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Thread: Need help with Date change

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts

    Default Need help with Date change

    I need help. "The maximum value of day depends on the month for the date. The maximum day for the month of February also depends on the year value for the ExtendedDate object (i.e. is it a leap year or not?)". How do i go about setting this up within my code?

    package date;
    public class ExtendedDate extends Date {
          public int newMonth;
          public int newDay;
          public int newYear;
     	// Constructor that accepts parameters
    	public ExtendedDate(int newMonth, int newDay, int newYear) {
                    newMonth = 1;
    		newDay = 1;
    		newYear = 1900;
    	// Method to set the date – override inherited setDate method
    	// If data is invalid, do not change the receiver
         * @param monthInt
         * @param dayInt
         * @param yearInt
    	public void setDate(int newMonth, int newDay, int newYear) {
                    this.newMonth = newMonth;
    		this.newDay = newDay;
    		this.newYear = newYear;
    	// Method to set month ensuring that only valid changes are made
         * @param newMonth
        public void setMonth(int newMonth) {
            if(isValidDate(newMonth, newDay, newYear)){
            this.newMonth = newMonth;
        else {
           this.newMonth =(1); 
    	// Method to set day ensuring that only valid changes are made
    	public void setDay(int newDay) {
            if(isValidDate(newMonth, newDay, newYear)){  
           this.newDay = newDay;
    // Method to set year ensuring that only valid changes are made
    	public void setYear(int newYear) {
            if(isValidDate(newMonth, newDay, newYear)){
           this.newYear = newYear;
    // New method to verify a date
    	// Valid range is 1-1-1900 through 12-31-2999
         * @param newMonth
         * @param newDay
         * @param newYear
         * @return
        public static boolean isValidDate(int newMonth, int newDay, int newYear) {
               if ( newMonth < 13 ||  newMonth > 0){
                                      return true;
               if (newDay < 31 || newDay >0){
               return true;
              if (newYear > 1899 || newYear < 2999) {
              return true;
            return false;
    // Method to test for a leap year
    	public static boolean isLeapYear(int newYear) {
                if (newYear == newYear*4){
    		return true;
                return false;
    // Instance method version of the above
    	public boolean isLeapYear() {
    		return true;
    // Return number of days in a month
    	public int daysInMonth() {
    		return 0;
        // Return number of days passed in year (includes current day)
    	public int daysToDate() {
    		return 0;
            // Return number of days remaining in year
         * @return
    	public int daysRemainingInYear() {
    		return 0;

    --- Update ---

    Here's an updated code

    package date;
    public class ExtendedDate extends Date {
          public int newMonth;
          public int newDay;
          public int newYear;
     	// Constructor that accepts parameters
    	public ExtendedDate(int newMonth, int newDay, int newYear) {
                    newMonth = 1;
    		newDay = 1;
    		newYear = 1900;
    	// Method to set the date – override inherited setDate method
    	// If data is invalid, do not change the receiver
         * @param monthInt
         * @param dayInt
         * @param yearInt
    	public void setDate(int newMonth, int newDay, int newYear) {
                    this.newMonth = newMonth;
    		this.newDay = newDay;
    		this.newYear = newYear;
    	// Method to set month ensuring that only valid changes are made
         * @param newMonth
        public void setMonth(int newMonth) {
            if(isValidDate(newMonth, newDay, newYear)){
            this.newMonth = newMonth;
        else {
           this.newMonth =(1); 
    	// Method to set day ensuring that only valid changes are made
    	public void setDay(int newDay) {
            if(isValidDate(newMonth, newDay, newYear)){  
           this.newDay = newDay;
           if(newDay == 30 && newMonth == 2 ){
            newMonth = 3;
           if(newDay == 31 && newMonth == 2 ){
            newMonth = 3;
           if(newDay == 31 && newMonth == 9 ){
            newMonth = 10;
           if(newDay == 31 && newMonth == 4 ){
            newMonth = 5;
           if(newDay == 31 && newMonth == 6 ){
            newMonth = 7;
           if(newDay == 31 && newMonth == 11 ){
            newMonth = 12;
            }else {
           this.newDay =(1); 
    // Method to set year ensuring that only valid changes are made
    	public void setYear(int newYear) {
            if(isValidDate(newMonth, newDay, newYear)){
           this.newYear = newYear;
            } else {
           this.newYear =(1); 
    // New method to verify a date
    	// Valid range is 1-1-1900 through 12-31-2999
         * @param newMonth
         * @param newDay
         * @param newYear
         * @return
        public static boolean isValidDate(int newMonth, int newDay, int newYear) {
               if ( newMonth < 13 ||  newMonth > 0){
                                      return true;
               if (newDay < 31 || newDay >0){
               return true;
              if (newYear > 1899 || newYear < 2999) {
              return true;
            return false;
    // Method to test for a leap year
    	public static boolean isLeapYear(int newYear) {
                if (newYear == newYear*4){
    		return true;
                return false;
    // Instance method version of the above
    	public boolean isLeapYear() {
    		return true;
    // Return number of days in a month
    	public int daysInMonth() {
    		return 0;
        // Return number of days passed in year (includes current day)
    	public int daysToDate() {
    		return 0;
            // Return number of days remaining in year
         * @return
    	public int daysRemainingInYear() {
    		return 0;

    --- Update ---

    Here's another update.

    package date;
    public class ExtendedDate extends Date {
          public int newMonth;
          public int newDay;
          public int newYear;
     	// Constructor that accepts parameters
    	public ExtendedDate(int newMonth, int newDay, int newYear) {
                    newMonth = 1;
    		newDay = 1;
    		newYear = 1900;
    	// Method to set the date – override inherited setDate method
    	// If data is invalid, do not change the receiver
         * @param monthInt
         * @param dayInt
         * @param yearInt
    	public void setDate(int newMonth, int newDay, int newYear) {
                    this.newMonth = newMonth;
    		this.newDay = newDay;
    		this.newYear = newYear;
    	// Method to set month ensuring that only valid changes are made
         * @param newMonth
        public void setMonth(int newMonth) {
            if(isValidDate(newMonth, newDay, newYear)){
            this.newMonth = newMonth;
        else {
           this.newMonth =(1); 
    	// Method to set day ensuring that only valid changes are made
    	public void setDay(int newDay) {
                 if(isLeapYear () && newMonth == 2 && newDay > 29){
                  newDay = 30;  
            if(isValidDate(newMonth, newDay, newYear)){  
           this.newDay = newDay;
           if(newDay == 30 && newMonth == 2 ){
            newMonth = 3;
           if(newDay == 31 && newMonth == 2 ){
            newMonth = 3;
           if (newDay > 29 && newYear %4 == 0 && newMonth == 2){
           newDay = 30;
           if(newDay == 31 && newMonth == 9 ){
            newMonth = 10;
           if(newDay == 31 && newMonth == 4 ){
            newMonth = 5;
           if(newDay == 31 && newMonth == 6 ){
            newMonth = 7;
           if(newDay == 31 && newMonth == 11 ){
            newMonth = 12;
            }else {
           this.newDay =(1); 
    // Method to set year ensuring that only valid changes are made
    	public void setYear(int newYear) {
            if(isValidDate(newMonth, newDay, newYear)){
           this.newYear = newYear;
            } else {
           this.newYear =(1); 
    // New method to verify a date
    	// Valid range is 1-1-1900 through 12-31-2999
         * @param newMonth
         * @param newDay
         * @param newYear
         * @return
        public static boolean isValidDate(int newMonth, int newDay, int newYear) {
               if ( newMonth < 13 ||  newMonth > 0){
                                      return true;
               if (newDay < 31 || newDay >0){
               return true;
              if (newYear > 1899 || newYear < 2999) {
              return true;
            return false;
    // Method to test for a leap year
    	public static boolean isLeapYear(int newYear) {
                if (newYear % 4 == 0){
    		return true;
                return false;
    // Instance method version of the above
    	public boolean isLeapYear() {
    		return true;
    // Return number of days in a month
    	public int daysInMonth() {
    		return 0;
        // Return number of days passed in year (includes current day)
    	public int daysToDate() {
    		return 0;
            // Return number of days remaining in year
         * @return
    	public int daysRemainingInYear() {
    		return 0;

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Eastern Florida
    Thanked 2,725 Times in 2,675 Posts

    Default Re: Need help with Date change

    How do i go about setting this up within my code?
    Can you explain what you are trying to do? For example given a date, what results do you want?
    What parts of the date would you use to obtain those results?
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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