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Thread: Connect Four GUI Help needed

  1. #1
    Junior Member Hobbs's Avatar
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    Default Connect Four GUI Help needed

    Hi, my name is Hobbs and I'm obviously new to these forums. Im a beginner Java student who right now is in a bit of trouble. For my final project I am suppose to make a connect four game complete with GUI. Unfortunately we were not taught GUI in the class and the only chapter in the book tells us how to make a window with buttons. I think the rest of my code is good but I have no idea how to make the game board to show pieces and have it work with my array and such. Any help is appreciated.

    Link to Code
    import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java - Pastebin.com

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curmudgeon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Connect Four GUI Help needed

    You'll want to post your pertinent code here in the forum for all to see as many will not click on links. If you do post this, please be sure to use [code] [/code] tags per the forum FAQ.

  3. #3
    Junior Member Hobbs's Avatar
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    Default Re: Connect Four GUI Help needed

    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.MouseInputListener;
    public class Project {
      public static void main(String args[]){
       boolean continuePlay = true;
       int player1Score = 0;
       int player2Score = 0;
       JFrame game = new Connect4(); //call the gameboard
    class Connect4 extends JFrame
     final static int NUMROWS = 6;
     final static int NUMCOLUMNS = 7;
     final int EMPTY = 0;
     static int currentPlayer = 0;
     int playerNumber = 1;
     static int[][] gameboard = new int[NUMCOLUMNS][NUMROWS];
     int x;
     //create the game board GUI
     private JFrame board;
     //create a place in the game board for the pieces
     private JLabel[][] grid;
     //Constructor (Make the Game Board)
     public Connect4()
      //set the game board to blank
      for ( int y = 0 ; y < NUMROWS ; y++ ) 
       for ( int x = 0 ; x < NUMCOLUMNS ; x++)
        gameboard[x][y] = EMPTY ;
      //create a GUI
      board = new JFrame("Connect 4");
      JPanel panel = (JPanel) board.getContentPane();
      // 10 x 10 for each disk and then 10 x 10 for the buttons
      board.setSize(750 , 750);
      //panel.setLayout(new GridLayout( (NUMROWS + 1),NUMCOLUMNS));
      grid = new JLabel[NUMCOLUMNS][NUMROWS];
      //create the individual Jlabels
      for (int y = 0 ; y < NUMROWS ; y++)
       for ( int x = 0 ; x < NUMCOLUMNS ; x++)
        grid[x][y] = new JLabel();
       // panel.add(grid[x][y]);
      //create buttons above the columns
      JButton jbtcol0 = new JButton("Column 1");
      JButton jbtcol1 = new JButton("Column 2");
      JButton jbtcol2 = new JButton("Column 3");
      JButton jbtcol3 = new JButton("Column 4");
      JButton jbtcol4 = new JButton("Column 5");
      JButton jbtcol5 = new JButton("Column 6");
      JButton jbtcol6 = new JButton("Column 7");
      //add buttons to the board
      JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();
      //add panel to the game board
      //Register Listeners for the buttons
      Column_1ListenerClass listener0 = new Column_1ListenerClass();
      Column_2ListenerClass listener1 = new Column_2ListenerClass();
      Column_3ListenerClass listener2 = new Column_3ListenerClass();
      Column_4ListenerClass listener3 = new Column_4ListenerClass();
      Column_5ListenerClass listener4 = new Column_5ListenerClass();
      Column_6ListenerClass listener5 = new Column_6ListenerClass();
      Column_7ListenerClass listener6 = new Column_7ListenerClass();
     //reset the game board
     public void reset(){
      for( int y = 0 ; y < NUMROWS ; y++)
       for ( int x = 0 ; x < NUMCOLUMNS ; x++)
        //Game logic to blank
        gameboard[x][y] = EMPTY;
        //GUI update to blank
      public static void changePlayer()
       if (currentPlayer == 0) 
         currentPlayer = 1;
       else if (currentPlayer == 1)
         currentPlayer = 2;
       else currentPlayer = 1;
      public static boolean canDropDisk ( int x )
       if ( gameboard[x][0] == 0) 
         return true;
         return false;
      public int diskLands(int x)
       for ( int y = NUMROWS ; y <= 0 ; y-- )
        if (gameboard[y][x] == 0) 
          return y;
       return 0;
      public static void dropDisk(int x)
       //update array
       for ( int y = NUMROWS ; y <=0 ; y--)
        if(gameboard[y][x] == 0)
         gameboard[y][x] = currentPlayer;
      public boolean didWin()
       int numMatches;
       // check horizontally
       for ( int y = 0 ; y < NUMROWS ; y++)
        numMatches = 0;
        for ( int x = 0 ; x + 1 < NUMCOLUMNS ; x++)
         if ( ( gameboard[y][x] == gameboard[y][x+1]) && (gameboard[y][x] > 0) ) numMatches++;
         if (numMatches == 4)
           return true;
       //check vertically
       for ( int x = 0 ; x < NUMCOLUMNS ; x++)
        numMatches = 0;
        for ( int y = 0 ; y + 1 < NUMROWS ; y++)
        if ( ( gameboard[y][x] == gameboard[y+1][x]) && (gameboard[y][x] > 0 )) numMatches++;
        if ( numMatches == 4) 
          return true;
       //check right slanted diagonal
       for ( int y = 3 ; y < NUMROWS ; y++)
        numMatches = 0;
        for ( int x = 0 ; x < 4 ; x++)
         if ((gameboard[y][x] == gameboard[y+1][x+1]) && (gameboard [y][x] == gameboard[y+2][x+2]) && (gameboard[y][x] == gameboard[y+3][x+3]) && (gameboard[y][x] > 0)) 
           return true;
       //check left slanted diagonal
       for ( int y = 3 ; y < NUMROWS ; y ++)
        numMatches = 0;
        for ( int x = 3 ; x < NUMCOLUMNS ; x++)
         if ((gameboard[y][x] == gameboard[y-1][x-1]) && (gameboard [y][x] == gameboard[y-2][x-2]) && (gameboard[y][x] == gameboard[y-3][x-3]) && (gameboard[y][x] > 0)) 
           return true;
       return false;
      public int whoWon()
       int numMatches;
       int matchingNumber = 0;
       // check horizontally
       for ( int y = 0 ; y < NUMROWS ; y++)
        numMatches = 0;
        for ( int x = 0 ; x + 1 < NUMCOLUMNS ; x++){
         if ( ( gameboard[y][x] == gameboard[y][x+1]) && (gameboard[y][x] > 0) )
          matchingNumber = gameboard[y][x];
         if (numMatches == 4) return matchingNumber;
       //check vertically
       for ( int x = 0 ; x < NUMCOLUMNS ; x++)
        numMatches = 0;
        for ( int y = 0 ; y + 1 < NUMROWS ; y++)
        if ( ( gameboard[y][x] == gameboard[y+1][x]) && (gameboard[y][x] > 0 )) 
         matchingNumber = gameboard[y][x];
        if ( numMatches == 4) return matchingNumber;
       //check right slanted diagonal
       for ( int y = 3 ; y < NUMROWS ; y++)
        numMatches = 0;
        for ( int x = 0 ; x < 4 ; x++){
         if ((gameboard[y][x] == gameboard[y+1][x+1]) && (gameboard [y][x] == gameboard[y+2][x+2]) && (gameboard[y][x] == gameboard[y+3][x+3]) && (gameboard[y][x] > 0)) 
           return (gameboard[y][x]);
       //check left slanted diagonal
       for ( int y = 3 ; y < NUMROWS ; y ++)
        numMatches = 0;
        for ( int x = 3 ; x < NUMCOLUMNS ; x++)
         if ((gameboard[y][x] == gameboard[y-1][x-1]) && (gameboard [y][x] == gameboard[y-2][x-2]) && (gameboard[y][x] == gameboard[y-3][x-3]) && (gameboard[y][x] > 0)) 
           return (gameboard[y][x]);
       return matchingNumber;
    class Disk extends JLabel{
     public void animateFall(int column , int row, int player){
      //create a disk that starts above the top row in that column and falls to the desired row
     protected void paintComponent(Graphics G){
    class Winner extends JLabel{
    class Column_1ListenerClass implements ActionListener{
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
      if (Connect4.canDropDisk(0) ){
    class Column_2ListenerClass implements ActionListener{
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
      if (Connect4.canDropDisk(1) ){
    class Column_3ListenerClass implements ActionListener{
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
      if (Connect4.canDropDisk(2) ){
    class Column_4ListenerClass implements ActionListener{
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
      if (Connect4.canDropDisk(3) ){
    class Column_5ListenerClass implements ActionListener{
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
      if (Connect4.canDropDisk(4) ){
    class Column_6ListenerClass implements ActionListener{
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
      if (Connect4.canDropDisk(5) ){
    class Column_7ListenerClass implements ActionListener{
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
      if (Connect4.canDropDisk(6) ){

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Connect Four GUI Help needed

    The tutorials are a good place to start for learning how to write GUI:
    Trail: Creating a GUI With JFC/Swing (The Java™ Tutorials)
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  5. #5
    Junior Member Hobbs's Avatar
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    Default Re: Connect Four GUI Help needed

    Thanks. Il check that out and ask more questions if i have them

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