I'm on chapter 9(Inheritance and Polymorphism) of this textbook that teaches java. It's supposed to be a basic program but I am so lost with this. I need to see how this program should be written:
Create Personal Acct and BusinessAcct classes that inherit the Account class presented Chapter 8(Classes and Object Oriented Development). A Personal account requires a minimum balance of $100. If the balance falls below this amount then $2.0 is charged(withdrawn) to the account. A business account requires a minimum balance of $500, otherwise the account is charged $10. Create Client Code to test the classes.
I tried using strings and I messed it up, everytime I ran my program it would say I have an issue with how I connected them. could you show me how it could be done using strings correctly? Keep in mind, it might be easy for you but I started doing java only a couple of months ago so I learn a lot with trial and error and comparing to whatever I can spew out lol.
Thanks so much everyone!