Consider a CheckingAccount class, which has acctNo, name , balance, a status field to represent an active or inactive account, a minimum balance field, and a service charge field. If the balance of a checking account falls below the minimum balance, it becomes inactive. No withdrawals may be made until balance is raised above the minimum balance, at which time the account becomes active again. Create appropriate consturctors, accessors, and mutators for the CheckingAccount class. The class should also include the following methods:
• withdraw: a method that determines whether the account is inactive before a withdraw is made. (No withdraw will be allowed if the account is not active.) A withdrawal is then made.
• deposit: a method that determines whether the account is inactive before a deposit is made. If the account is inactive and the deposit brings the balance over the minimum balance, the account becomes active gain. A deposit is then made.
• getMonthlyStatement: a method that prints the account information at the end of each month. If the balance in the account were less than the minimum balance requirement, service fee would be charged. A getMonthlySatement is then made.