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Thread: Run a jar file inside a batch file with Windows 7 Task schduler

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Run a jar file inside a batch file with Windows 7 Task schduler

    I have a batch file, which include the following command;
    java -jar ExportPDFTool.jar Xml=D:\\Data\\XML\\VNM\\%FolderName% Xsl=D:\\Data\\BatchPrinting\\xsl Pdf=D:\\Data\\PDF\\VNM_Local_PDF\\%FolderName% Log=D:\\Data\\Log\\VNM\\%FolderName%_convert.log
    When I setup the Windows 7 Task Schduler for the batch file, all the commands in the batch file run well but the system seem to ignore the java -jar command (I can not see the convert.log file).
    Please kindly give me a help to find out problem.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Run a jar file inside a batch file with Windows 7 Task schduler

    Have you tested the batchfile in a command prompt window? Did it work there?
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Run a jar file inside a batch file with Windows 7 Task schduler

    Quote Originally Posted by kingnachi View Post
    I have a batch file, which include the following command;
    java -jar ExportPDFTool.jar Xml=D:\\Data\\XML\\VNM\\%FolderName% Xsl=D:\\Data\\BatchPrinting\\xsl Pdf=D:\\Data\\PDF\\VNM_Local_PDF\\%FolderName% Log=D:\\Data\\Log\\VNM\\%FolderName%_convert.log
    When I setup the Windows 7 Task Schduler for the batch file, all the commands in the batch file run well but the system seem to ignore the java -jar command (I can not see the convert.log file).
    Please kindly give me a help to find out problem.

    1. first run your command from command prompt, if success than create batch file
    2. check Java is in path
    3. Check ExportPDFTool.jar has main class or not

    If you are running Java program from Jar first time then you can also check How to create and execute JAR file in Java – Command line Eclipse Netbeans

    Also let us know exact error you are getting, that would be helpful

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