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Thread: Layout Manager and Keyboard Panel

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2012
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    Default Layout Manager and Keyboard Panel

    I am working on a program to run a game engine. Right now I am working with a frame that has two panels in it. One is for the main display, and the other is for the keyboard controls. The problem I am having is that I want to run some subroutines that utilize the getHeight() and getLength() commands in the keyboard panel. When I try to use it, it gives results for the keyboard panel rather than the entire frame.

    I have tried running different layout managers. CardLayout, GridLayout, BorderLayout, even multiple frames and have not been able to get the desired results. I had the most success with the BorderLayout, and could use fixed numbers rather than the getHeight() and getWidth() commands, but then the window would not adjust properly if resized.

    I realize that my code is not optimized and looks pretty sloppy at the moment. That is not something I am worried about right now as I can always go through and clean it up once I get everything working properly.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.CardLayout;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.GridLayout;
    import java.awt.Image;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
    import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.Timer;
    public class gameTester2 extends JFrame {
    	//tester variables
    	private KeyboardPanel keyboardPanel = new KeyboardPanel();
    	private static int charPoint[] = {30, 120};
    	private static int bgPoint[] = {0, -150};
    	private static environment[] environment;
    	public static int[] getCharPoint() {
    		return charPoint;
    	public static void setCharPoint(int[] charPoint) {
    		gameTester2.charPoint = charPoint;
    	public static int[] getBgPoint() {
    		return bgPoint;
    	public static void setBgPoint(int[] bgPoint) {
    		gameTester2.bgPoint = bgPoint;
    	public static environment[] getEnvironment() {
    		return environment;
    	public static void setEnvironment(environment[] environment) {
    		gameTester2.environment = environment;
    	public static void main(String[] args){
    		int[][] layout = getMap0(); //get map0 layout
    		int temp = 0;
    		for (int i = 0; i < layout.length; i++){ //build environment array length
    			for (int j = 0; j < layout[1].length; j++){
    				if (layout[i][j] == 1){ //if (0 < layout[i][j] < 20); if 20 types of environment objects
    		environment[] tempEnvironment = new environment[temp]; //new environment array with length
    		temp = 0;
    		for (int i = 0; i < layout.length; i++){ //build environment array
    			for (int j = 0; j < layout[1].length; j++){
    				if (layout[i][j] == 1){
    					int point[] = {i * 50, (j * 50) + bgPoint[1]};
    					tempEnvironment[temp] = new environment("basicBlock", point);  //basicBlock constructors 
    				if (layout[i][j] == 2){
    					int point[] = {i * 50, j * 50};
    					tempEnvironment[temp] = new environment("metalBlock", point); //metalBlock constructors
    		environment = tempEnvironment; //set environment
    		//setup frame
    		gameTester2 frame = new gameTester2();
    		frame.setSize(600, 500);
    	public gameTester2(){
    		//game tester constructor, sets up layout manager for frame
    		String vp = "null";
    		setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    		JPanel p1 = new AnimatedPanel(vp);
    		p1.setSize(600, 500);
    		JPanel p2 = new KeyboardPanel();
    		p2.setSize(0, 0);
    		add(p1, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    		add(p2, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    	static class AnimatedPanel extends JPanel{
    		//setup ImageIcons and Image objects for various images. sections for player, enemy, weapon and environment objects
    		//player.getFaceRight(), if true, playerIcon = "NinjaRight.gif";
    		//player.getFaceRight(), if false, playerIcon = "NinjaLeft.gif";
    		ImageIcon playerIcon = new ImageIcon("/Users/zerosdamnation/Documents/Projects/Photoshop/NinjaRight.gif");
    		Image playerIcon2 = playerIcon.getImage();
    		// String bg = "Documents/Projects/Photoshop/" + theme + "/";
    		// ImageIcon background = new ImageIcon(bg + "background.gif");
    		ImageIcon background = new ImageIcon("/Users/zerosdamnation/Documents/Projects/Photoshop/backgroundtest.gif");
    		Image background2 = background.getImage();
    		// ImageIcon basicBlock = new ImageIcon(bg + "basicBlock.gif");
    		ImageIcon basicBlock = new ImageIcon("/Users/zerosdamnation/Documents/Projects/Photoshop/block.gif");
    		Image basicBlock2 = basicBlock.getImage();
    		public AnimatedPanel(String message){
    			//setup timer for various checks and repaint command 
    			Timer timer = new Timer(62, new TimerListener());
    		protected void paintComponent(Graphics g){
    			//get image variables
    			//g.draw image(which image, # of pixels from left border, # of pixels from top border, width of image, height of image, this??)
    			//draw in order of display, with background first, then level, then player
    			g.drawImage(background2, bgPoint[0], bgPoint[1], 800, 600, this); //draw background image
    			for (int i = 0; i < environment.length; i++){ //draw environment objects
    				int[] temp = environment[i].getPoint();	
    				g.drawImage(basicBlock2, temp[0], temp[1], 50, 50, this);
    			g.drawImage(playerIcon2, charPoint[0], charPoint[1], 70, 90, this); //draw player
    			//draw enemy objects
    			//draw player weapons
    			//draw enemy weapons
    		class TimerListener implements ActionListener{
    			//setup various checks here
    			public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
    				//or setup various checks here
    	static class KeyboardPanel extends JPanel{ 
    		//keyboardPanel variables, might want to consolidate some into tester variables
    		private int bgx = 0;
    		private int bgy = 0;
    		private int x;
    		private int y;
    		private int x2;
    		private int y2;
    		public KeyboardPanel(){
    			addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter(){
    				public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e){
    					switch (e.getKeyCode()){ //gets key pressed
    					//check for keyreleased code
    					//fix getHeight/getWidth commands
    					case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN:
    						int[] point = getCharPoint();
    						y = point[1];
    						y2 = getHeight();
    						float temp0 = y;
    						float temp2 = y2;
    						float loc = temp0 / temp2;
    						System.out.println("Key Down");
    						System.out.println("y = " + temp0);
    						System.out.println("y2 = " + temp2);
    						System.out.println("loc = " + loc);
    						if (loc > 0.75){
    							if (bgx == 3){ //background frame movement
    								int[] temp = bgPoint;
    								temp[1] = temp[1] - 4;
    								bgPoint = temp;
    								bgx = 0;
    							for (int i = 0; i < environment.length; i++){ //environment movement
    								int[] temp = environment[i].getPoint();
    								temp[1] = temp[1] - 8; //number of pixels to move
    						else {
    							point[1] = point[1] + 8; //player movement
    					case KeyEvent.VK_UP:
    						int[] point2 = getCharPoint();
    						y = point2[1];
    						//getHeight() is returning 10 for some reason?
    						y2 = getHeight();
    						float temp3 = y;
    						float temp4 = y2;
    						float loc2 = temp3 / temp4;
    						System.out.println("Key Up");
    						System.out.println("y = " + temp3);
    						System.out.println("y2 = " + temp4);
    						System.out.println("loc = " + loc2);
    						if (loc2 < 0.25){
    							if (bgx == -3){
    								int[] temp = bgPoint;
    								temp[1] = temp[1] + 4;
    								bgPoint = temp;
    								bgx = 0;
    							for (int i = 0; i < environment.length; i++){
    								int[] temp = environment[i].getPoint();
    								temp[1] = temp[1] + 8; //number of pixels to move
    						else {
    							point2[1] = point2[1] - 8;
    					case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:
    						int[] point3 = getCharPoint();
    						x = point3[0];
    						x2 = getWidth();
    						float temp5 = x;
    						float temp6 = x2;
    						float loc3 = temp5 / temp6;
    						System.out.println("Key Left");
    						System.out.println("x = " + temp5);
    						System.out.println("x2 = " + temp6);
    						System.out.println("loc = " + loc3);
    						if (loc3 < 0.25){
    							if (bgy == -3){
    								int[] temp = bgPoint;
    								temp[0] = temp[0] + 4;
    								bgPoint = temp;
    								bgy = 0;
    							for (int i = 0; i < environment.length; i++){
    								int[] temp = environment[i].getPoint();
    								temp[0] = temp[0] + 8; //number of pixels to move
    						else {
    							point3[0] = point3[0] - 8;
    					case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT:
    						int[] point4 = getCharPoint();
    						x = point4[0];
    						x2 = getWidth();
    						float temp7 = x;
    						float temp8 = x2;
    						float loc4 = temp7 / temp8;
    						System.out.println("Key Right");
    						System.out.println("x = " + temp7);
    						System.out.println("x2 = " + temp8);
    						System.out.println("loc = " + loc4);
    						if (loc4 < 0.25){
    							if (bgy == -3){
    								int[] temp = bgPoint;
    								temp[0] = temp[0] - 4;
    								bgPoint = temp;
    								bgy = 0;
    							for (int i = 0; i < environment.length; i++){
    								int[] temp = environment[i].getPoint();
    								temp[0] = temp[0] - 8; //number of pixels to move
    						else {
    							point4[0] = point4[0] + 8;
    	public static int[][] getMap0(){
    		//map 0, aka level 1
    		//int[][] map = {{2,3, 0}, {2,2,2}, {3,3,3}}; a better way to do it. 
    		int[][] map = new int[32][12];  
    		map[0][0] = 1; map[1][0] = 0; map[2][0] = 0; map[3][0] = 0; map[4][0] = 0; map[5][0] = 0; map[6][0] = 0; map[7][0] = 0;
    		map[8][0] = 0; map[9][0] = 0; map[10][0] = 0; map[11][0] = 0; map[12][0] = 0; map[13][0] = 0; map[14][0] = 0; map[15][0] = 0; 
    		map[16][0] = 0; map[17][0] = 0; map[18][0] = 0; map[19][0] = 0; map[20][0] = 0; map[21][0] = 0; map[22][0] = 0; map[23][0] = 0;
    		map[24][0] = 0; map[25][0] = 0; map[26][0] = 0; map[27][0] = 0;	map[28][0] = 0; map[29][0] = 0; map[30][0] = 0; map[31][0] = 1;
    		map[0][1] = 1; map[1][1] = 0; map[2][1] = 0; map[3][1] = 0; map[4][1] = 0; map[5][1] = 0; map[6][1] = 0; map[7][1] = 0;
    		map[8][1] = 0; map[9][1] = 0; map[10][1] = 0; map[11][1] = 0; map[12][1] = 0; map[13][1] = 0; map[14][1] = 0; map[15][1] = 0; 
    		map[16][1] = 0; map[17][1] = 0; map[18][1] = 0; map[19][1] = 0; map[20][1] = 0; map[21][1] = 0; map[22][1] = 0; map[23][1] = 0;
    		map[24][1] = 0; map[25][1] = 0; map[26][1] = 0; map[27][1] = 0;	map[28][1] = 0; map[29][1] = 0; map[30][1] = 0; map[31][1] = 1;	
    		map[0][2] = 1; map[1][2] = 0; map[2][2] = 0; map[3][2] = 0; map[4][2] = 0; map[5][2] = 0; map[6][2] = 0; map[7][2] = 0;
    		map[8][2] = 0; map[9][2] = 0; map[10][2] = 0; map[11][2] = 0; map[12][2] = 0; map[13][2] = 0; map[14][2] = 0; map[15][2] = 0; 
    		map[16][2] = 0; map[17][2] = 0; map[18][2] = 0; map[19][2] = 0; map[20][2] = 0; map[21][2] = 0; map[22][2] = 0; map[23][2] = 0;
    		map[24][2] = 0; map[25][2] = 0; map[26][2] = 0; map[27][2] = 0;	map[28][2] = 0; map[29][2] = 0; map[30][2] = 0; map[31][2] = 1;	
    		map[0][3] = 1; map[1][3] = 0; map[2][3] = 0; map[3][3] = 0; map[4][3] = 0; map[5][3] = 0; map[6][3] = 0; map[7][3] = 0;
    		map[8][3] = 0; map[9][3] = 0; map[10][3] = 0; map[11][3] = 0; map[12][3] = 0; map[13][3] = 0; map[14][3] = 0; map[15][3] = 0; 
    		map[16][3] = 0; map[17][3] = 0; map[18][3] = 0; map[19][3] = 0; map[20][3] = 0; map[21][3] = 0; map[22][3] = 0; map[23][3] = 0;
    		map[24][3] = 0; map[25][3] = 0; map[26][3] = 0; map[27][3] = 0;	map[28][3] = 0; map[29][3] = 0; map[30][3] = 0; map[31][3] = 1;	
    		map[0][4] = 1; map[1][4] = 0; map[2][4] = 0; map[3][4] = 0; map[4][4] = 0; map[5][4] = 0; map[6][4] = 0; map[7][4] = 0;
    		map[8][4] = 0; map[9][4] = 0; map[10][4] = 0; map[11][4] = 0; map[12][4] = 0; map[13][4] = 0; map[14][4] = 0; map[15][4] = 0; 
    		map[16][4] = 0; map[17][4] = 0; map[18][4] = 0; map[19][4] = 0; map[20][4] = 0; map[21][4] = 0; map[22][4] = 0; map[23][4] = 0;
    		map[24][4] = 0; map[25][4] = 0; map[26][4] = 0; map[27][4] = 0;	map[28][4] = 0; map[29][4] = 0; map[30][4] = 0; map[31][4] = 1;	
    		map[0][5] = 1; map[1][5] = 0; map[2][5] = 0; map[3][5] = 0; map[4][5] = 0; map[5][5] = 0; map[6][5] = 0; map[7][5] = 0;
    		map[8][5] = 0; map[9][5] = 0; map[10][5] = 0; map[11][5] = 0; map[12][5] = 0; map[13][5] = 0; map[14][5] = 0; map[15][5] = 0; 
    		map[16][5] = 0; map[17][5] = 0; map[18][5] = 0; map[19][5] = 0; map[20][5] = 0; map[21][5] = 0; map[22][5] = 0; map[23][5] = 0;
    		map[24][5] = 0; map[25][5] = 0; map[26][5] = 0; map[27][5] = 0;	map[28][5] = 0; map[29][5] = 0; map[30][5] = 0; map[31][5] = 1;	
    		map[0][6] = 1; map[1][6] = 0; map[2][6] = 0; map[3][6] = 0; map[4][6] = 0; map[5][6] = 0; map[6][6] = 0; map[7][6] = 0;
    		map[8][6] = 0; map[9][6] = 0; map[10][6] = 0; map[11][6] = 0; map[12][6] = 0; map[13][6] = 0; map[14][6] = 0; map[15][6] = 0; 
    		map[16][6] = 0; map[17][6] = 0; map[18][6] = 0; map[19][6] = 0; map[20][6] = 0; map[21][6] = 0; map[22][6] = 0; map[23][6] = 0;
    		map[24][6] = 0; map[25][6] = 0; map[26][6] = 0; map[27][6] = 0;	map[28][6] = 0; map[29][6] = 0; map[30][6] = 0; map[31][6] = 1;	
    		map[0][7] = 1; map[1][7] = 0; map[2][7] = 0; map[3][7] = 0; map[4][7] = 0; map[5][7] = 0; map[6][7] = 0; map[7][7] = 0;
    		map[8][7] = 0; map[9][7] = 0; map[10][7] = 0; map[11][7] = 0; map[12][7] = 0; map[13][7] = 0; map[14][7] = 0; map[15][7] = 0; 
    		map[16][7] = 0; map[17][7] = 0; map[18][7] = 0; map[19][7] = 0; map[20][7] = 0; map[21][7] = 0; map[22][7] = 0; map[23][7] = 0;
    		map[24][7] = 0; map[25][7] = 0; map[26][7] = 0; map[27][7] = 0;	map[28][7] = 0; map[29][7] = 0; map[30][7] = 0; map[31][7] = 1;	
    		map[0][8] = 1; map[1][8] = 0; map[2][8] = 0; map[3][8] = 0; map[4][8] = 0; map[5][8] = 0; map[6][8] = 0; map[7][8] = 0;
    		map[8][8] = 0; map[9][8] = 0; map[10][8] = 0; map[11][8] = 0; map[12][8] = 0; map[13][8] = 0; map[14][8] = 0; map[15][8] = 0; 
    		map[16][8] = 0; map[17][8] = 0; map[18][8] = 0; map[19][8] = 0; map[20][8] = 0; map[21][8] = 0; map[22][8] = 0; map[23][8] = 0;
    		map[24][8] = 0; map[25][8] = 0; map[26][8] = 0; map[27][8] = 0;	map[28][8] = 0; map[29][8] = 0; map[30][8] = 0; map[31][8] = 1;	
    		map[0][9] = 1; map[1][9] = 0; map[2][9] = 0; map[3][9] = 0; map[4][9] = 0; map[5][9] = 0; map[6][9] = 0; map[7][9] = 0;
    		map[8][9] = 0; map[9][9] = 0; map[10][9] = 0; map[11][9] = 0; map[12][9] = 0; map[13][9] = 0; map[14][9] = 0; map[15][9] = 0; 
    		map[16][9] = 0; map[17][9] = 0; map[18][9] = 0; map[19][9] = 0; map[20][9] = 0; map[21][9] = 0; map[22][9] = 0; map[23][9] = 0;
    		map[24][9] = 0; map[25][9] = 0; map[26][9] = 0; map[27][9] = 0;	map[28][9] = 0; map[29][9] = 0; map[30][9] = 0; map[31][9] = 1;	
    		map[0][10] = 1; map[1][10] = 0; map[2][10] = 0; map[3][10] = 0; map[4][10] = 0; map[5][10] = 0; map[6][10] = 0; map[7][10] = 0;
    		map[8][10] = 0; map[9][10] = 0; map[10][10] = 0; map[11][10] = 0; map[12][10] = 0; map[13][10] = 0; map[14][10] = 0; map[15][10] = 0; 
    		map[16][10] = 0; map[17][10] = 0; map[18][10] = 0; map[19][10] = 0; map[20][10] = 0; map[21][10] = 0; map[22][10] = 0; map[23][10] = 0;
    		map[24][10] = 0; map[25][10] = 0; map[26][10] = 0; map[27][10] = 0;	map[28][10] = 0; map[29][10] = 0; map[30][10] = 0; map[31][10] = 1;	
    		map[0][11] = 1; map[1][11] = 1; map[2][11] = 1; map[3][11] = 1; map[4][11] = 1; map[5][11] = 1; map[6][11] = 1; map[7][11] = 1;
    		map[8][11] = 1; map[9][11] = 1; map[10][11] = 1; map[11][11] = 1; map[12][11] = 1; map[13][11] = 1; map[14][11] = 1; map[15][11] = 1; 
    		map[16][11] = 1; map[17][11] = 1; map[18][11] = 1; map[19][11] = 1; map[20][11] = 1; map[21][11] = 1; map[22][11] = 1; map[23][11] = 1;
    		map[24][11] = 1; map[25][11] = 1; map[26][11] = 1; map[27][11] = 1;	map[28][11] = 1; map[29][11] = 1; map[30][11] = 1; map[31][11] = 1;
    		return map;

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Layout Manager and Keyboard Panel

    The default value for an element in an int array is 0. You only need to set the non-zero entries.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Layout Manager and Keyboard Panel

    I am not quite sure I follow you. Are you referring to this:

    		JPanel p2 = new KeyboardPanel();
    		p2.setSize(0, 0);

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Layout Manager and Keyboard Panel

    I was referring to the massive list of assignment statements for the map array:
          int[][] map = new int[32][12];  
          map[0][0] = 1; 
          map[1][0] = 0;  //<<<<<<<<<<<<< NOT NEEDED
          map[2][0] = 0;  //<<<<<<<<<<<<< NOT NEEDED
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Layout Manager and Keyboard Panel

    Quote Originally Posted by DOLZero View Post
    I realize that my code is not optimized and looks pretty sloppy at the moment. That is not something I am worried about right now as I can always go through and clean it up once I get everything working properly.
    I got it. It's old code that I haven't optimized. That doesn't help me with my current issue.

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Layout Manager and Keyboard Panel

    Are you asking how to get the values for component2 when executing a method in component1?

    You need a reference to component2 in component1 so that the methods in component1 can use that reference to call methods in component2.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Layout Manager and Keyboard Panel

    I think I figured out a way to do what you are suggesting. I created a JFrame variable to use as the general frame and made it static so I could access it anywhere in the code. It seems to work, although I need to fix some of the math in the KeyboardPanel() section of code. Sometimes it just takes a little nudge in the right direction. Thanks!

    EDIT: I want to give you thanks, but I don't want to mess up that 777. That number is so pretty

  8. #8
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Layout Manager and Keyboard Panel

    Using static can be a problem sometimes. Pass a reference (use "this") to the constructor when you create the class that needs the reference and have the constructor save it in a class variable. Then methods in that class can use the reference to get to the other class.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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