Hey guys, this is the assignment that I should do today:
Write a program to read a list of exam scores given as integer percentages in the range 0 to 100. Display the total number of grades and the number of grades in each letter-grade category as follows: 90-100 is A, 80-89 is B, 70-79 is C, 60-69 is D, and 0-59 is F. Prin the percentage of the total for each letter grade, the lowest, the highest, and average grade. Use negative score as a snetinel value to indicate the end of the input.
For Example, input: 98,87,86,85,85,78,73,72,72,70,66,63,50,-1
Output should be:
Total number pf grades entered was 13
A's =1
The % of A's = 7.69&
The % of B's = 30.77%
The % of C's = 38.46%
The % of D's = 15.38%
The % of F's = 7.69&
avg = 75.77
smallest = 50
largest = 98