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Thread: cant solve the question by my self..

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default cant solve the question by my self..

    1. Design a Java Application project for maintaining Employee Information in a company. Follow the instructions below for further details.
    (i) Create a class named EmpDetails.
    (ii) Declare variables emp_name as String (To hold employee name), emp_id as Integer (To hold employee id), emp_desig as String (To hold designation of the employee) and basic as Integer (To hold the basic salary of the employee).
    (iii) Define and declare a method named read_data( ) that reads the name, id, designation and basic salary of the employees from the user.
    (iv) Define and declare a method named salary( ) that calculates the gross salary of all the employees from the basic salary. (Gross Salary = Basic Salary – EPF – Socso where EPF is 11% of Basic Salary and Socso is 1% of Basic Salary)
    (v) Define and declare a method named show_data( ) that prints the name, id, designation and gross salary of all the employees to the user.
    (vi) The program should enable the user to have the database of atleast 25 employees.
    (vii) Create another class named Employee and declare the main( ) method in it.
    (viii) Create object for EmpDetails in the main( ) method and use the same to access the methods.
    (ix) Present the output in a table neatly.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: cant solve the question by my self..

    What have you done so far with this assignment?
    Start with a small step and add to it.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
    Administrator copeg's Avatar
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    Default Re: cant solve the question by my self..

    Read the forum rules...double (or in your case triple) posting is not allowed. Your other posts have been deleted.

    We don't do your work for you, and in fact just the act of asking is academic dishonesty capable of getting you kicked out of school - assuming this is a school assignment. If you wish to make use of these forums, I suggest you make an attempt and ask a specific question about what you don't understand and the code you have.

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