my end goal is to make 4 different level's. kind of like 2d mario game. I read some where that there are two ways to make a level.
1st is to use a background image. and when user hit right key, than you should move the background to left. that way it will look like player is moving right.
2nd way is to make a 2d string array. and in that array there will be alot of g, s, p,e. so where u put g, put load a image of ground. where u put s, upload a sky image, and so on...
try to expain which way is better. for ex i would think 2nd way would take alot longer. where 1st way gound be easier to set up. but with 2nd way u can do alot more stuff...
also how would i set up the class for 4 different level's..
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