uppose i have a text file as data.txt has following content such as "www.google.com"|"www.yahoo.com"|"www.rediffmail.c om" "www.yahoo.com"|"www.rediffmail.com"|"www.google.c om"|"www.google.com" "www.yahoo.com"|"www.rediffmail.com"|"www.yahoo.co m"
i have another text file as token.txt has following content such as
"www.google.com" 100
"www.yahoo.com" 200
"www.rediffmail.com" 300
i want to make new file as result.txt that should contain the following data such as 100 200 300 200 300 100 100 200 300 200
my code is as follows
import java.util.*; import java.io.*; public class UpdateFile { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File("data.txt"))); PrintWriter out=new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(new File("result.txt"))); String str=""; while((str=in.readLine())!=null) { ArrayList<String> url=new ArrayList<String>(); StringBuilder sq = new StringBuilder(); String parts[]=str.split("\\s+"); BufferedReader in2=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File("token.txt"))); String str2=""; String matchstr= parts[1]; String mm[]=matchstr.split("\\|"); for(int h =0;h<mm.length;h++){ while((str2=in2.readLine())!=null){ String urltoken[]=str2.split("\\s+"); if(mm[h] == null ? urltoken[0] == null : mm[h].equals(urltoken[0])){ if(urltoken[1].toString()!=null){ url.add(urltoken[1].toString()+"?"); } //url.add(str2); } } } if(url.size()>0) out.print(parts[0]+" "+" "); for(int i=0;i<url.size();i++) { if(url.size()>0) { out.print(url.get(i)); }} url.clear(); out.println(); out.flush(); } } }