I am writing this code for a simple program that would allow a place such as a DMV. It would have two lines and go through as shown in the code below. I just have no idea why its not even compiling let alone not working. Maybe I'm just over looking something simple because I've been looking at this code so much. Please if you can help at all, it would be much appreciated.
import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Random; import java.util.LinkedList; class Person { Random generator = new Random(); int age = age(); int gender = gender(); int costumerID; int testTime = testTime(); private int age() { int age = generator.nextInt(50) + 16; if (age <= 33) return 0; else return 1; } private int testTime() { int temp; temp = age / 10; return temp; } private int gender() { int gender = generator.nextInt(2) + 1; return gender; // 1 is for female } } public class DMV2 { static Random generator = new Random(); public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); Queue renewal = new LinkedList(); Queue test = new LinkedList(); Person[][] desks = new Person[4][4]; Person[] tellers = new Person[2]; Person person = new Person(); double grade, gTotal = 0; int totalFailed = 0, totalPassed = 0; int costumer = 0, totalTests =0; int renewed = 0; System.out.println("Welcome to the DMV"); System.out.println("Please enter amount of people that entered DMV today: "); int costumerTotal = input.nextInt(); person.costumerID = costumer + 1; for (int i=0; i<= costumerTotal; i++){ lineChoice(renewal, test, person); if (renewal.peek() != null){ for (int j=0; j <= tellers.length; j++){ if (tellers[j] == null){ tellers[j] = (Person) renewal.peek(); } else{ System.out.println("Costumer: " + tellers[j] + "is done renewing."); tellers[j] = null; renewed++; } } } for (int x=0;x<= 4;x = x+2){ for (int y=0;y<=4;y++){ if (desks[x][y] == null){ desks[x][y] = (Person) test.peek(); test.remove(); } else if (person.testTime == 0){ System.out.println("Costumer: " + person.costumerID + "is done with their test"); desks[x][y] = null; totalTests = totalTests + 1; grade = grade(); if (person.gender == 1) grade = grade + 15.0; if (grade <=50.0){ totalFailed++; System.out.println("Sorry costumer: "+ person.costumerID + " you failed please come again another day."); } else{ totalPassed++; System.out.println("Congradualtions! Costumer: " + person.costumerID + " you passed."); } gTotal = gTotal + grade; } else person.testTime = person.testTime - 1; } } } results(totalFailed, totalPassed, costumerTotal, gTotal, totalTests, renewed); } private static void results(int totalFailed, int totalPassed,int costumerTotal,double gTotal,int totalTests, int renewed ) { double gAverage; gAverage = gTotal / totalTests; System.out.println("Total number of costumers: " + costumerTotal); System.out.println("Total number of people who renewed: " + renewed); System.out.println(totalTests + " people took the test"); System.out.println(totalFailed + " people failed while " + totalPassed + " people passed."); System.out.println("The average grade was: " + gAverage); } private static double grade() { double temp = generator.nextDouble() * 100.0; return temp; } private static Queue lineChoice(Queue renewal, Queue test, Person person){ int line = generator.nextInt(2) + 1; if(line == 1){ renewal.add(person); return renewal; } else{ test.add(person); return test; } } }