My name is Raj and joined this forum recently. I have just started to learn Java Programming. I was interested in adding error handling mechanism to my program whose code is written below. The programs runs fine but if someone enter a character instead of integer program end with some error message. Kindly someone put the code of error mechanism in my program code as an illustration-
import java.util.Scanner; public class Calci { public static void main(String args[]) { for(;;) { int choice; Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("*****************MENU***********************"); System.out.println("1.Add Numbers " + " 2.Substract Numbers"); System.out.println("3.Multiply numbers " + " 4.Divide Numbers"); System.out.println("*************Press '5' to Exit**************"); System.out.println(" Enter your menu Choice"); choice=in.nextInt(); switch(choice) { case 1: int addr,addl,sum=0; System.out.println("How many nos you want to add"); addr=in.nextInt(); int a[]=new int[addr]; System.out.println("Enter " + addr + " numbers"); for(addl=0;addl<addr;addl++) { a[addl]=in.nextInt(); sum = sum + a[addl]; System.out.println("The sum of Numbers is: " + sum); } break; case 2: int sub2,sub1,subl; System.out.println("Enter the 1st number"); sub1=in.nextInt(); System.out.println("How many numbers you want to substract from 1st number"); sub2=in.nextInt(); int s[]=new int[sub2]; System.out.println("Enter " + sub2 + " numbers"); for(subl=0;subl<sub2;subl++) { s[subl]=in.nextInt(); sub1 = sub1 - s[subl]; System.out.println("The result of subtraction is: " + sub1); } break; case 3: int mloop, mul,mresult=1; System.out.println("How many nos you want to multiply"); mul=in.nextInt(); int m[]=new int[mul]; System.out.println("Enter " + mul + " numbers"); for(mloop=0;mloop<mul;mloop++) { m[mloop]=in.nextInt(); mresult=mresult*m[mloop]; System.out.println("The result of multiplication is: " + mresult); } break; case 4: int div1,div2,divloop; System.out.println("Enter the dividend"); div1=in.nextInt(); System.out.println("How many times you want to divide the divisor"); div2=in.nextInt(); int d[]=new int[div2]; System.out.println("Enter " + div2 + " divisors"); for(divloop=0;divloop<div2;divloop++) { d[divloop]=in.nextInt(); div1=div1/d[divloop]; System.out.println("The result of division is: " + div1); } break; default: System.out.println("Wrong Choice"); System.exit(0); } } } }