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Thread: JDialog from JFrame button (GUI)

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default JDialog from JFrame button (GUI)


    So I aim to make a GUI with 9 buttons, each one opening up a new window (JDialog) with input fields/tickboxes etc...

    My code so far opens up a new Jdialog but does not display my added components (JTextFields) I cannot see why. My JDialog is just blank.
    Any ideas?
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    		Object s = e.getSource();
    		if (s == addHose) {
    			// JDIalog
    			JTextArea addOwner, addNumberOfSections, addBore, addUsage, addLength;
    			JRadioButton addHasTapAttachment, addHasJet, addIsOnDisplay;
    			// buttons
    			JButton btnOK, btnCancel;
    			// variables representing user input
    			String owner, numberOfSections, bore, usage, length;
    			AccessibleContext hasTapAttachment;
    			AccessibleContext hasJet;
    			AccessibleContext isOnDisplay;
    			JPanel main, addHosePanel;
    			JDialog addHoseD = new JDialog();
    			addHoseD.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    			addOwner = new JTextArea();
    			owner = addOwner.getText();
    			addNumberOfSections = new JTextArea();
    			numberOfSections = addNumberOfSections.getText();
    			addBore = new JTextArea();
    			bore = addBore.getText();
    			addUsage = new JTextArea();
    			usage = addUsage.getText();
    			addLength = new JTextArea();
    			length = addLength.getText();
    			addHoseD.setTitle("Add Hose");
    			addHoseD.setSize(250, 300);

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: JDialog from JFrame button (GUI)

    To see what is happening change this line:
    addNumberOfSections = new JTextArea("nbr of Sect");

    or add this line:

    addHoseD.add(new JButton("Press me")); //<<<<<<
    Last edited by Norm; April 5th, 2012 at 07:09 AM.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: JDialog from JFrame button (GUI)

    Right, ok.

    I've added that code and it looks like this:

    The text areas will just be attributes to my object (the hose) that the user will fill in.

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