temperature mean and find the mean of the two Temperature instances.
    		Temperature mean = new Temperature (average);
    		return mean;
    Last edited by helloworld922; March 3rd, 2012 at 07:44 PM. Reason: please use [code] tags

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Temperature Converting Application

    Please post you list of questions.
    If you are getting errors, copy and paste them here.

    Please Edit your post and wrap your code with[code=java]<YOUR CODE HERE>[/code] to get highlighting

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