Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; //given an object scanner and calling it keyboard
int randomOne=0, randomTwo=0, problems=1; //memory allocation holds first random number second random number and problems which acts as a counter to keep track of the amount of problems
int realAnswer=0, userAnswer=0, correct=0, inCorrect=0;//memory allocation product hols the right answer user answer holds the user answer correct holds number of correct and incorrect answers
int choice;
while (problems <= 10){//produces 10 multiplication problems after 10 user will be asked if they wish to have another 10 or to quit
System.out.println("Problem"+ problems + ":"); //prints numbers 1-10
randomOne = generator.nextInt(13);// generates numbers from 1-13
randomTwo = generator.nextInt(13);//generates numbers from 1-13
realAnswer = randomOne * randomTwo; //calculates what these two numbers are equal to
System.out.println(randomOne+ "*" + randomTwo);//asks the user for their guess as to the answer
userAnswer = keyboard.nextInt();
if(userAnswer == realAnswer){
System.out.println("correct! well done! ");
correct++;//increments the variable correct
System.out.println("incorrect.Try again" + randomOne + "*" +randomTwo);
while(userAnswer != realAnswer)//this while loop makes the user re-answer the question if they get it wrong
inCorrect++;//increments the variable inCorrect
userAnswer = keyboard.nextInt();
problems++;//increments the variable Problems
System.out.println("you got" + correct + "correct!");
System.out.println("you got" + inCorrect + "incorrect");
// here want to ask if they wish to continue or to exit and if continues selected they get another 10 qs dont know how