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Thread: Problems With Method Calls and Variables

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Problems With Method Calls and Variables

    Here is the deal; I've been doing this program in school and my teacher feels as though he has spent too much time helping me, and he said he has gotten the program to run, but I cannot figure it out, and he won't help me anymore. Everything seems to be in order but I have 9 errors.

    Here are the program guidelines:
    Write a program that calculates the volume of a rectangular solid with a length, width and height defined by the user. The user should be allowed to find the volume of multiple rectangular solids.


     Use JOptionPane dialog boxes.
     A control loop(do while, while) should be used within main() to allow the user to run the program multiple times.
     main() should call a introduction method, a get values method and an end program method.
     The get values method should call a three parameter calculate method.
     Allow the user to enter lengths that contain decimals.
     Format the volume to two decimals.
     Do not forget System.exit(0);

    Here is my code:

    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    import cs1.Keyboard;
    public class C6R7 {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
     		//loop it fool
     			//method call
     			//char choice
     			String word1, word2;
     			word2 = "yes";
     			boolean value;
     			//do it again
     			word1 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
     				"Enter yes to continue: ",
     			"Continue?", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);	
     			value = word1.equalsIgnoreCase(word2);
     		}while(value == true);
        static void introduction(){
        		"Welcome to the amazing volume calculator...",
        	"Welcome", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
        static void getvalues(){
        	String length, width, height;
        	double lengthp = 0, widhtp = 0, heightp = 0, voulume = 0;
        	//decimal format
        	DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("#####.##");
        	//get values
        	//input length
        	length = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
        		"Enter the length of the figure: ",
        	"Length", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
        	//input width
        	width = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
        		"Enter the width of the figure: ",
        	"Width", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
        	//input height
        	height = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
        		"Enter the height of the figure: ",
        	"Height", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
        	//parse it
        	heightp = Double.parse(height);
        	lengthp = Double.parse(length);
        	widthp = Double.parse(width);
        	volume = (lengthp * widthp) * heightp;
        		"The volume of the figure is " + volume,
        	"The Volume", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
        //------------------end program--------------------------------
        static void endprogram(){
        		"Thank you for using the Java Volume Calculator",
        	"Have a nice day!", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
        	//end it

    Here are my errors:

    \\Hsstusvr\2012\hartgrc\Java\C6R7\src\C6R7.java:32 : cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable value
    location: class C6R7
    }while(value == true);
    \\Hsstusvr\2012\hartgrc\Java\C6R7\src\C6R7.java:69 : cannot find symbol
    symbol : method parse(java.lang.String)
    location: class java.lang.Double
    heightp = Double.parse(height);
    \\Hsstusvr\2012\hartgrc\Java\C6R7\src\C6R7.java:70 : cannot find symbol
    symbol : method parse(java.lang.String)
    location: class java.lang.Double
    lengthp = Double.parse(length);
    \\Hsstusvr\2012\hartgrc\Java\C6R7\src\C6R7.java:71 : cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable widthp
    location: class C6R7
    widthp = Double.parse(width);
    \\Hsstusvr\2012\hartgrc\Java\C6R7\src\C6R7.java:71 : cannot find symbol
    symbol : method parse(java.lang.String)
    location: class java.lang.Double
    widthp = Double.parse(width);
    \\Hsstusvr\2012\hartgrc\Java\C6R7\src\C6R7.java:74 : cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable volume
    location: class C6R7
    volume = (lengthp * widthp) * heightp;
    \\Hsstusvr\2012\hartgrc\Java\C6R7\src\C6R7.java:74 : cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable widthp
    location: class C6R7
    volume = (lengthp * widthp) * heightp;
    \\Hsstusvr\2012\hartgrc\Java\C6R7\src\C6R7.java:78 : cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable volume
    location: class C6R7
    "The volume of the figure is " + volume,
    8 errors

    Process completed.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Problems With Method Calls and Variables

    "cannot find symbol" means the compiler can not find a definition for that symbol that is in scope where the code is trying to use it. In scope means within the same {} pair. If you define a variable inside of a {} pair, it is not known outside of those {}s.

    Look at where the error occurs. Is there a definition for the variable within the same {}s?

    If there is not, you need to make a definition for the variable that is in the same {}s
      String var0 = "eee";  // define a varable that will be known in the following {}s
         String var1 = "DDD";  // define var1 and give it value (local to these{}s)
         var1 = var0;  // Ok because var0 is in scope /known here
      } // end of scope for var1
      { // begin new scope
         String var2 = var1; //  here var1 is not defined (it is out of scope)
         var2 = var0;          // Ok because var0 is in scope here
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
    Think of me.... Mr.777's Avatar
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    Default Re: Problems With Method Calls and Variables

    You must know that before using any variable, you must declare/initialize it.
    Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.

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