The program runs, but the problem that I am having is converting the x,y Cartesian points to pixel points so I can print them out on the screen. The way the program is, it plots the points, but they are backwards, and the points need to fill the entire screen, however it only fills the upper left hand corner...
This is the problem code section.^public class convertxy { public static double[] convert(double[] xy) // Converts cartisian points to pixel points { double b1,b2,x1,y1,newx1,newy1,newx2,newy2,m1,m2,x,y,y11,x11; int x2,x3,x4,y2,y3,y4; x11=-16; //Upper left hand x y11=14; //Upper left hand y x2=16; //Lower right hand x y2=-14; //Lower right hand y x3=0; //Upper left pixel1 y3=0; //Upper left pixel2 x4=639; //Lower left pixel1 y4=559; //Lower left pixel2 newx1=x3+x11; newy1=y3+y11; newx2=x4+x2; newy2=y4+y2; m1=(newx1/newy1); m2=(newx2/newy2); x=xy[0]; y=xy[1]; b1=(m1*(-14)); b2=(m2*(-16)); x1=(m1*x)+b1; y1=(m2*y)+b2; y1*=-1; xy[0]=x1; xy[1]=y1; System.out.println(xy[0]+" "+xy[1]); return xy; } }