Sorry here is my code:
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
class Quiz {
public static void main(String args[]){
String question[] = new String[10];//Declare Question Array
String ans[] = new String[10];// Declare Answer Array
int correct=0;//Declare correct for keeping count of correct answers
int incorrect=0;//Declare incorrect for keeping count of incorrect answers
String input;//Declare input for answers given by user
int n;//Declare n to be used as the random number below
Random r = new Random();//declaring r as a random number
question[0]= "Where is the Sea of Tranquillity?";//moon
question[1] = "Freddie Bulgara was better known as which lead singer?"; //freddie mercury
question[2] = "Robert Zimmerman is better known as whom in the music world?"; //bob dylan
question[3]= "How many teeth in a full adult set?";//32
question[4] = "Whose secretary was Miss Moneypenny?";//M
question[5] = "Who was the first person to reach the South Pole?"; //Roald Amundsen
question[6] = "The zloty is the currency of what country?";//Poland
question[7] = "What famous Australian landmark was opened in 1932?"; //Sydney Harbour Bridge
question[8] = "Siam is the former name for which country?";//Thailand
question[9] = "What do the letters DVD stand for?";//Digital Versatile Disk
ans[1]="Freddie Mercury";
ans[2]="Bob Dylan";
ans[3]= "32";
ans[5]="Roald Amundsen";
ans[7]="Sydney Harbour Bridge";
ans[9]="Digital Versatile Disk";
for (int i =0; i<5; i++){
n=r.nextInt(10);//Declare n as the random number between 0-9
input=JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, question[n]);
String input1= input.trim();//Trim answer
else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Sorry that was incorrect\n The answer we were looking for was "+ans[n]);
int output1=correct*20;//to work out correct percentage rate
//Output message pane showing results
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, correct+ " right answers\n" +incorrect+ " incorrect answers\n " + output1+"% Success Rate ");