Here is my code for what i have done using an array stack.
there are no errors but my program doesn't return the final value when I enter "="
import cs2.*; import java.util.Scanner; public class ArrayStack<T> implements Stack<T> { private T[] data; private int topIndex; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ArrayStack (int initSize) { data = (T[])new Object[initSize]; topIndex = -1; } // Constructor public ArrayStack () { this(100); } // Constructor public void push (T item) // Push the new item onto an ArrayStack { if (topIndex >= data.length-1) throw new NoSpaceAvailableException(); data[++topIndex] = item; } // push public T pop () // Pop item off top of stack { if (topIndex < 0) throw new EmptyException("stack is empty"); return data[topIndex--]; } // pop public T top () // Return a copy of top item { if (topIndex < 0) throw new EmptyException("stack is empty"); return data[topIndex]; } // top public boolean isEmpty () // Return TRUE if no items on stack { return topIndex < 0; } // isEmpty //public static double execute(String expr) public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayStack<Double> st = new ArrayStack<>(); Scanner scan = new Scanner(; Object x =; while(scan.hasNext()) { if(scan.hasNextDouble()) { st.push(scan.nextDouble()); } else { double a, b; if (x == '+') {a = st.pop(); b = st.pop(); st.push(b + a);} else if (x == '-') {a = st.pop(); b = st.pop(); st.push(b - a);} else if (x == '*') {a = st.pop(); b = st.pop(); st.push(b * a);} else if (x == '/') {a = st.pop(); b = st.pop(); st.push(b / a);} else if (x == '=') {st.pop(); System.out.print("The answer is" + st.pop()); } } } } //main }// class ArrayStack