Opoly Game Rules:
Reward starts at 20
1. Board cells divisible evenly by 5 double the reward
2. If the piece lands on the second to last cell of the board, reward is reduced to 1/4 of its current value.
3. If a spin would move the piece beyond the end of the board, the piece should not advance at all and its current reward remains unchanged unless rule 6 is met.
4. If the piece lands on the second to last cell of the board, the reward is only reduced to 1/4 and no other points are given, even if rule 1 is met.
5. If the piece ever lands on board position boardSize/2, 25 points are added to the reward.
6. Every tenth move, the reward is reduced by 10.
The Opoly class must make use of the following methods:
OpolyDriver class:
import java.util.*; public class OpolyDriver{ public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println("Enter an int - the size of the board"); Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in); int boardSize = s.nextInt(); System.out.println("Board Size: " + boardSize); Opoly g = new Opoly(boardSize); g.playGame(); } }
My Code: Opoly class
public class Opoly{ int reward = 20; int boardSize; int pos = 0; int round = 0; int position; boolean moveCheck; int a = 0; // Creates an opoly method to take in boardSize public Opoly(int boardSize){ this.boardSize = boardSize; } // Generates a random number between 1 and 5 public void spin(){ position = pos + (int)(1+ Math.random()*5); } // Based on the value of "Position" in the spin() method, move() determines if and where // that value is on the board, then gives pos a value based on the rules of the game. public void move(){ if(position <= boardSize){ pos = position; moveCheck = true; //moveCheck keeps track of if pos has moved and able to get points } if(position == (boardSize - 1)){ pos = 0; System.out.println("hit second to last position"); moveCheck = true; } else{moveCheck = false;} //Gives "a" a value depending on whether moveCheck is true or false. if(moveCheck == true){a = a+2;} else{a = a+1;} } // Calls on the spin() and move() methods to play a round public void spinAndMove(){ spin(); move(); round = round + 1; } // Based on where pos is on the board, this method calculates the reward score public void rewardCalc(){ if((pos%5 == 0) && (pos != 0) && (a%2 == 0) && (pos != boardSize - 1) && (pos != (boardSize/2))){ reward = (reward * 2); System.out.println("DOUBLE!"); } if(pos == boardSize-1){ reward = (reward/4); } if(pos == (boardSize/2)){ reward = (reward + 25); } if(round%10 == 0){ reward = reward - 10; } } // Draws each line of the board as the game is played public void drawBoard(){ for(int j = 0; j<= boardSize; j++){ if(j == pos){System.out.print("o");} else{System.out.print("*");} } System.out.println(" " + reward); } // Determines if the game is over public boolean isGameOver(){ if(pos == boardSize){return true;} else{return false;} } // Main method which calls on the other methods to play a whole game of Opoly public void playGame(){ do { drawBoard(); spinAndMove(); rewardCalc(); } while((pos != boardSize) && (isGameOver() == false)); if(isGameOver() == true){ for(int j = 0; j<1; j++){ drawBoard(); displayReport(); } } } // Prints the final reward and rounds of play to the console public void displayReport(){ System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Rounds of play: " + round); System.out.println("Final Reward: " + reward); } }
I'm having trouble having the board displayed correctly for both the first and last round. As the drawBoard() method is right now, it is adding a cell to each line of the board. the o should count as a cell and take the place of the * at whatever position it is at that round.
I tried changingtofor(int j = 0; j<= boardSize; j++)But then it isn't showing the last line of the game, and the value of the second to last cell is messed up.for(int j = 0; j<= boardSize-1; j++)
In addition to that problem, if anyone has any advice of cleaning the code up a little bit.