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Thread: help with defining a method

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default help with defining a method

    I'm having a bit of trouble with this..

    public void emptySquare(Location l)
    		Pre-condition: the given Location value is within
    					   the bounds of the current Grid
    		Post-condition: the square at the position in the
    						grid indicated by the given Location
    						value is altered to be empty
    		Informally: update the square at the nominated location
    					of the grid with the empty symbol
    		Square q;
          	trace("emptySquare: emptySquare starts");
    		//COMPLETE ME!!!
          	trace("emptySquare: emptySquare ends");

    I'm not sure how to implement square q. Does this seem right to you?


    Below is the full class with completed and some remaining methods still to be written..

    *	Grid ADT
    *	@author J.R.Dermoudy and <<INSERT YOUR NAME HERE>>
    *	@version December 2005
    	This file holds the Grid ADT which represents
    	the Nim board.  The Grid consists of an	array
    	of the (linear) squares in the board.
    import java.awt.*;
    public class Grid implements GridInterface
    	private final int DIMENSION=21;						// number of squares in grid
    	private final int MAXIMUM_ROW=6;					// number of rows in grid
    	private final boolean TRACING=true;				// do we want to see trace output?
    	// properties
    	private int dimension;			// the number of rows in the grid
    	private Square board[];			// all the Squares within the grid
    	public Grid()
    		Constructor method.
    		Pre-condition: none
    		Post-condition: a 21 element grid is created in
    						which all squares are occupied		
    		Informally: create a full 6 row triangular grid
    		int i,r,c;
    		Location l;
    		trace("Grid: constructor begins");
    		board=new Square[DIMENSION];
    		trace("Grid: building squares");
    		for (r=0; r<MAXIMUM_ROW; r++)
    			for (c=0; c<=r; c++)
    				l=new Location(r+1,c+1);
    				board[i]=new Square(l);
    		trace("Grid: constructor ends");
    	private int findIndex(Location l)
    		Locate index in grid which corresponds to square at
    		given location
    		Pre-condition: location is within the current grid
    		Post-condition: the index of the element with the given
    						location is returned
    		Informally: identify which array element is at the given
    		int i,r,c;
    		trace("findIndex: findIndex starts");	
    		for (r=1;r<l.getRow();r++)
    			for (c=1;c<=r;c++)
    		trace("findIndex: findIndex ends");
    		return i;
    	public void setSquare(Location l, Square s) throws IllegalGridException
    		Set method for an element of the "board" instance variable.
    		Pre-condition: the given Square object and the board array
    					   are defined
    		Post-condition: the given square is assigned to an element
    						of the Grid object selected according to
    						the given location within the grid
    		Informally: insert the given square into the grid at the
    					appropriate location, an exception is thrown if
    					the location is not within the grid
    		int i;
          	trace("setSquare: setSquare starts");
    		//COMPLETE ME!!!
    			throw new IllegalGridException();
          	trace("setSquare: setSquare ends");
    	public Square getSquare(Location l) throws IllegalGridException
    		Get method for an element of the "board" instance variable.
    		Pre-condition: the board array is defined
    		Post-condition: the Square object at the appropriate
    						element of the "board" selected according
    						to the given Location value is returned
    		Informally: return the square of the grid at the given
    					location, an exception is thrown if the
    					location is not within the grid
    		int i;
          	trace("getSquare: getSquare starts");
    		//COMPLETE ME!!!
    		if (!validMove(l))
    			throw new IllegalGridException();
    		return board[i];
    	public void setDimension(int d)
    		Set method for the "dimension" instance variable.
    		Pre-condition: the given Dimension value is defined and
    		Post-condition: the instance variable "dimension" is
    						assigned the given Dimension value
    		Informally: assign the given dimension to the Grid object
          	trace("setDimension: setDimension starts");
    		//COMPLETE ME!!!
    		dimension=d; //assigns d to the dimension int variable
          	trace("setDimension: setDimension ends");
    	public int getDimension()
    		Get method for "dimension" instance variable.
    		Pre-condition: none
    		Post-condition: the value of the Grid object's dimension
    						field is returned
    		Informally: return the current grid's dimension
          	trace("getDimension: getDimension starts and ends");
    		//COMPLETE ME!!!
    		return dimension; //returns the int dimension of the grid
    	public void emptySquare(Location l)
    		Pre-condition: the given Location value is within
    					   the bounds of the current Grid
    		Post-condition: the square at the position in the
    						grid indicated by the given Location
    						value is altered to be empty
    		Informally: update the square at the nominated location
    					of the grid with the empty symbol
    		Square q;
          	trace("emptySquare: emptySquare starts");
    		//COMPLETE ME!!!
          	trace("emptySquare: emptySquare ends");
    	public boolean isEmpty(Location l)
    		Pre-condition: the given Location value is within
    					   the bounds of the current grid
    		Post-condition: a Boolean value is returned which
    						represents whether the symbol of
    						the square of the current Grid
    						object with the given Location
    						value is empty
    		Informally: return whether or not the square at
    					the given location is empty
          	trace("isEmpty: isEmpty starts and ends");
    		//COMPLETE ME!!!
    	public boolean validMove(Location l)
    		Pre-condition: none
    		Post-condition: true is returned if the given
    						Location is within the bounds of
    						the current Grid object, false is
    						returned if it is not
    		Informally: return whether or not the given
    					location lies within the current grid
    		int r;
    		int c;
          	trace("validMove: validMove starts and ends");
    	public boolean gameOver()
    		Pre-condition: none
    		Post-condition: true is returned if the game is
    						over because the grid is empty
    		Informally: return whether or not the game is over
    		int r,c;
    		Location l;
          	trace("gameOver: gameOver starts");
          	trace("gameOver: gameOver ends");
      		return true;
    	public String toString()
    		Pre-condition: none
    		Post-condition: a String representation of the grid
    						is returned
    		Informally: find a String representation of the grid
    		String s="[";
    		int r,c;
    		Location l;
          	trace("toString: toString starts");
    		for (r=1;r<=dimension;r++)
    			for (c=1;c<=r;c++)
    				l=new Location(r,c);
    				if (isEmpty(l))
    					s+=" ";
    			if (r != dimension)
          	trace("toString: toString ends");
    		return s;
    	public void showGrid(Display s)
    		Pre-condition: the Screen parameter is correctly defined
    		Post-condition: the screen representation of the Grid
    						object is displayed on the given Screen
    		Informally: display the current grid
    		int i;
          	trace("showGrid: showGrid starts");
    		for (i=0; i<DIMENSION; i++)
    		trace("showGrid: grid is " + toString());
          	trace("showGrid: showGrid ends");
    	public void trace(String s)
    		Provide trace output.
    		Pre-condition: none
    		Post-condition: if trace output is desired then the given String
    						parameter is shown on the console
    		Informally: show the given message for tracing purposes
    		if (TRACING)
    			System.out.println("Grid: " + s);

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: help with defining a method

    Is this the same question?
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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