hello i have problem with my code. When i run the program it asking user to enter First Name Last name and account number but then when i will move to menu Check balance or different menu then when i comeback to main menu it ask me to enter information again and i dont have any idea how to fix it to ask me only
at the beginning to insert this information not everytime when i comeback to main manu
/** * * @author Karol Regulski */ import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { private double currentBal =1000; Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); public String userfName() { System.out.print("Enter your First Name: "); String fname = input.next(); return fname; } public String userlName() { System.out.print("Enter your Last Name: "); String lname = input.next(); return lname; } public int userAccount() { System.out.print("Enter your account number: "); int account; account = input.nextInt(); return account; } public void mainMenu() { String lName, fName; int uA; fName = userfName(); lName = userlName(); uA = userAccount(); int selection; System.out.print("Welcome to the ATM Machine!\n"); System.out.println("Select from the following menu options below:\n"); System.out.println("========================"); System.out.println("| [1] Check Balance |"); System.out.println("| [2] Withdrawal |"); System.out.println("| [3] Deposit |"); System.out.println("| [4] Exit |"); System.out.println("========================"); System.out.print("Please select your option now: "); selection =input.nextInt(); if (selection == 1) { viewBalance(); } else if (selection == 2) { withdrawFunds(); } else if (selection == 3) { depositFunds(); } else if (selection == 4) { System.out.println("Name:" + fName + " " + lName); System.out.println("Account Number:" + uA); System.out.println("Current Balance: " + currentBal); System.out.println("Thank you for using ATM! \n Goodbye! \n"); } } public void viewBalance() { int selection1; System.out.println("You have selected Balance.\n"); System.out.println("\t-- Your Current Balance is:$ " + currentBal); System.out.println("Return to main menu? \n [1] for YES \n"); selection1 =input.nextInt(); if (selection1 == 1) { mainMenu(); } } public void withdrawFunds() { int withdrawSelection; System.out.println("Amount to withdraw: "); System.out.println("[1] - $20"); System.out.println("[2] - $40"); System.out.println("[3] - $50"); System.out.println("[4] - $100"); System.out.println("[5] - MAIN MENU"); System.out.print("Please select your option now: "); withdrawSelection =input.nextInt(); if (withdrawSelection == 1) { accountWithdraw(20); mainMenu(); } else if (withdrawSelection == 2) { accountWithdraw(40); mainMenu(); } else if (withdrawSelection == 3) { accountWithdraw(50); mainMenu(); } else if (withdrawSelection == 4) { accountWithdraw(100); mainMenu(); } else if (withdrawSelection == 5) { mainMenu(); } } public void accountWithdraw(int withdrawFunds) { currentBal = currentBal -withdrawFunds - 1.50; System.out.println("Please take your funds."); } public void depositFunds() { int addSelection; System.out.println("Amount to deposit: "); System.out.println("[1] - $20"); System.out.println("[2] - $40"); System.out.println("[3] - $50"); System.out.println("[4] - $100"); System.out.println("[5] - MAIN MENU"); System.out.print("Please select your option now: "); addSelection =input.nextInt(); if (addSelection == 1) { accountAdd(20); mainMenu(); } else if (addSelection == 2) { accountAdd(40); mainMenu(); } else if (addSelection == 3) { accountAdd(50); mainMenu(); } else if (addSelection == 4) { accountAdd(100); mainMenu(); } else if (addSelection == 5) { mainMenu(); } } public void accountAdd (int depositFunds) { currentBal = currentBal +depositFunds - 1.50; System.out.println("Thank you."); } public static void main(String[] args) { new Main().mainMenu(); //creating the instance and calling the method } }