Hi again, I don't find any method that append my string to the vector element.
This just return the v.elementAt(i) with " hello" at the end. but doesn't modify the element. So i should asignate the returned string to other variable .Vector<String> v = new Vector<String>(); ... for(int i=0; i<v.size() ;i++) v.elementAt(i).concat(" hello");
I can't do this asignation: v.elementAt(i) = v.elementAt(i).concat(" hello");
Imagine all v.elements has 1234 already. Now I want to concat this (I want this output):
v.elementAt(0) = "1234 hello"
v.elementAt(1) = "1234 hello"
v.elementAt(2) = "1234 hello"
but I only get
v.elementAt(0) = "1234"
v.elementAt(0) = " hello"
If I use this i get replaced 1234 for hello, instead append it
for(int i=0; i<v.size() ;i++) v.add(i, "hello");