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Thread: Get int value from char, char pulled from String

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Get int value from char, char pulled from String

    I have a logic problem.

    My code is succesfully compiled, but when running it is not working the way it should.

    Briefly explained, I want my program to do a 'simple' add operation.
    However there are several conditions to it;
    You have to specify how many digits in a number are allowed to be able to add.
    And finally to recognize the character '=' or the value 61, to print the result.

    However, program is not recognizing the value of the character.

    Anyone knows what i'm doing wrong?

    /** Un programa que pida un numero de 3 digitos y sume el total */
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class SumaAvanzada{
        public static void main(String[] args ){
    	Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
    	// Variables e Inicializacion:
    	int filtro;
    	String input = "";
    	int numerodigit;
    	char digit;
    	int bloc;
    	int totalnum;
    	int total;
    	totalnum = 0;
    	total = 0;
    	int switchoff;
    	switchoff = 0;
    	// Obtiene el string y el numero de digitos permitidos:
    	System.out.println( " Ingrese el numero de digitos permitidos: " );
    	filtro = sc.nextInt();
    	System.out.println( " Sumar: " );
    	input = sc.next();
    	// Obtiene el numero de digitos de la String:
    	numerodigit = input.length();
    	// Compara el numero de digitos del string vs. el filtro designado:
    	if ( numerodigit == filtro ){
    	    // Lee cada char del string una a la vez.
            for ( int e = 0; e < numerodigit; e++ ){
            digit = input.charAt(e);
    		int digitval = (int) digit;
    		    // Determina la posicion del digito.
    		    int A = numerodigit - e;
    		    //  Si el char tiene un valor de 0 a 9...
    		    if ( digitval >= 0 && digitval <= 9 ){
    			    // Multiplica por multiplos de 10 correspondiente a la posicion del digito... 
    				bloc = 1;
    				do{ bloc = bloc * 10; A--; } while ( A > 0 );
    				bloc = bloc * digitval;
    			// y suma el resultado.
    		    totalnum = totalnum + bloc;
    			total = total + totalnum;
    			    if ( digitval == 61 ){ System.out.println( total ); switchoff = switchoff + 1;} 
    				    else System.out.println ( "Ingrese un numero valido o el symbolo \' = \' ." );
    	    System.out.println ( "Ingrese un numero valido o el symbolo \' = \' 2." );
    	}while ( switchoff == 1 );
    Andrew R.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Get int value from char, char pulled from String

    program is not recognizing the value of the character.
    Can you explain where the problem is? What character's value is not being recognized?
    Do you understand that the value of '3' is not the same as the int: 3
    See the ASCII character table for a description of character values.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Get int value from char, char pulled from String

    Try the following modification

    	// Lee cada char del string una a la vez.
            for ( int e = 0; e < numerodigit; e++ ){
            digit = input.charAt(e);
    		int digitval = Character.digit(digit, 10)

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Get int value from char, char pulled from String

    @ Norm,

    I do you understand that the value of '3' is not the same as the int: 3
    I know about the ASCII table.

    What I am ultimately trying to achieve is to get the int value of a char.

    @ mperemsky,

    I'll try it.
    Andrew R.

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