When I run my code and say that I am 17 years old it asks if I have my license but then it wont let me type???
import java.util.*; public class test { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner k=new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("How old are you?"); int a=k.nextInt(); if (a<16) { System.out.print("It's too bad you can't drive."); } if (a==16) { System.out.print("Do you have your permit yet?"); String p=k.nextLine(); if (p.equals("yes")) { System.out.print("Cool!"); String c=k.nextLine(); } } if (a>16) { System.out.print("So.....you have your liscence right....right?"); String d=k.nextLine(); if (d.equals("no")) { System.out.print("Now, that is just embarassing!"); } } } }