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Thread: How To send sms from javaapplication to mobile

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts

    Cool How To send sms from javaapplication to mobile

    import java.net.*;
    import java.io.*;

    public class sendsms {

    public static String server;
    public static String user;
    public static String password;
    public static String phonenumber;
    public static String text;
    public static String data;
    public static String udh;
    public static String pid;
    public static String dcs;
    public static String sender;
    public static String validity;
    public static String servicetype;
    public static String smscroute;
    public static String receiptrequested;
    public static String sourceport;
    public static String destport;
    public static String delayuntil;
    public static String voicemail;
    public static String wapurl;
    public static String wapsl;

    public static String url_str;

    public static void init () {
    server = null;
    user = null;
    password = null;
    phonenumber = null;
    text = null;
    data = null;
    udh = null;
    pid = null;
    dcs = null;
    sender = null;
    validity = null;
    servicetype = null;
    smscroute = null;
    receiptrequested = null;
    sourceport = null;
    destport = null;
    delayuntil = null;
    voicemail = null;
    wapurl = null;
    wapsl = null;

    public static void setvar (String argname, String argvalue) {

    if (argname != null) {
    if (argvalue != null) {
    url_str = url_str + "&" + argname + "=";
    try {
    String encoded = URLEncoder.encode (argvalue, "UTF-8");
    url_str = url_str + encoded;
    catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    url_str = url_str + argvalue;


    public static String send () {

    String returnstring;

    returnstring = null;

    if (server == null) {
    System.out.println("sendsms.server value not set");
    return returnstring;

    url_str = server + "?";
    setvar("user", user);
    setvar("password", password);
    setvar("phonenumber", phonenumber);
    setvar("text", text);
    setvar("data", data);
    setvar("udh", udh);
    setvar("pid", pid);
    setvar("dcs", dcs);
    setvar("sender", sender);
    setvar("validity", validity);
    setvar("servicetype", servicetype);
    setvar("smscroute", smscroute);
    setvar("receiptrequested", receiptrequested);
    setvar("sourceport", sourceport);
    setvar("destport", destport);
    setvar("delayuntil", delayuntil);
    setvar("voicemail", voicemail);
    setvar("wapurl", wapurl);
    setvar("wapsl", wapsl);

    try {
    URL url2=new URL(url_str);

    HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url2.openConnection();

    String res=connection.getResponseMessage();

    System.out.println("Response Code ->"+res);

    int code = connection.getResponseCode () ;

    if ( code == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK ) {
    //Get response data.
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));

    String str;

    while( null != ((str = in.readLine()))) {
    if (str.startsWith("MessageID=")) {
    returnstring = returnstring + str + "\r\n";
    connection.disconnect() ;
    catch(IOException e) {
    System.out.println("unable to create new url"+e.getMessage());
    return returnstring;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    sendsms.server = "http://way2sms.com/";
    sendsms.user = "test";
    sendsms.password = "test";
    sendsms.phonenumber = "+9999999999";
    sendsms.text = "This is a test message";


  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Eastern Florida
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    Default Re: How To send sms from javaapplication to mobile

    Is this a question or a demonstration of working code?

    Please edit your post and wrap your code with
    to get highlighting and preserve formatting.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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