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Thread: Instance Variable does't work in extended class?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Instance Variable does't work in extended class?

    Hey guys, I have a super class and a class that extends it. For some reason, the variable cur doesn't work in the extended class even though it should work just fine. The errors are in the nextValue() method in the subclass. Why is this?

    Super Class:
    package CF02to06Progression;
     * Code Fragment 2.2: General numeric progression class.
     * A class for numeric progressions.
    public class Progression 
    	/** First value of the progression */
    	protected long first;
    	/** Current value of the progression */
    	protected long cur;
    	/** Default Constructor */
    		cur = first = 0;
    	/** Resets the progression to the first value.
    	 *@return first value	 
    	protected long firstValue()
    		cur = first;
    		return cur;
    	/** Advances the progression to the next value 
    	 * @return next value of the progression
    	protected long nextValue()
    		return ++cur; // default next value
    	/** Prints the first n values of the progression
    	 * @param n number of values to print
    	public void printProgression(int n)
    		for(int i = 2; i <= n; i++)
    			System.out.println(" " + nextValue());
    		System.out.println(); // ends the line

    package CF02to06Progression;
     * Code Fragment 2.3: Class for arithmetic progressions, which inherits from the
     * general progression class shown in Code Fragment 2.2
     * Arithmetic progression.
    public class ArithProgression extends Progression
    	/** Increment */
    	protected long inc;
    	// Inherits variables first and cur
    	/** Default constructor setting a unit increment */
    	/** Parametric constructor providing the increment. */
    	ArithProgression(long increment)
    		inc = increment;
    	/** Advances the progression by adding the increment to the current value
    	 * @return next value of the progression
    	protected long nextValue()
    		cur += inc; // errors here
    		return cur; // and here
    	// Inherits methods firstValue() and printProgression(int).

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Instance Variable does't work in extended class?

    The errors are in the nextValue() method in the subclass
    You forgot to post the full text of the error messages.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Instance Variable does't work in extended class?

    i'm not too sure if you can increment cur like the way you did in your super class... that kind of syntax works in the c/c++ languages

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Instance Variable does't work in extended class?

    Thanks a lot guys, for some reason the program ran just fine after I saved it for some reason...

  5. #5
    Super Moderator helloworld922's Avatar
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    Default Re: Instance Variable does't work in extended class?

    Quote Originally Posted by C++kingKnowledge View Post
    i'm not too sure if you can increment cur like the way you did in your super class... that kind of syntax works in the c/c++ languages
    Prefix/postfix increment/decrement operators work in Java as they do in C/C++

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